Kenneth D Osorio

Address: 3514 N Power Rd, 118 Advanced Vein Center, Mesa, AZ 85215-2909

Kenneth D Osorio (NPI# 1245229087, PAC ID# 8921083130) is a physician enrolled in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The primary specialty is FAMILY MEDICINE.

Physician Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1245229087
PAC ID by PECOS 8921083130
Professional Enrollment ID I20040716000007
Full Name Kenneth D Osorio
Address 3514 N Power Rd
118 Advanced Vein Center
AZ 85215-2909
Gender M
Credential MD
Graduation Year 1995
Primary Specialty FAMILY MEDICINE
Accepts Medicare Assignment Y

Other Locations

Address Phone Organization
10165 E Hampton Ave, Suite 111, Mesa, AZ 85209-3327 4803545424 BHSM REHABILITATION, LLC
3514 N Power Rd, 118 Advanced Vein Center, Mesa, AZ 85215-2909

Individual EP (Eligible Professionals) Public Reporting – Performance Scores
Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) and non-PQRS Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR)

Measure Identifier Measure Title Performance Rate Reporting Mechanism
ACI_EC_TRANS_PEA_1 Provide Patient Access 55%
ACI_EC_TRANS_PPHI_1 Security Risk Analysis %
ACI_EC_TRANS_PSE_1 Patient-Specific Education 58%
ACI_EC_TRANS_SM_1 Secure Messaging 10%
MIPS_EC_111_overall Pneumococcal Vaccination Status for Older Adults 74%
MIPS_EC_128_overall Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan 100%
MIPS_EC_130_overall Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record 100%
MIPS_EC_131_overall Pain Assessment and Follow-Up 100%
MIPS_EC_134_overall Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Clinical Depression and Follow-Up Plan 100%
MIPS_EC_154_overall Falls: Risk Assessment 100%
MIPS_EC_155_overall Falls: Plan of Care 100%
MIPS_EC_226_overall Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention 100%

Organization Information

Office Location

Street Address 3514 N POWER RD
State AZ
Zip 85215-2909

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Terry L Penner Nurse Practitioner Sleepwerx, LLC 3514 N Power Rd, Suite 127, Mesa, AZ 85215-2911

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Andrea Levkowitz Physical Therapy Woman's Center for Advanced Pelvic Surgery Pllp 4344 E Presidio St, Mesa, AZ 85215-1143
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Kelly Lynn Kantartzis Obstetrics/gynecology Woman's Center for Advanced Pelvic Surgery Pllp 4344 E Presidio St, Mesa, AZ 85215-1143
Gerald C Godard Chiropractic 2812 N Norwalk, Suite 122, Mesa, AZ 85215-1149
Derek J. Taylor Physician Assistant Valleywide Surgical Services, LLC 4320 E Presidio St, Suite 101, Mesa, AZ 85215-1165
Rick M Olesinski Physician Assistant Valleywide Surgical Services, LLC 4320 E Presidio St, Suite 101, Mesa, AZ 85215-1165
Richard P De Rosa General Surgery Valleywide Surgical Services, LLC 4320 E Presidio St, Suite 101, Mesa, AZ 85215-1165
Leigh E Pavlik Physician Assistant Valleywide Surgical Services, LLC 4320 E Presidio St, Suite 101, Mesa, AZ 85215-1165
Kristi A Parkhurst Physician Assistant Valleywide Surgical Services, LLC 4320 E Presidio St, Suite 101, Mesa, AZ 85215-1165
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Zip Code 85215

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Jurisdiction Medicare

This dataset includes 1.12 million groups, individual physicians, and other clinicians currently enrolled in Medicare. Each physician is registered with NPI, PAC ID, full name, specialty, phone, organization, hospital, address, medical school, etc.

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