Public Schools

Jurisdiction: USA
Source: Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), Homeland Infrastructure Foundation - Level Data (HIFLD)

This dataset includes 102 thousand elementary and secondary education facilities in the United States as defined by the Common Core of Data (CCD), National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), US Department of Education. This includes all Kindergarten through 12th grade schools as tracked by the Common Core of Data. Included in this dataset are military schools in US territories and referenced in the city field with an APO or FPO address. Each public school is registered with name, address, website, phone, etc.

GRANITE FALLS · Search Result

Name Address Phone
GRANITE FALLS ELEMENTARY 60 N Highland Avenue, Granite Falls, NC 28630-1299 (828) 396-2222
MONTE CRISTO ELEMENTARY 1201 100th St Ne, Granite Falls, WA 98252-9808 (206) 691-7718
DUDLEY SHOALS ELEMENTARY 1500 Dudley Shoals Road, Granite Falls, NC 28630-8424 (828) 396-3457
YELLOW MEDICINE EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL 450 9th Ave, Granite Falls, MN 56241-8888 (320) 561-4081
MINNESOTA VALLEY COOPERATIVE 450 9th Ave, Granite Falls, MN 56241-1399 (320) 564-4081
GRANITE FALLS HIGH SCHOOL 1401 100th St Ne, Granite Falls, WA 98252 (360) 691-7713
BERT RANEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 555 7th St, Granite Falls, MN 56241-1144 (320) 564-4427
GATEWAY SCHOOL 1889 Dudley Shoals Road, Granite Falls, NC 28630-8431 (828) 396-8373
GRANITE FALLS MIDDLE SCHOOL 405 North Alder Ave, Granite Falls, WA 98252-9808 (360) 691-7710
MOUNTAIN WAY ELEMENTARY 702 N. Granite Ave, Granite Falls, WA 98252-9808 (360) 691-7719
GRANITE FALLS OPEN DOORS 205 N Alder Ave, Granite Falls, WA 98252 (360) 725-6000
BATON ELEMENTARY 1400 Baton School Road, Granite Falls, NC 28630-9250 (828) 728-9531
SAWMILLS ELEMENTARY 4436 Sawmills School Road, Granite Falls, NC 28630-9488 (828) 396-2610
CROSSROADS HIGH SCHOOL 205 North Alder Avenue, Granite Falls, WA 98252 (360) 283-4012
YELLOW MEDICINE EAST HIGH SCHOOL 450 9th Ave, Granite Falls, MN 56241-1399 (320) 564-4081
GRANITE FALLS MIDDLE 90 N Main Street, Granite Falls, NC 28630-1419 (828) 396-2341