Sarah B Fratesi

Address: 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Phone: 6014837331

Sarah B Fratesi (NPI# 1013968965, PAC ID# 6204748601) is a physician enrolled in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The primary specialty is OPTOMETRY.

Physician Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1013968965
PAC ID by PECOS 6204748601
Professional Enrollment ID I20031104000363
Full Name Sarah B Fratesi
Organization Legal Name MS EYE CARE PA
Address 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B
Meridian Eye Care
MS 39301-1078
Phone Number 6014837331
Gender F
Credential OD
Graduation Year 2003
Primary Specialty OPTOMETRY
Group Practice PAC ID 3274814207
Number of Group Practice Members 11
Accepts Medicare Assignment Y

Other Locations

Address Phone Organization
5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078 6014837331 MS EYE CARE PA
6 Professional Plz, Starkville, MS 39759-1901 6623233330 MS EYE CARE PA

Organization Information

Organization Legal Name MS EYE CARE PA
Physicians 11

Physicians with the same organization

Name Specialty Organization Address
Trent A Stribling Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 1054 Airpark Rd, Philadelphia, MS 39350-3368
Channing F Bucklew Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 3090 N Church Ave, Louisville, MS 39339-6349
William Gil Davis Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Emily N Fleming Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Richard Kent Stribling Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
David A Otto Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Jacob A Ivey Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Audrey T Otto Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Amy Ajax Crigler Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Christopher B Herring Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078

Office Location

Street Address 5002 HWY 39 N BUILDING B
State MS
Zip 39301-1078

Physicians in the same location

Name Specialty Organization Address
William Gil Davis Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Emily N Fleming Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Richard Kent Stribling Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
David A Otto Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Jacob A Ivey Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Audrey T Otto Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Amy Ajax Crigler Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078
Christopher B Herring Optometry Ms Eye Care Pa 5002 Hwy 39 N Building B, Meridian Eye Care, Meridian, MS 39301-1078

Physicians in the same zip code

Name Specialty Organization Address
Jeffrey L Mcgilbra Psychiatry 5000 Hwy 39 N, Meridian, MS 39301-0210
Anna A Wile Dermatology Medical Foundation Inc 4331 Hwy 39 N A, Center for Dermatology, Meridian, MS 39301-1007
Vanessa Norman Nurse Practitioner Kemper Cah, Inc. 4331 Hwy 39 N, Meridian, MS 39301-1007
Miyako Mccloud Family Medicine Kemper Cah, Inc. 4331 Hwy 39 N, Meridian, MS 39301-1007
Britney Deon Kersh Nurse Practitioner Kemper Cah, Inc. 4331 Hwy 39 N, Meridian, MS 39301-1007
Richard A Nance Family Medicine Kemper Cah, Inc. 4331 Hwy 39 N, Meridian, MS 39301-1007
Emily Kate Matthews Dermatology Medical Foundation Inc 4331 Hwy 39 N A, Center for Dermatology, Meridian, MS 39301-1007
Jonathan D Baker Psychiatry Alliance Health Center Inc 5000 Hwy 39 N, Meridian, MS 39301-1021
Particia L Dudley Psychiatry Psychology Associates, LLC 5004 Hwy 39 N, Meridian, MS 39301-1021
Justin A Jones Psychiatry Alliance Health Center Inc 5000 Hwy 39 N, Meridian, MS 39301-1021
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Zip Code 39301

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Jurisdiction Medicare

This dataset includes 1.12 million groups, individual physicians, and other clinicians currently enrolled in Medicare. Each physician is registered with NPI, PAC ID, full name, specialty, phone, organization, hospital, address, medical school, etc.

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