Address: 2479 River Rd, Decorah, IA 52101-7596
Phone: 5633822292

ONEOTA RIVERVIEW CARE FACILITY (NPI# 1982822672) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1982822672
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 2479 River Rd
IA 52101-7596
Practice Telephone 5633822292
Practice Fax Number 5633829694
Mailing Telephone 5633822292
Mailing Fax Number 5633829694
Enumeration Date 2007-04-20
Last Update Date 2010-09-17
Authorized Official Name MR. DONALD L CHENSVOLD (MANAGER)
Authorized Official Telephone 3193628916
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 310400000X Assisted Living Facility S0252 IA Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
IA 0091850 05
IA 0759977 05

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Wellington Place Assisted Living Doing Business As Name - Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1295946754 Oneota Riverview Care Facility Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 2479 River Rd, Decorah, IA 52101-7596 2007-05-25
1992923684 Oneota Riverview Care Facility Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 2479 River Rd, Decorah, IA 52101-7596 2007-04-20
1801014592 Oneota Riverview Care Facility Skilled Nursing Facility 2479 River Rd, Decorah, IA 52101-7596 2007-04-20

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
Iowa Business Entities ONEOTA RIVERVIEW CARE FACILITY, INC. 2479 River Rd, Decorah, IA 52101

Office Location

Street Address 2479 RIVER RD
State IA
Zip Code 52101-7596

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1669431417 Oneota Riverview Care Facility, Inc. Skilled Nursing Facility 2479 River Rd, Decorah, IA 52101-7596 2006-03-21
1295946754 Oneota Riverview Care Facility Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 2479 River Rd, Decorah, IA 52101-7596 2007-05-25
1992923684 Oneota Riverview Care Facility Nursing Facility/Intermediate Care Facility 2479 River Rd, Decorah, IA 52101-7596 2007-04-20
1801014592 Oneota Riverview Care Facility Skilled Nursing Facility 2479 River Rd, Decorah, IA 52101-7596 2007-04-20

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1841757911 Andrew W Fritz Specialist/Technologist 700 College Drive, Regents Center, Decorah, IA 52101 2019-02-26
1265846935 Amber Lynn Mccarville Dentist 501 Sanford, Decorah, IA 52101 2014-06-20
1669893988 Winneshiek Medical Center Clinic/Center 112 East Main St., Ossian, IA 52101 2014-01-06
1467589317 Brenda Harris Acupuncturist 309 West Broadway Street, Decorah, IA 52101 2007-02-27
1487721809 Mary Christine Atkinson Counselor 1111 Paine Street, Decorah, IA 52101 2006-11-29
1578632220 Kirsten Ann Ludwig Counselor 1111 Paine St, Decorah, IA 52101 2006-11-07
1760585350 Dental Associates of Decorah PC Dentist 501 Sanford St, Decorah, IA 52101 2006-09-07
1780634196 Theresa K Fullhart Social Worker 905 Montgomery Street, Decorah, IA 52101 2006-05-10
1487620688 Mayo Clinic Hospital-rochester Clinic/Center 901 Montgomery Street, Decorah, IA 52101 2006-02-27
1205298668 Benjamin Avi Levinson Nurse Anesthetist, Certified Registered 901 Montgomery St, Decorah, IA 52101 2016-03-24
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 310400000X
Grouping Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities
Classification Assisted Living Facility

Taxonomy Definition

A facility providing supportive services to individuals who can function independently in most areas of activity, but need assistance and/or monitoring to assure safety and well being.
Notes: [7/1/2003: new]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1376998161 Abcm Corporation Assisted Living Facility 5 Ohio St, Decorah, IA 52101-1529 2016-04-28
1407922396 Barthell Oes Home Assisted Living Facility 911 Ridgewood Dr, Decorah, IA 52101-2354 2006-11-24

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1235739582 Countryhouse Cedar Rapids LLC Assisted Living Facility 5710 Gibson Drive Ne, Cedar Rapids, IA 52411 2020-10-27
1912504366 Algona Ia Assisted Living Facility LLC Assisted Living Facility 512 N Finn Dr, Algona, IA 50511-7228 2020-10-07
1295349207 Keystone North Liberty, LLC Assisted Living Facility 1275 W Forevergreen Rd, North Liberty, IA 52317-8533 2020-09-08
1316557218 Rock Valley Assisted Living LLC Assisted Living Facility 712 Westview Dr, Rock Valley, IA 51247-7619 2020-08-05
1962011262 Heartland Health Management, Inc. Assisted Living Facility 126 W Stonebrook Dr, Mount Pleasant, IA 52641-2686 2020-07-23
1972125003 Arhc Phcrpia01 Trs, LLC Assisted Living Facility 2903 F Ave Nw, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405-2909 2020-05-12
1740812072 Spirit Lake Senior Operator, LLC Assisted Living Facility 2810 Aurora Ave, Spirit Lake, IA 51360-7055 2020-02-05
1679112841 Arhc Psindia01 Trs Assisted Living Facility 505 Enterprise Dr, Independence, IA 50644-9603 2020-01-05
1356996177 Abilit Holdings (hawthorne Crossing) LLC Assisted Living Facility 601 Hawthorne Crossing Dr Se, Bondurant, IA 50035-1376 2019-08-08
1881253151 Hammond Center, LLC Assisted Living Facility 907 Orchard Dr, Grinnell, IA 50112-2075 2019-06-11
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Zip Code 52101

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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