Williston Park Thai LLC

Address: 280 Hillside Avenue, Williston Park, NY 11596

SRIPRAPHAI THAI RESTAURANT (Health Operation# 718275) is a foood service establishment inspected by New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH). The last inspected date is November 12, 2018.

Business Overview

NYS Health Operation ID 718275
Food Service Description Food Service Establishment - Restaurant
Facility Address 280 Hillside Avenue
Williston Park
NY 11596
Municipality N. HEMPSTEAD
Permitted Corporation Name WILLISTON PARK THAI LLC
Permitted Operator Name LERSAK TIPMANEE
Permit Expiration Date 09/30/2019
Local Health Department Nassau County
NYSDOH Gazetteer 296000

Inspection Results

Date: 2018-12-27 Type: Re-Inspection Violations: 0 critical, 3 noncritical
Item 12E: Handwashing facilities inaccessible, improperly located, dirty, in disrepair, improper fixtures, soap, and single service towels or hand drying devices missing
Item 8A: Food not protected during storage, preparation, display, transportation and service, from potential sources of contamination (e.g., food uncovered, mislabeled, stored on floor, missing or inadequate sneeze guards, food containers double stacked)
Date: 2018-11-12 Type: Inspection Violations: 2 critical, 11 noncritical
Item 4A (Critical): Toxic chemicals are improperly labeled, stored or used so that contamination of food can occur.
Item 5C (Critical): Potentially hazardous foods are not stored under refrigeration except during necessary preparation or approved precooling procedures (room temperature storage).
Item 12E: Handwashing facilities inaccessible, improperly located, dirty, in disrepair, improper fixtures, soap, and single service towels or hand drying devices missing
Item 14A: Insects, rodents present
Item 13A: Adequate, leakproof, non-absorbent, vermin-proof, covered containers not provided where needed
Item 8A: Food not protected during storage, preparation, display, transportation and service, from potential sources of contamination (e.g., food uncovered, mislabeled, stored on floor, missing or inadequate sneeze guards, food containers double stacked)
Item 15A: Floors, walls, ceilings, not smooth, properly constructed, in disrepair, dirty surfaces
Item 11D: Non food contact surfaces of equipment not clean
Item 8B: In use food dispensing utensils improperly stored
Comments: Rating: C FMTC: Lersak Tipmanee #45259 exp Jan 2019 Food permit: F0118014 exp 9/30/19
Date: 2017-03-28 Type: Re-Inspection Violations: 1 critical, 1 noncritical
Item 2C (Critical): Cooked or prepared foods are subject to cross-contamination from raw foods.
Item 11D: Non food contact surfaces of equipment not clean
Date: 2017-03-06 Type: Inspection Violations: 3 critical, 5 noncritical
Item 5E (Critical): Enough refrigerated storage equipment is not present, properly designed, maintained or operated so that all potentially hazardous foods are cooled properly and stored below 45°F as required.
Item 5C (Critical): Potentially hazardous foods are not stored under refrigeration except during necessary preparation or approved precooling procedures (room temperature storage).
Item 5A (Critical): Potentially hazardous foods are not kept at or below 45°F during cold holding, except smoked fish not kept at or below 38°F during cold holding.
Item 11D: Non food contact surfaces of equipment not clean
Item 8A: Food not protected during storage, preparation, display, transportation and service, from potential sources of contamination (e.g., food uncovered, mislabeled, stored on floor, missing or inadequate sneeze guards, food containers double stacked)
Item 8F: Improper thawing procedures used
Item 12E: Handwashing facilities inaccessible, improperly located, dirty, in disrepair, improper fixtures, soap, and single service towels or hand drying devices missing
Comments: - GRADE: B - SEATING #: 70 - FMTC(12-10PM): LERSAK TIPMANEE (EXP.01/19-R, #45259)
Date: 2016-12-05 Type: Re-Inspection Violations: 0 critical, 0 noncritical
Date: 2016-11-22 Type: Inspection Violations: 1 critical, 3 noncritical
Item 4A (Critical): Toxic chemicals are improperly labeled, stored or used so that contamination of food can occur.
Item 14B: Effective measures not used to control entrance (rodent-, insect-proof contruction). Harborage areas available for rodents, insects and other vermin
Item 8F: Improper thawing procedures used
Item 11C: Food contact surfaces not washed, rinsed and sanitized after each use and following any time of operations when contamination may have occurred
Comments: Grade A 90 Seats Prayout Boonyasatid 9/2018 44680 and Darunee Tipmanee 6/2017 40700
Date: 2015-12-21 Type: Inspection Violations: 0 critical, 1 noncritical
Item 13B: Garbage storage areas not properly constructed or maintained, creating a nuisance
Comments: rating A 92 seats Lersak Tipmanee food manager training course certificate expires February 2016
Date: 2015-10-20 Type: Re-Inspection Violations: 0 critical, 1 noncritical
Item 14A: Insects, rodents present
Comments: FMTC Lersak Tipmanee exp. Feb. 2016 Durunee Tipmanee exp. June 2017 Seating capacity: 90
Date: 2015-09-29 Type: Re-Inspection Violations: 0 critical, 2 noncritical
Item 10B: Non-food contact surfaces and equipment are improperly designed, constructed, installed, maintained (equipment not readily accessible for cleaning, surface not smooth finish)
Item 14A: Insects, rodents present
Date: 2015-09-25 Type: Inspection Violations: 6 critical, 7 noncritical
Item 4A (Critical): Toxic chemicals are improperly labeled, stored or used so that contamination of food can occur.
Item 5A (Critical): Potentially hazardous foods are not kept at or below 45°F during cold holding, except smoked fish not kept at or below 38°F during cold holding.
Item 5E (Critical): Enough refrigerated storage equipment is not present, properly designed, maintained or operated so that all potentially hazardous foods are cooled properly and stored below 45°F as required.
Item 2C (Critical): Cooked or prepared foods are subject to cross-contamination from raw foods.
Item 14A: Insects, rodents present
Item 10B: Non-food contact surfaces and equipment are improperly designed, constructed, installed, maintained (equipment not readily accessible for cleaning, surface not smooth finish)
Item 8A: Food not protected during storage, preparation, display, transportation and service, from potential sources of contamination (e.g., food uncovered, mislabeled, stored on floor, missing or inadequate sneeze guards, food containers double stacked)
Item 14C: Pesticide application not supervised by a certified applicator
Item 11D: Non food contact surfaces of equipment not clean
Date: 2014-09-02 Type: Inspection Violations: 0 critical, 3 noncritical
Item 13B: Garbage storage areas not properly constructed or maintained, creating a nuisance
Item 15A: Floors, walls, ceilings, not smooth, properly constructed, in disrepair, dirty surfaces

Office Location

Street Address 280 HILLSIDE AVENUE
State NY
Zip 11596

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Dataset Information

Data Provider New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)
Jurisdiction New York State

This dataset includes 80k food service establishment inspected by New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH).

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