Luke W O Rourke

Address: 330 S Garden Way, Suite 220, Eugene, OR 97401-8178
Phone: 5416867007

Luke W O Rourke (NPI# 1336463108, PAC ID# 1052536810) is a physician enrolled in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The primary specialty is OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGY.

Physician Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1336463108
PAC ID by PECOS 1052536810
Professional Enrollment ID I20140710002150
Full Name Luke W O Rourke
Address 330 S Garden Way
Suite 220
OR 97401-8178
Phone Number 5416867007
Gender M
Graduation Year 2010
Group Practice PAC ID 4486835477
Number of Group Practice Members 163
Accepts Medicare Assignment Y

Other Locations

Address Phone Organization
330 S Garden Way, Suite 220, Eugene, OR 97401-8178 5416867007 OREGON HEALTHCARE RESOURCES LLC
4135 Quest Dr, Eugene, OR 97402-8768 5414618006 OREGON HEALTHCARE RESOURCES LLC
2000 N 19th St, Springfield, OR 97477-2526 5417465437 OREGON HEALTHCARE RESOURCES LLC

Organization Information

Physicians 184

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Nathan W Scadlock Nurse Practitioner Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 1650 Chambers St, Eugene, OR 97402-3636
Michaela D Cioffredi Physical Therapy Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 4135 Quest Dr, Eugene, OR 97402-8768
Nancy J Maloney Family Medicine Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 2830 Crescent Ave, Eugene, OR 97408-7397
Ryan D Embley Physical Therapy Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 2000 N 19th St, Springfield, OR 97477-2526
Tracy Beckmann Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 3915 River Rd, Eugene, OR 97404-1230
Maureen M Paulus Physician Assistant Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 600 Country Club Rd, Eugene, OR 97401-2240
Scott H Johnson Family Medicine Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 1835 Pearl St, Eugene, OR 97401-8217
Stephan M Schepergerdes Family Medicine Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 1711 Willamette St, Eugene, OR 97401-4014
Charles L Davis Physical Therapy Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 5781 Main St, Oregon Medical Group, Springfield, OR 97478-5426

Office Location

Street Address 330 S GARDEN WAY
State OR
Zip 97401-8178

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Name Specialty Organization Address
William E Wilkins Jr. Internal Medicine Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 330 S Garden Way, Suite 350, Eugene, OR 97401-8179
Katria L Mertz Obstetrics/gynecology Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 330 S Garden Way, Suite 220, Eugene, OR 97401-8178
Laura J Hurn Qualified Audiologist Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 330 S Garden Way, Eugene, OR 97401-8185
Martha M Reilly Obstetrics/gynecology Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 330 S Garden Way, Suite 220, Eugene, OR 97401-8178
Geoffrey J Gill Obstetrics/gynecology Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 330 S Garden Way, Suite 220, Eugene, OR 97401-8178
Amy Mccarthy Obstetrics/gynecology Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 330 S Garden Way, Suite 220, Eugene, OR 97401-8178
Prashant P Vivek Otolaryngology Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 330 S Garden Way, Eugene, OR 97401-8185
Richard H Lee Obstetrics/gynecology Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 330 S Garden Way, Suite 220, Eugene, OR 97401-8178
Melanie Konradi Obstetrics/gynecology Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 330 S Garden Way, Suite 220, Eugene, OR 97401-8178
Petra Kuhfahl Internal Medicine Oregon Healthcare Resources LLC 330 S Garden Way, Suite 350, Eugene, OR 97401-8179
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Name Specialty Organization Address
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Omer Gal Ophthalmology Pacific Clearvision Institute, PC 1125 Darlene Ln, Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401-1601
Claude Brist Optometry Pacific Clearvision Institute, PC 1125 Darlene Ln, Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401-1601
Bradley J Lorenzen Optometry Pacific Clearvision Institute, PC 1125 Darlene Ln, Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401-1601
Robin E Bautista Optometry Pacific Clearvision Institute, PC 1125 Darlene Ln, Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401-1601
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Jill S Ritchie Occupational Therapy Premere Rehab LLC 1282 Goodpasture Island Rd, Eugene, OR 97401-1755
Brittany Herson Occupational Therapy Premere Rehab LLC 1282 Goodpasture Island Rd, Eugene, OR 97401-1755
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Zip Code 97401

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Jurisdiction Medicare

This dataset includes 1.12 million groups, individual physicians, and other clinicians currently enrolled in Medicare. Each physician is registered with NPI, PAC ID, full name, specialty, phone, organization, hospital, address, medical school, etc.

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