Philip A Hanger

Address: 2190 W Ironwood Ctr Dr, Suite 2, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2695
Phone: 2086660357

Philip A Hanger (NPI# 1134320765, PAC ID# 2466771662) is a physician enrolled in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The primary specialty is CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST.

Physician Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1134320765
PAC ID by PECOS 2466771662
Professional Enrollment ID I20150511001934
Full Name Philip A Hanger
Organization Legal Name DANIEL S HAYES 401K
Address 2190 W Ironwood Ctr Dr
Suite 2
Coeur D Alene
ID 83814-2695
Phone Number 2086660357
Gender M
Graduation Year 1989
Group Practice PAC ID 4880611565
Number of Group Practice Members 2
Accepts Medicare Assignment Y

Other Locations

Address Phone Organization
2190 W Ironwood Ctr Dr, Suite 2, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2695 2086660357 DANIEL S HAYES 401K
2190 W Ironwood Ctr Dr, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2695 2086660357 DANIEL S HAYES 401K

Organization Information

Organization Legal Name DANIEL S HAYES 401K
Physicians 3

Physicians with the same organization

Name Specialty Organization Address
Daniel S Hayes Clinical Psychologist Daniel S Hayes 401k 2190 W Ironwood Ctr Dr, Suite 2, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2695
Angela N Newburn Clinical Social Worker Daniel S Hayes 401k 2199 W Ironwood Ctr Dr, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2639

Office Location

Street Address 2190 W IRONWOOD CTR DR
State ID
Zip 83814-2695

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Susan E Coulter Clinical Social Worker 2190 W Ironwood Ctr Dr, Suite 2, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2695
Jeffrey T Meech Psychologist, Clinical Jeffery T Meech Psyd Pa 2190 W Ironwood Ctr Dr, Suite 2, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2695
Maureen E Tiernan Meech Psychologist, Clinical Jeffery T Meech Psyd Pa 2190 W Ironwood Ctr Dr, Suite 2, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2695
Daniel S Hayes Clinical Psychologist Daniel S Hayes 401k 2190 W Ironwood Ctr Dr, Suite 2, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2695

Physicians in the same zip code

Name Specialty Organization Address
Brent Earl Hirschi Chiropractic 610 N Hubbard St, Suite 114, Coeur D'alene, ID 83814
Sean Tristan T Cook Infectious Disease Kootenai Health 2120 W Ironwood Dr, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814
Dustin D Dinning Rheumatology Kootenai Health 700 N Ironwood Dr, 275w, Coeur D'alene, ID 83814
Natalie Rose Cooper Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Kootenai Health 2120 W Ironwood Dr, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814
Melanie L Enderwick Infectious Disease Kootenai Health 2120 W Ironwood Dr, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814
Sarah R Nave Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional Kootenai Health 700 N Ironwood Dr, 275w, Coeur D'alene, ID 83814
Orlando E Nunez Podiatry 101 W Ironwood Dr, Suite 131, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-1404
Kevin M Johnson General Surgery Coeur D Alene Surgical and Vein 608 Northwest Blvd, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2174
Steven M Schlough Clinical Social Worker Ambitions of Idaho Inc 1038 Northwest Blvd, Suite 100, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2249
Jennifer Duncan Clinical Social Worker Ambitions of Idaho Inc 1038 Northwest Blvd, Suite 100, Coeur D Alene, ID 83814-2249
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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Jurisdiction Medicare

This dataset includes 1.12 million groups, individual physicians, and other clinicians currently enrolled in Medicare. Each physician is registered with NPI, PAC ID, full name, specialty, phone, organization, hospital, address, medical school, etc.

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