Public Schools

Jurisdiction: USA
Source: Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), Homeland Infrastructure Foundation - Level Data (HIFLD)

This dataset includes 102 thousand elementary and secondary education facilities in the United States as defined by the Common Core of Data (CCD), National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), US Department of Education. This includes all Kindergarten through 12th grade schools as tracked by the Common Core of Data. Included in this dataset are military schools in US territories and referenced in the city field with an APO or FPO address. Each public school is registered with name, address, website, phone, etc.

GLENVIEW · Search Result

Name Address Phone
WILLOWBROOK ELEM SCHOOL 2500 Happy Hollow Rd, Glenview, IL 60026-1117 (847) 498-1090
GLENBROOK OFF-CAMPUS CENTER 1835 Landwehr Rd, Glenview, IL 60026-1241 (847) 486-5751
HENKING ELEM SCHOOL 2941 Linneman St, Glenview, IL 60025-4035 (847) 998-5035
GLENBROOK EVENING HIGH SCHOOL 4000 W Lake Ave, Glenview, IL 60026-1239 (847) 486-4709
WESTBROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1333 Greenwood Rd, Glenview, IL 60026-2502 (847) 998-5055
AVOCA WEST ELEM SCHOOL 235 Beech Dr, Glenview, IL 60025-3274 (847) 724-6800
ATTEA MIDDLE SCHOOL 2500 Chestnut Ave, Glenview, IL 60026-7785 (847) 476-7700
HENRY WINKELMAN ELEM SCHOOL 1919 Landwehr Rd, Glenview, IL 60026-1243 (847) 729-5650
SPRINGMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL 2701 Central Rd, Glenview, IL 60025-4134 (847) 998-5020
LYON ELEM SCHOOL 1335 Waukegan Rd, Glenview, IL 60025-3064 (847) 998-5045
GLENBROOK SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL 4000 W Lake Ave, Glenview, IL 60026-1239 (847) 486-4559
HOFFMAN ELEM SCHOOL 2000 Harrison St, Glenview, IL 60025-4940 (847) 998-5040
GLEN GROVE ELEM SCHOOL 3900 Glenview Rd, Glenview, IL 60025-2421 (847) 998-5030
PLEASANT RIDGE ELEM SCHOOL 1730 Sunset Ridge Rd, Glenview, IL 60025-2210 (847) 998-5050
WASHINGTON ELEM SCHOOL 2710 Golf Rd, Glenview, IL 60025-4669 (847) 965-4780