Oklahoma Business Registrations
Zip 00000

Jurisdiction: State of Oklahoma
Source: Oklahoma Secretary of the State (SOS)

This dataset includes 846 thousands business entities and corporations registered with Oklahoma Secretary of the State (SOS). Each entity is registered with business ID, business name, location, registered agent, officers, etc.

00000 · Search Result

Business Name Office Address Registration
Afni Philippines, Inc. Dillman Commercial Center, Commonwealth Ave, Quezon City, PHL 00000, PHL 2013-07-02
United Air Lines, Inc. 151 N. Dupont Parkway, New Castle, DE 00000-00 2013-04-01
Kevin Butcher 10559 Racho Rd, Wayne, MI 00000 2010-07-19
Brandon James Nasel 2414 Oak St, Meelick, LI 00000, IRE 2004-01-12
Importa L.L.C. 1st Fl Yamraj Bldg Market Square, 00000, VIR 2003-12-17
Oklahoma City ** According To Divine Providence Church, Inc. 3336a Se 67th St, Okc, OK 00000 2002-12-26
Tulsa ** Church In Power "dominion Chapel" Inc. 1207 Memorial Dr, Tulsa, OK 00000 2002-06-18
Specialized Sanitation Group, L.L.C. Lot 66 & Lot 67, Hicks Mountain, OK 00000-0000 2002-04-17
Rextone L.L.C. 1st Floor Yarray Bldg - Market Square, Tortola, VI 00000 2002-02-13
Mark Charles Estrella 2273 Wiwautosa, Milwaukee, WI 00000 2001-08-10
Advanced Pharmacy Solutions, LLC 5350 S Western S-702a, Okla City, OK 00000 2001-07-18
H & S Steel Inspection 6448 N College Ave, Okla City, OK 00000 2001-07-11
Hutchens Asphalt Paving Co. Hutchens, 600 Mill St, Cassville, MO 00000 2001-04-05
Societe Internationale De Telecommunications Aeronautiques Societe Cooperative 26 Chemin De Joinville Bp 1216, ** 00000 2000-12-18
Greatmax L.L.C. 1st Floor, Yamray Bldg - Market Square, Tortola, 00000, VGB 2000-12-05
Rapid Corporation L.L.C. Jasmin Ct 35a Regent St Po Box 1777, Belize City, 00000, BLZ 1999-08-25
Vira International L.L.C. 1st Floor, Yamray Bldg, Market Square, Tortola, Bvi, 00000, VGB 1998-08-25
Crenshaw & Crenshaw L.L.C. X Se Corner of Ne 10th & I-35, Okc, OK 00000 1998-08-21
Choices, Inc. 1704 S Gardenia Pl, Broken Arrow, OK 00000 1996-04-23
Oilfield Security, Inc. P.o. Box F-2494, Freeport, ** 00000 1991-11-12
Roberts Companion Animal Clinic, Inc. 14800 S. Western, Okc, OK 00000 1991-08-20
Royal Guardian Mutual Benefit Association, Inc. 47a Marshill, Frederiksted, ** 00000-0000 1991-06-21
Brookhaven Village Shopping Center Local, **, **, ** 00000 1990-12-21
Doowop Two, Inc. 31st and Mingo, Tulsa, OK 00000-0000 1990-11-21
First Caribbean, S.a. Eva, Peru Ave & 36th,office 7, Panama City, ** 00000-00 1990-10-29
Supermarket Services, Inc. 250 Nyack Rd., West Nyack, NY 00000 1990-08-13
Guymon Properties, A Limited Partnership 211 S. Kansas Ave., Liberal, KS 00000 1990-07-27
Masera I.o.m. Limited 3rd Fl,54058 Athol St., Douglas, ** 00000 1990-04-12
Ready Properties, Inc. Mr. Thomas Vincent Evans II, 1144 N Blackwelder, Bx 76445, Okla City, OK 00000 1989-05-15
Bula Oil America Inc. Maryland House, S Williams St., Dublin 2, ** 00000 1989-03-01
Terra International (oklahoma) Inc. 600 4th St. Terra Centre, Sioux City, IA 00000 1988-10-12
Weststar Bank, A National Association Weststar, No Address, ***, ** 00000 1988-09-22
Newbill, Inc. P.o. Box 94281, Okla City, OK 00000-0000 1988-08-12
Agencia Para El Desarrollo Integral De Guatemala 13 Calle 1-51 Zona 10 Torre, Guatemala City, ** 00000 1988-08-04
Alltex Management, Inc. 902 W Commerce St., Dallas, TX 00000 1987-10-19
Phil R. Klapp, Inc. Jimtown Rd., Mayfield, KY 00000 1987-07-15
El Pollo Loco, Inc. 1411 Freeway Dr #101, Santa Fe Sprgs, CA 00000-0000 1987-02-09
Mvs, Inc. 6106 Navaho Trail Po Box 188, Morrow, GA 00000 1986-12-31
Empire Cable of Oklahoma, Inc. 5911 S Middlefield Rd.ste 203, Littleton, CO 00000 1986-10-08
Vanderbilt Industrial Contracting Corp. Donald G. Pratt, 3601 Providence Rd., Charlotte, NC 00000-0000 1986-09-22
Cellular Business Systems, Inc. Martin Cooper, 303 S Northwest Hwy, Park Ridge, IL 00000 1986-06-05
Black-eyed Pea U.S.A., Inc. 2811 Mckinney Ave., Dallas, TX 00000 1986-06-04
Gp Real Estate Services II Inc. William Turchyn, Jr., One Battery Park Plaza, New York, NY 00000 1986-05-28
Oxbow Resources, Inc. Felix Pardo, 209 Follen Rd., Lexington, MA 00000 1986-05-27
Lubrication Engineers, Inc. 60 Commerce St., Montgomery, AL 00000-0000 1986-05-02
Dreyfus Ashby, Inc. B. Timothy Enos, Griswold Road, Rye, NY 00000 1986-05-01
Xenell Corp. Francis Ward, 27 Elm St., Canton, MA 00000-0000 1986-04-01
The Hines Group, Inc. George Lewis, 123 S Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 00000 1986-03-21
Copeland Truck Leasing Company 1770 N Broadway, Wichita, KS 00000-0000 1986-03-14
Panther Car Company of North America, Ltd. Young, 132 W 36th. St., New York, NY 00000 1986-03-13
K.g. Lines, Inc. Daniel F. Prins, 4522 Drexel Ave., Edina, MN 00000-0000 1986-01-27
Utsi, Inc. 11550 Fuqua #340, Houston, TX 00000 1986-01-21
Bloor Automotive Inc. David Dunaway, 112 Pleasant Grove Rd., Long Valley, NJ 00000-0000 1986-01-16
Kwikset Corporation 516 E. Santa Ana St., Anaheim, CA 00000-0000 1986-01-07
Nora's Import Corporation Aaron D. Byas, 4615 Creek Court, Okla. City, OK 00000 1986-01-06
Seismic Enterprises Incorporated Rick E Trapp, 16010 Barker's Pt Ln #550, Houston, TX 00000-0000 1985-12-19
Weyher/livsey Constructors, Inc. Henry D. Livsey, 2101 Deer Ridge Dr., Stone Mountain, GA 00000-0000 1985-12-18
Avondale Services Corporation William F. Connell, 277 Park Ave., New York, NY 00000-0000 1985-12-18
Colcon Industries Corporation Michael Mitchell, S. Route 32, P O Box 923, Sullivan, IL 00000-0000 1985-11-12
Fresno Fabrication, Inc. Arthur R. Lorch, 720 White Plains Rd., Scarsdale, NY 00000-0000 1985-10-30
Monibanc Financial Corporation 1415 Post Oak Park Dr., Houston, TX 00000-0000 1985-10-09
Tuberose Limited Yolanda Rivero, 115 E. 70th St., New York, NY 00000-0000 1985-10-08
Austin Industrial, Inc. 1844 Ih 10 South, Beaumont, TX 00000-0000 1985-09-16
Polyvoltac, Inc. Ira S. Nordlicht, 745 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 00000-0000 1985-08-21
Tempco Energy Resources, Inc. First State Bank Tower #1509, Abilene, TX 00000-0000 1985-07-17
Opi Inc. Doyle Little, P O Box 1209, Grapevine, TX 00000-0000 1985-07-05
Mdi Foods, Inc. 117 W Main, Independence, KS 00000-0000 1985-06-27
Merit Mud, Inc. 512 N Elkhart, Lubbock, TX 00000-0000 1985-06-27
Firstland Petroleum Corporation 1800 Interfirst One, Dallas, TX 00000-0000 1985-06-21
Dynateria, Inc. Rt. #5, Dunn, NC 00000-0000 1985-06-06
Harlow Royalties, Inc. 2 Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA 00000-0000 1985-05-31
H & H Mechanical & Electrical Contractors, Inc. J. Mikel Hertenstein, 19 N Highland East, Mt. Vernon, IL 00000-0000 1985-05-28
Indepth Data Inc. Francis T. Finnegan II, 171 Main St. #37, Madison, NJ 00000-0000 1985-05-13
Kmi Continental Offshore Production Company Donald Sturm, 1000 Kiewit Plaza, Omaha, NE 00000-0000 1985-04-30
Di Properties, Inc. 175 S. Third St., Columbus, OH 00000-0000 1985-04-26
Stephen W. Brener Associates, Inc. Stephen W Brener, 249 E 48th, Ny, NY 00000-0000 1985-04-08
Marcus L. Lee, D.o., P.a., Inc. 924 S. Washington, Wellington, KS 00000 1985-04-03
Vanguard Technologies Corporation 10530 Rosehaven St.,ste 300, Fairfax, VA 00000 1985-04-01
Skoglund Communications, Inc. 9331 Westgate Blvd., Proctor, MN 00000 1985-03-21
Dealers National Service Corp. 649 Strander Blvd. #b, Seattle, WA 00000-0000 1985-03-21
Brock International Security Corporation One Exchange Place, Middlebury, VT 00000 1985-02-21
The Sygma Network, Inc. Gregory K. Marshall, 7125 W Jefferson Ave., Lakewood, CO 00000 1985-02-15
Metro Resources, Incorporated 11 Mountain Ave., Bloomfield, CT 00000 1985-02-13
Florida Golf Corp. 3850 N Federal Hwy, Ft Lauderdale, FL 00000-0000 1985-01-21
Boston Concessions Group, Inc. 208 E Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 00000 1985-01-17
The Son Corporation 1820 E 17, Exchange Plaza #160, Idaho Falls, ID 00000-0000 1985-01-16
Mai Basic Four, Inc. Bennett S. Lebow, 86 Woodfield Drive, Short Hills, NJ 00000 1985-01-07
Prc Loanexpress, Inc. R. Stephen Polley, 1500 Planning Research Dr., Mclean, VA 00000 1984-12-26
Lawhead Electric Co. Rural Route #1, Redfield, IA 00000-0000 1984-12-26
W. G. Seinsheimer Companies, Inc. 2000 Courthouse Plaza, Dayton, OH 00000-0000 1984-12-14
Ingel N.v. Corporation Scharlooweg 100, Willemstad, Curacao, ** 00000 1984-12-12
Oberlin Color Press, Inc. Clyde Oberlin, 1505 Marvon Dr, Effingham, IL 00000 1984-11-30
Mode Oil and Gas Development, Ltd. 3909 S Maryland Parkway, #405, Las Vegas, NV 00000 1984-10-31
Park West Galleries, Inc. 29469 Northwestern, Southfield, MI 00000-0000 1984-10-24
Cfs Financial Corp. 324 S. State Street, Salt Lake City, UT 00000 1984-10-19
Eepm, Inc. 11103 Dennis Road, Dallas, TX 00000 1984-10-15
American Community Stores Corporation 14303 Inwood Rd., Dallas, TX 00000-0000 1984-10-10
European American Trading Company, Inc. 37636 Tom Darlington Dr., Carefree, AZ 00000-0000 1984-10-02
Waterman Convalescent Hospital, Inc. 1850 N. Waterman Ave., San Bernardino, CA 00000-00 1984-09-28
Cintas Corporation No. 41 4306 Penwood, Brentwood, MD 00000-00 1984-09-24