Elizabeth Anne Gentile

Address: 2414 15th St, Troy, NY 12180-1701
Phone: 5182711813

Elizabeth Anne Gentile (NPI# 1356844534, PAC ID# 9032473566) is a physician enrolled in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The primary specialty is NURSE PRACTITIONER.

Physician Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1356844534
PAC ID by PECOS 9032473566
Professional Enrollment ID I20180508002150
Full Name Elizabeth Anne Gentile
Organization Legal Name ARTHRITIS CARE, P.C.
Address 2414 15th St
NY 12180-1701
Phone Number 5182711813
Gender F
Graduation Year 2017
Group Practice PAC ID 7214972058
Number of Group Practice Members 4
Accepts Medicare Assignment Y

Claims Based Hospital Affiliation

Claim Control Number (CCN) Legal Business Name

Other Locations

Address Phone Organization
2414 15th St, Troy, NY 12180-1701 5182711813 ARTHRITIS CARE, P.C.

Organization Information

Organization Legal Name ARTHRITIS CARE, P.C.
Physicians 4

Physicians with the same organization

Name Specialty Organization Address
Barbara Nguyen Physician Assistant Arthritis Care, P.C. 2 B Emma Ln, Clifton Park, NY 12065-3763
Christopher J Huyck Rheumatology Arthritis Care, P.C. 2414 15th St, Troy, NY 12180-1701
Richard M Bryan Rheumatology Arthritis Care, P.C. 2414 15th St, Troy, NY 12180-1701

Office Location

Street Address 2414 15TH ST
State NY
Zip 12180-1701

Physicians in the same location

Name Specialty Organization Address
Christopher J Huyck Rheumatology Arthritis Care, P.C. 2414 15th St, Troy, NY 12180-1701
Richard M Bryan Rheumatology Arthritis Care, P.C. 2414 15th St, Troy, NY 12180-1701

Physicians in the same zip code

Name Specialty Organization Address
Andrew G Gunther Orthopedic Surgery Samaritan Hospital of Troy New York 279 Troy Rd, Troy, NY 12180
Mandy Black Nurse Practitioner Samaritan Hospital of Troy New York 279 Troy Rd, Troy, NY 12180
Jeffrey R Root Psychologist, Clinical Samaritan Hospital of Troy New York 279 Troy Rd, Troy, NY 12180
Elizabeth Devereux Nurse Practitioner Samaritan Hospital of Troy New York 279 Troy Rd, Troy, NY 12180
Robert Zaven Dadekian Rheumatology 1302 Park Blvd, Troy, NY 12180-1403
Charles M Sulzman Internal Medicine Samaritan Hospital of Troy New York 1401 Massachusetts Ave, Troy, NY 12180-1621
Peter R Maggiore Internal Medicine Samaritan Hospital of Troy New York 1401 Massachusetts Ave, Troy, NY 12180-1621
Kristen A Santos Internal Medicine Samaritan Hospital of Troy New York 1401 Massachusetts Ave, Troy, NY 12180-1621
Beverley L Krauss Physician Assistant Seton Health System, Inc 1401 Massachusetts Ave, Troy, NY 12180-1621
Janet L Alloway Physician Assistant Samaritan Hospital of Troy New York 1300 Massachusetts Ave, Troy, NY 12180-1628
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Zip Code 12180

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Jurisdiction Medicare

This dataset includes 1.12 million groups, individual physicians, and other clinicians currently enrolled in Medicare. Each physician is registered with NPI, PAC ID, full name, specialty, phone, organization, hospital, address, medical school, etc.

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