Public Schools

Jurisdiction: USA
Source: Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), Homeland Infrastructure Foundation - Level Data (HIFLD)

This dataset includes 102 thousand elementary and secondary education facilities in the United States as defined by the Common Core of Data (CCD), National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), US Department of Education. This includes all Kindergarten through 12th grade schools as tracked by the Common Core of Data. Included in this dataset are military schools in US territories and referenced in the city field with an APO or FPO address. Each public school is registered with name, address, website, phone, etc.

90250 · Search Result

Name Address Phone
DA VINCI DESIGN 12501 Isis Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250
HAWTHORNE MIDDLE 4366 W. 129th St., Hawthorne, CA 90250
CIMARRON AVENUE ELEMENTARY 11559 Cimarron Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250
YORK 11838 S. York Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250
KIT CARSON ELEMENTARY 3530 W. 147th St., Hawthorne, CA 90250
HAWTHORNE HIGH 4859 W. El Segundo Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250-4204
RENAISSANCE COUNTY COMMUNITY 14600 Cerise Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250
DA VINCI COMMUNICATIONS HIGH 12495 Isis Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250
DA VINCI INNOVATION ACADEMY 13500 Aviation Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250
KORNBLUM 3620 W. El Segundo Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250
PRAIRIE VISTA MIDDLE 13600 S. Prairie Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250
HAWTHORNE MATH AND SCIENCE ACADEMY 4467 W. Brd.way, Hawthorne, CA 90250
RAMONA 4617 W. 136th St., Hawthorne, CA 90250
BUD CARSON MIDDLE 13838 S. Yukon Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250
OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEARNING - HERMOSA BEACH 13613 Hawthorne Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250
RICHARD HENRY DANA MIDDLE 5504 W. 135th St., Hawthorne, CA 90250-6462
PETER BURNETT ELEMENTARY 5403 W. 138th St., Hawthorne, CA 90250
WASHINGTON 4339 W. 129th St., Hawthorne, CA 90250
ZELA DAVIS 13435 S. Yukon Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250
JUAN DE ANZA ELEMENTARY 12110 Hindry Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250-3403
EUCALYPTUS 12044 S. Eucalyptus Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250
JEFFERSON 4091 W. 139th St., Hawthorne, CA 90250
JUAN CABRILLO ELEMENTARY 5309 W. 135th St., Hawthorne, CA 90250-4948
DA VINCI SCIENCE 13500 Aviation Blvd., Hawthorne, CA 90250