Tristan M King

Address: 333 S Woodruff Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-4322
Phone: 2085222591

Tristan M King (NPI# 1245619576, PAC ID# 4183930456) is a physician enrolled in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The primary specialty is PHYSICAL THERAPY.

Physician Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1245619576
PAC ID by PECOS 4183930456
Professional Enrollment ID I20150901001531
Full Name Tristan M King
Organization Legal Name WIGHT CHIROPRACTIC, P.A.
Address 333 S Woodruff Ave
Idaho Falls
ID 83401-4322
Phone Number 2085222591
Gender M
Graduation Year 2017
Primary Specialty PHYSICAL THERAPY
Group Practice PAC ID 1052321429
Number of Group Practice Members 5
Accepts Medicare Assignment Y

Other Locations

Address Phone Organization
333 S Woodruff Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-4322 2085222591 WIGHT CHIROPRACTIC, P.A.

Organization Information

Organization Legal Name WIGHT CHIROPRACTIC, P.A.
Physicians 5

Physicians with the same organization

Name Specialty Organization Address
Gary C Wight Chiropractic Wight Chiropractic, P.a. 333 S Woodruff Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-4322
Miranda Holwege Chiropractic Wight Chiropractic, P.a. 333 S Woodruff Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-4322
Trevor R Bartlett Nurse Practitioner Wight Chiropractic, P.a. 333 S Woodruff Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-4322
Joseph M Wight Physical Therapy Wight Chiropractic, P.a. 333 S Woodruff Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-4322

Office Location

Street Address 333 S WOODRUFF AVE
State ID
Zip 83401-4322

Physicians in the same location

Name Specialty Organization Address
Gary C Wight Chiropractic Wight Chiropractic, P.a. 333 S Woodruff Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-4322
Miranda Holwege Chiropractic Wight Chiropractic, P.a. 333 S Woodruff Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-4322
Trevor R Bartlett Nurse Practitioner Wight Chiropractic, P.a. 333 S Woodruff Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-4322
Joseph M Wight Physical Therapy Wight Chiropractic, P.a. 333 S Woodruff Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-4322

Physicians in the same zip code

Name Specialty Organization Address
Alex Suarez Clinical Social Worker 1582 N Holmes Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-2032
Scott David Hyatt Optometry Porter Eyecare Pllc 1480 E Lincoln Rd, B, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-2128
Lisa Porter Optometry Porter Eyecare Pllc 1480 E Lincoln Rd, B, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-2128
Melanie D Clark Optometry Porter Eyecare Pllc 1480 E Lincoln Rd, B, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-2128
Rick G Goldman Clinical Social Worker 2647 E 14, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-2301
Caryl M Frugoli Clinical Social Worker 548 Lomax St, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-2634
Corene R Peterson Clinical Social Worker Joshua D. Smith and Associates, Inc. 540 3rd St, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-3953
Linda H Snell Clinical Social Worker Joshua D. Smith and Associates, Inc. 540 3rd St, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-3953
Larry A Calabro Clinical Social Worker Joshua D. Smith and Associates, Inc. 540 3rd St, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-3953
Ethan W Smith Clinical Social Worker Joshua D. Smith and Associates, Inc. 540 3rd St, Idaho Falls, ID 83401-3953
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Zip Code 83401

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Jurisdiction Medicare

This dataset includes 1.12 million groups, individual physicians, and other clinicians currently enrolled in Medicare. Each physician is registered with NPI, PAC ID, full name, specialty, phone, organization, hospital, address, medical school, etc.

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