Sean D Palacios

Address: 3692 E Sunset Rd, Nevada Ear and Sinus Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89120-7237
Phone: 7027357668

Sean D Palacios (NPI# 1295957702, PAC ID# 7012077340) is a physician enrolled in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The primary specialty is OTOLARYNGOLOGY.

Physician Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1295957702
PAC ID by PECOS 7012077340
Professional Enrollment ID I20081117000615
Full Name Sean D Palacios
Organization Legal Name SEAN D. PALACIOS MD PLLC
Address 3692 E Sunset Rd
Nevada Ear and Sinus Institute
Las Vegas
NV 89120-7237
Phone Number 7027357668
Gender M
Graduation Year 1999
Primary Specialty OTOLARYNGOLOGY
Group Practice PAC ID 0042484776
Number of Group Practice Members 6
Accepts Medicare Assignment Y

Other Locations

Address Phone Organization
3692 E Sunset Rd, Nevada Ear and Sinus Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89120-7237 7027357668 SEAN D. PALACIOS MD PLLC

Organization Information

Organization Legal Name SEAN D. PALACIOS MD PLLC
Physicians 5

Physicians with the same organization

Name Specialty Organization Address
Scott E Manthei Otolaryngology Sean D. Palacios Md Pllc 3692 E Sunset Rd, Nevada Ear and Sinus Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89120-7237
Candice Yip Otolaryngology Sean D. Palacios Md Pllc 3692 E Sunset Rd, Nevada Ear and Sinus Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89120-7237
Gregory Sims Physician Assistant Sean D. Palacios Md Pllc 3692 E Sunset Rd, Nevada Ear and Sinus Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89120-7237
Dawn M Zaratiegui Nurse Practitioner Sean D. Palacios Md Pllc 3692 E Sunset Rd, Nevada Ear and Sinus Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89120-7237

Office Location

Street Address 3692 E SUNSET RD
State NV
Zip 89120-7237

Physicians in the same location

Name Specialty Organization Address
Scott E Manthei Otolaryngology Sean D. Palacios Md Pllc 3692 E Sunset Rd, Nevada Ear and Sinus Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89120-7237
Candice Yip Otolaryngology Sean D. Palacios Md Pllc 3692 E Sunset Rd, Nevada Ear and Sinus Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89120-7237
Gregory Sims Physician Assistant Sean D. Palacios Md Pllc 3692 E Sunset Rd, Nevada Ear and Sinus Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89120-7237
Dawn M Zaratiegui Nurse Practitioner Sean D. Palacios Md Pllc 3692 E Sunset Rd, Nevada Ear and Sinus Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89120-7237

Physicians in the same zip code

Name Specialty Organization Address
Charles Ellis Clinical Social Worker Trailways Inc 5120 S Pecos Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89120-1299
Tracy Y Kwan Clinical Social Worker Aspiring To Justice and Fairness LLC 5631 S Pecos Rd, Bldg B, Las Vegas, NV 89120-1961
Jennifer A Yanez Clinical Social Worker Aspiring To Justice and Fairness LLC 5631 S Pecos Rd, Bldg B, Las Vegas, NV 89120-1961
Alexandra M Leduc Clinical Social Worker Aspiring To Justice and Fairness LLC 5631 S Pecos Rd, Bldg B, Las Vegas, NV 89120-1961
Christina Sanford Clinical Social Worker Aspiring To Justice and Fairness LLC 5631 S Pecos Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89120-1961
Mukwel E Aiyuk Nurse Practitioner Pasteur Medical Consultants 4915 E Russell Rd, Apt 128, Las Vegas, NV 89120-2387
Rhonda Jordan Clinical Social Worker 6550 S Pecos Rd, Suite 126, Las Vegas, NV 89120-2830
Clark K Choi Anesthesiology 3153 E Warm Springs, Suite 300, Las Vegas, NV 89120-3142
Jennifer Jo Rhoads Anesthesiology 3153 E Warm Springs Rd, Suite 300, Las Vegas, NV 89120-3142
Richard A Byrd Anesthesiology 3153 E Warm Springs, Suite 300, Las Vegas, NV 89120-3142
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Zip Code 89120

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Jurisdiction Medicare

This dataset includes 1.12 million groups, individual physicians, and other clinicians currently enrolled in Medicare. Each physician is registered with NPI, PAC ID, full name, specialty, phone, organization, hospital, address, medical school, etc.

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