Address: 4220 N Rodney Parham Rd, Suite 230, Little Rock, AR 72212-2453
Phone: 5014049582

CENTRAL ARKANSAS VEIN CENTER, PA (NPI# 1992146856) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1992146856
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 4220 N Rodney Parham Rd
Suite 230
Little Rock
AR 72212-2453
Practice Telephone 5014049582
Practice Fax Number 5014049663
Mailing Telephone 5014049582
Mailing Fax Number 5014049663
Enumeration Date 2013-07-08
Last Update Date 2013-09-19
Authorized Official Telephone 5014049582
Authorized Official Credential M.D.
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 202K00000X Phlebology Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Office Location

Street Address 4220 N RODNEY PARHAM RD
State AR
Zip Code 72212-2453

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1407252265 Brittany Marsh Pharmacist 4220 N Rodney Parham Rd, Little Rock, AR 72212-2453 2014-11-06
1518372861 Rachel Gibson Dentist 4220 N Rodney Parham Rd, Suite 200, Little Rock, AR 72212-2453 2014-06-25
1538584552 Cornerstone Pharmacy Pharmacy 4220 N Rodney Parham Rd, Little Rock, AR 72212-2453 2014-02-27
1952506081 Kenny Harrison Jr. Pharmacist 4220 N Rodney Parham Rd, Suite 101, Little Rock, AR 72212-2453 2007-06-19
1801090295 Billy R Machen Dds Dentist 4220 N Rodney Parham Rd, Suite 200, Little Rock, AR 72212-2453 2007-06-12
1972728988 Michael Wayne Enns Radiology 4220 N Rodney Parham Rd, 230, Little Rock, AR 72212-2453 2007-04-16
1568590099 John Scott Scallion Dentist 4220 N Rodney Parham Rd, Little Rock, AR 72212-2453 2007-02-28
1457426991 Billy Randall Machen Dentist 4220 N Rodney Parham Rd, Suite 200, Little Rock, AR 72212-2453 2006-11-21
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1609475805 Arkansas Health Group Dietitian, Registered 10915 Rodney Parham Road, Suite G, Little Rock, AR 72212 2020-10-20
1043788045 Arkansas Wellness Associates LLC Internal Medicine 10700 N Rodney Parham Road, Suite C11, Little Rock, AR 72212 2018-11-07
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1174910210 Jourdan Quinn Nurse Practitioner 11300 Cantrell Rd Ste 204, Little Rock, AR 72212 2015-04-15
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1366867525 Rustee Danielle Pruitt Counselor 1719 Merrill Drive, Little Rock, AR 72212 2014-02-25
1932520558 Diana Johnson Pearson Speech-Language Pathologist 3920 Woodland Heights Rd., Little Rock, AR 72212 2013-12-27
1275968786 Bill F Hefley Sr. Allergy & Immunology 361 Valley Club Circle, Little Rock, AR 72212 2013-09-04
1376987693 Robert Carlton Power Internal Medicine 8 Bella View Drive, Little Rock, AR 72212 2013-04-18
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 202K00000X
Grouping Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Classification Phlebology

Taxonomy Definition

Phlebology is the medical discipline that involves the diagnosis and treatment of venous disorders, including spider veins, varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, venous leg ulcers, congenital venous abnormalities, venous thromboembolism and other disorders of venous origin. A phlebologist has attained a minimum of 50 hours of CME units in phlebology-related courses, and is knowledgeable of and trained in a variety of diagnostic techniques including physical examination, venous imaging techniques such as duplex ultrasound, CT and MR, plethysmographic techniques and laboratory evaluation related to venous thromboembolism. The phlebologist is also trained in a variety of therapeutic interventions, which may include compression, sclerotherapy, cutaneous vascular laser, endovenous thermoablation procedures (laser and radiofrequency) endovenous chemical ablation, surgical procedures (e.g., ambulatory phlebectomy, venous ligation), vasoactive medications and the management of venous thromboembolism.
Notes: Source: American College of Phlebology 12/2006. www.phelbology.org [1/1/2007: new, 7/1/2009: definition reformatted] Additional Resources: Training Programs, Fellowships, and/or Preceptorships: Certification exam is being established by the American Board of Phlebology. ACGME Accredited Residency Program Requirements: None

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1104153394 Doreen Saltiel, Md, Pllc Phlebology 12112 Highway 71 South, Fort Smith, AR 72916-8405 2009-11-09


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Zip Code 72212

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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