Megan B Nelson Hartman

Address: 1288 Dakota Ave S, Suite 3, Huron, SD 57350-0948
Phone: 6053524181

Megan B Nelson Hartman (NPI# 1760680508, PAC ID# 4486748530) is a physician enrolled in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The primary specialty is OPTOMETRY.

Physician Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1760680508
PAC ID by PECOS 4486748530
Professional Enrollment ID I20070919000884
Full Name Megan B Nelson Hartman
Organization Legal Name HURON EYE CLINIC PC
Address 1288 Dakota Ave S
Suite 3
SD 57350-0948
Phone Number 6053524181
Gender F
Graduation Year 2007
Primary Specialty OPTOMETRY
Group Practice PAC ID 7911989876
Number of Group Practice Members 3
Accepts Medicare Assignment Y

Other Locations

Address Phone Organization
1288 Dakota Ave S, Suite 3, Huron, SD 57350-0948 6053524181 HURON EYE CLINIC PC

Individual EP (Eligible Professionals) Public Reporting – Performance Scores
Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) and non-PQRS Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR)

Measure Identifier Measure Title Performance Rate Reporting Mechanism
ACI_EC_TRANS_EP_1 e-Prescribing 100%
ACI_EC_TRANS_HIE_1 Health Information Exchange 77%
ACI_EC_TRANS_MR_1 Medication Reconciliation 84%
ACI_EC_TRANS_PEA_1 Provide Patient Access 92%
ACI_EC_TRANS_PEA_2 View, Download, or Transmit (VDT) 1%
ACI_EC_TRANS_PHCDRR_3 Specialized Registry Reporting %
ACI_EC_TRANS_PPHI_1 Security Risk Analysis %
ACI_EC_TRANS_PSE_1 Patient-Specific Education 93%
ACI_EC_TRANS_SM_1 Secure Messaging 92%

Organization Information

Organization Legal Name HURON EYE CLINIC PC
Physicians 3

Physicians with the same organization

Name Specialty Organization Address
Katelin J Albers Optometry Huron Eye Clinic PC 1288 Dakota Ave S, Suite 3, Huron, SD 57350-0948
James L Nelson Optometry Huron Eye Clinic PC 1288 Dakota Ave S, Suite 3, Huron, SD 57350-0948

Office Location

Street Address 1288 DAKOTA AVE S
State SD
Zip 57350-0948

Physicians in the same location

Name Specialty Organization Address
Katelin J Albers Optometry Huron Eye Clinic PC 1288 Dakota Ave S, Suite 3, Huron, SD 57350-0948
James L Nelson Optometry Huron Eye Clinic PC 1288 Dakota Ave S, Suite 3, Huron, SD 57350-0948

Physicians in the same zip code

Name Specialty Organization Address
Kara L Fast Physician Assistant Nathan H Loewen 118 3rd St Se, Huron, SD 57350-2502
Kyle Porisch Optometry Vision Care Associates, LLP 118 3rd St Se, Huron, SD 57350-2502
Nathan H Loewen Family Medicine Nathan H Loewen 118 3rd St Se, Huron, SD 57350-2502
John M Bormes Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Associates 010196 118 3rd St Se, Huron, SD 57350-2502
Janice M Mckenney Family Medicine Huron Clinic Foundation Ltd 111 4th St Se, Huron, SD 57350-2509
Kristi K Glanzer Nurse Practitioner Huron Clinic Foundation Ltd 111 4th St Se, Huron, SD 57350-2509
Amy M Albrecht Nurse Practitioner Huron Clinic Foundation Ltd 111 4th St Se, Huron, SD 57350-2509
Michelle Marie Brandenburg Nurse Practitioner Huron Clinic Foundation Ltd 111 4th St Se, Huron, SD 57350-2509
Tia Marie Chase Physician Assistant Huron Clinic Foundation Ltd 111 4th St Se, Huron, SD 57350-2509
Jim Schwaiger Diagnostic Radiology 172 4th St Se, Huron Imaging, Huron, SD 57350-2510
Find all physicians in zip 57350


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Zip Code 57350
City + Specialty HURON + OPTOMETRY

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Jurisdiction Medicare

This dataset includes 1.12 million groups, individual physicians, and other clinicians currently enrolled in Medicare. Each physician is registered with NPI, PAC ID, full name, specialty, phone, organization, hospital, address, medical school, etc.

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