Public Schools

Jurisdiction: USA
Source: Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), Homeland Infrastructure Foundation - Level Data (HIFLD)

This dataset includes 102 thousand elementary and secondary education facilities in the United States as defined by the Common Core of Data (CCD), National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), US Department of Education. This includes all Kindergarten through 12th grade schools as tracked by the Common Core of Data. Included in this dataset are military schools in US territories and referenced in the city field with an APO or FPO address. Each public school is registered with name, address, website, phone, etc.

48640 · Search Result

Name Address Phone
FLOYD SCHOOL 725 South 8 Mile Rd, Midland, MI 48640-7814 (989) 832-2081
CARPENTER SCHOOL 1407 West Carpenter St, Midland, MI 48640-4375 (989) 923-6411
ACADEMIC AND CAREER EDUCATION ACADEMY 884 East Isabella Rd, Midland, MI 48640-8326 (989) 631-5202
PINE RIVER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1894 East Pine River Rd, Midland, MI 48640-5002 (989) 631-5121
BULLOCK CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL 644 South Badour Rd, Midland, MI 48640-8658 (989) 631-9260
SIEBERT SCHOOL 5700 Siebert St, Midland, MI 48640-2719 (989) 923-7835
WOODCREST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 5500 Drake St, Midland, MI 48640-2451 (989) 923-7940
BULLOCK CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1037 South Poseyville Rd, Midland, MI 48640-8922 (989) 832-8691
BULLOCK CREEK HIGH SCHOOL 1420 South Badour Rd, Midland, MI 48640-9543 (989) 631-2340
MCESA AND SUGNET SCHOOL CLASSROOM PROGRAMS 3917 Jefferson Ave, Midland, MI 48640-3582 (989) 631-5890
JEFFERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL 800 West Chapel Ln, Midland, MI 48640-2966 (989) 923-5873
EASTLAWN SCHOOL 115 Eastlawn Dr, Midland, MI 48640-5561 (989) 923-7112
WINDOVER HIGH SCHOOL 919 Smith Rd, Midland, MI 48640-4164 (989) 832-0852
H.H. DOW HIGH SCHOOL 3901 North Saginaw Rd, Midland, MI 48640-2315 (989) 923-5382
MIDLAND ACADEMY OF ADVANCED AND CREATIVE STUDIES 4653 East Bailey Bridge Rd, Midland, MI 48640-8542 (989) 496-2404