Diane H Landauer

Address: 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
Phone: 5408856789

Diane H Landauer (NPI# 1518934223, PAC ID# 1759376676) is a physician enrolled in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The primary specialty is FAMILY MEDICINE.

Physician Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1518934223
PAC ID by PECOS 1759376676
Professional Enrollment ID I20040419001188
Full Name Diane H Landauer
Organization Legal Name EMERGICARE INC
Address 42 Lambert St
Suite 111
VA 24401-2421
Phone Number 5408856789
Gender F
Credential MD
Graduation Year 1986
Primary Specialty FAMILY MEDICINE
Group Practice PAC ID 8527971340
Number of Group Practice Members 5
Accepts Medicare Assignment Y

Claims Based Hospital Affiliation

Claim Control Number (CCN) Legal Business Name

Other Locations

Address Phone Organization
42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421 5408856789 EMERGICARE INC

Organization Information

Organization Legal Name EMERGICARE INC
Physicians 8

Physicians with the same organization

Name Specialty Organization Address
John S Campbell Pediatric Medicine Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
Amanda Dawn Fox Nurse Practitioner Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
Andrea D Knopp Nurse Practitioner Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
Richard H Steeves Nurse Practitioner Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
Matthew Crance Physician Assistant Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
Dean H Woodard Family Practice Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
Dana Mcclanahan Nurse Practitioner Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Staunton, VA 24401-2421

Office Location

Street Address 42 LAMBERT ST
State VA
Zip 24401-2421

Physicians in the same location

Name Specialty Organization Address
Kerry A Alexander Internal Medicine Augusta Medical Group 42 Lambert St, Suite 511, Staunton, VA 24401-2437
Margaret C Siman Family Medicine 42 Lambert St, Ste. 422, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
John S Campbell Pediatric Medicine Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
Amanda Dawn Fox Nurse Practitioner Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
Andrea D Knopp Nurse Practitioner Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
Richard H Steeves Nurse Practitioner Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
Emily C Stevens Nurse Practitioner Augusta Medical Group 42 Lambert St, Suite 511, Staunton, VA 24401-2437
Stephanie Ann Pitsilos Internal Medicine Augusta Medical Group 42 Lambert St, Suite 511, Staunton, VA 24401-2437
Frank J Johnson Jr. Family Medicine Augusta Medical Group 42 Lambert St, Suite 511, Staunton, VA 24401-2437
Matthew Crance Physician Assistant Emergicare Inc 42 Lambert St, Suite 111, Staunton, VA 24401-2421
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Edwin Wallace Iii Physical Therapy 1416 Churchville Ave A, Staunton, VA 24401-1793
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Zip Code 24401

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Jurisdiction Medicare

This dataset includes 1.12 million groups, individual physicians, and other clinicians currently enrolled in Medicare. Each physician is registered with NPI, PAC ID, full name, specialty, phone, organization, hospital, address, medical school, etc.

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