Jayagopal Appurao

Address: 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Phone: 9858781349

Jayagopal Appurao (NPI# 1063510774, PAC ID# 8820017759) is a physician enrolled in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The primary specialty is GENERAL SURGERY.

Physician Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1063510774
PAC ID by PECOS 8820017759
Professional Enrollment ID I20081010000012
Full Name Jayagopal Appurao
Organization Legal Name LALLIE KEMP MEDICAL CTR
Address 52579 Hwy 51 S
LA 70443-2231
Phone Number 9858781349
Gender M
Graduation Year 1971
Primary Specialty GENERAL SURGERY
Group Practice PAC ID 0345238903
Number of Group Practice Members 41
Accepts Medicare Assignment Y

Claims Based Hospital Affiliation

Claim Control Number (CCN) Legal Business Name

Other Locations

Address Phone Organization
433 Plaza St, Bogalusa, LA 70427-3729 9857306706 OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS HOSPITAL INC
52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231 9858781349 LALLIE KEMP MEDICAL CTR

Organization Information

Organization Legal Name LALLIE KEMP MEDICAL CTR
Physicians 27

Physicians with the same organization

Name Specialty Organization Address
Donna H Foster Physician Assistant Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Kristina L Mann Physician Assistant Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Mohammed A Sheikh Geriatric Medicine Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Veronica L Ricks Nurse Practitioner Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Tashawn L Mustiful Internal Medicine Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Lisa W Magliolo Nurse Practitioner Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Will G. Stevens Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna) Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Joseph D Reid Diagnostic Radiology Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Bobby C Siler Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna) Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
James C Hess Obstetrics/gynecology Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231

Office Location

Street Address 52579 HWY 51 S
State LA
Zip 70443-2231

Physicians in the same location

Name Specialty Organization Address
Lisa Z Wilson Nurse Practitioner Van Meter Emergency Physicians Inc. Apmc 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Donna H Foster Physician Assistant Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Kristina L Mann Physician Assistant Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Mohammed A Sheikh Geriatric Medicine Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Veronica L Ricks Nurse Practitioner Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Tashawn L Mustiful Internal Medicine Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Lisa W Magliolo Nurse Practitioner Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Will G. Stevens Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna) Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Lesley F Smith Nurse Practitioner Van Meter Emergency Physicians Inc. Apmc 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Joseph D Reid Diagnostic Radiology Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
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Physicians in the same zip code

Name Specialty Organization Address
Michael E Iacono Emergency Medicine Van Meter Emergency Physicians Inc. Apmc 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Bobby C Siler Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna) Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Jill Nicole Kitaura Emergency Medicine Van Meter Emergency Physicians Inc. Apmc 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
James C Hess Obstetrics/gynecology Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Jennifer May Cantrell Nurse Practitioner Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Julia L Terle Emergency Medicine Van Meter Emergency Physicians Inc. Apmc 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Lashun M Robinson Nurse Practitioner Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Bivin S Von Almen Obstetrics/gynecology Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Walter L Campbell Jr. Internal Medicine Lallie Kemp Medical Ctr 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
Meghan E Maslanka Emergency Medicine Van Meter Emergency Physicians Inc. Apmc 52579 Hwy 51 S, Independence, LA 70443-2231
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Zip Code 70443

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Jurisdiction Medicare

This dataset includes 1.12 million groups, individual physicians, and other clinicians currently enrolled in Medicare. Each physician is registered with NPI, PAC ID, full name, specialty, phone, organization, hospital, address, medical school, etc.

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