Public Schools

Jurisdiction: USA
Source: Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), Homeland Infrastructure Foundation - Level Data (HIFLD)

This dataset includes 102 thousand elementary and secondary education facilities in the United States as defined by the Common Core of Data (CCD), National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), US Department of Education. This includes all Kindergarten through 12th grade schools as tracked by the Common Core of Data. Included in this dataset are military schools in US territories and referenced in the city field with an APO or FPO address. Each public school is registered with name, address, website, phone, etc.

95823 · Search Result

Name Address Phone
PRAIRIE ELEMENTARY 5251 Valley Hi Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823-5143
BARBARA COMSTOCK MORSE ELEMENTARY 7000 Cranleigh Ave., Sacramento, CA 95823
CHARLES E. MACK ELEMENTARY 4701 Brookfield Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823-3733
JOHN REITH ELEMENTARY 8401 Valley Lark Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823-5872
SAMUEL JACKMAN MIDDLE 7925 Kentwal Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823-6637
PARKWAY ELEMENTARY 4720 Forest Pkwy., Sacramento, CA 95823
VALLEY HIGH 6300 Ehrhardt Ave., Sacramento, CA 95823-5637
DAYLOR (WILLIAM) HIGH (CONTINUATION) 6131 Orange Ave., Sacramento, CA 95823-3226
LUTHER BURBANK HIGH 3500 Florin Rd., Sacramento, CA 95823-1767
FERN BACON MIDDLE 4140 Cuny Ave., Sacramento, CA 95823-1911
RIO CAZADERO HIGH (CONTINUATION) 7825 Grandstaff Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823-4897
UNION HOUSE ELEMENTARY 7850 Deercreek Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823-4440
LAS FLORES HIGH (ALTERNATIVE) 5900 Bamford Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823-4607
FORTUNE 6829 Stockton Blvd., # 380-c, Ste. 100, Sacramento, CA 95823
CAPITAL CITY INDEPENDENT STUDY 7222 24th St., Sacramento, CA 95823
HERMAN LEIMBACH ELEMENTARY 8101 Grandstaff Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823-5312
NICHOLAS ELEMENTARY 6601 Steiner Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823-1429
BOWLING GREEN ELEMENTARY 4211 Turnbridge Dr., Sacramento, CA 95823-1999