Address: 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401
Phone: 7172776565

NORTHAMPTON VAMC (NPI# 1982642823) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1982642823
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name NORTHAMPTON VAMC
Other Organization Name SPRINGFIELD VA CBOC
Practice Address 25 Bond St
MA 01104-3401
Mailing Address Po Box 3017
PA 17042-3017
Practice Telephone 7172776565
Mailing Telephone 7172776565
Enumeration Date 2006-06-03
Last Update Date 2017-03-08
Authorized Official Name MS. ERIN POTTER (NPI TEAM MEMBER)
Authorized Official Telephone 2023822579
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 261QV0200X Clinic/Center
Specialization: VA
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Springfield VA CBOC Other Name - Individual/Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1407399298 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 55 N. Lake Avenue, 7th Floor, Worcester, MA 01655-0002 2016-11-28
1659665537 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 881 Main Street, Phillip J. Philbin Federal Building, Fitchburg, MA 01420-3057 2011-06-08
1083767503 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 143 Munson St, Greenfield, MA 01301-9694 2007-01-19
1033156518 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 73 Eagle St, Pittsfield, MA 01201-4714 2006-06-01
1013965896 Northampton Vamc Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2006-05-04
1417301714 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 377 Plantation St, Building #4, Worcester, MA 01605-2300 2016-04-22
1528354180 Northampton Vamc Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy 605 Lincoln St, Worcester, MA 01605-1901 2011-06-22
1669766564 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 605 Lincoln St, Worcester, MA 01605-1901 2011-06-08
1679626949 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2007-01-19
1780634162 Northampton Vamc General Acute Care Hospital 421 N Main St, Leeds, MA 01053-9764 2006-05-10

Office Location

Street Address 25 BOND ST
State MA
Zip Code 01104-3401

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1013965896 Northampton Vamc Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2006-05-04
1376917690 Eileen Tam Psychologist 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2015-11-24
1689969685 Julia Fleur Yarkoni Family Medicine 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2011-06-17
1154647972 Gretchen Joy Matte Registered Nurse 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2010-04-19
1134242068 Nancy Hayden Adams Social Worker 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2007-04-07
1669512331 Jennifer Lynn Brown Psychologist 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2007-02-08
1679626949 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2007-01-19
1467524314 Sara Haline Eichstaedt Social Worker 25 Bond St, Springfield Va Outpatient Clinic, Springfield, MA 01104 2006-11-15
1285734897 Susan M Cournoyer Nurse Practitioner 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2006-09-24
1518066232 Kenneth Lenchitz Clinic/Center 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2006-09-21
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1346727567 Genoa Healthcare, LLC Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies 2155 Main Street, Suite 131/133, Springfield, MA 01104 2018-07-20
1508385618 Demetrios Sotiropoulos Physician Assistant 175 Carew St Ste 250, Springfield, MA 01104 2017-09-11
1114382942 Rosana Rivera-delgado Psychologist 4017 Liberty St, Springfield, MA 01104 2015-12-21
1417363516 Springfield Family Pharmacy, Inc Pharmacy 175 Carew St, Suite 100, Springfield, MA 01104 2014-07-09
1437588837 Ariam Ivette Pena Counselor 85 St. George Road, Springfield, MA 01104 2013-11-06
1891124293 Ana E. Centeno Counselor 85 St. George Road., Springfield, MA 01104 2013-11-06
1275962003 Swany Matos Counselor 2155 Main St., Springfield, MA 01104 2013-11-02
1184053910 Claudia Eileen Quesada Counselor 2155 Main Street and St. George Road, The Gandara Center, Springfield, MA 01104 2013-11-02
1194023044 Hungry Hill Family Practice Clinic/Center 776 Liberty Street, Hungry Hill Family Practice, Springfield, MA 01104 2011-03-02
1710115308 Michael Allen Roche Counselor 332 Bernie Ave, Center for Human Development, Springfield, MA 01104 2009-06-23
Find all providers in zip 01104

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 261QV0200X
Grouping Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Classification Clinic/Center
Specialization VA

Taxonomy Definition

Definition to come...

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1902845316 Dayton Vamc Clinic/Center 1620 N Limestone St, Springfield, OH 45503-2624 2006-06-05
1497098800 Tram Thi Bui Clinic/Center 6501 Loisdale Ct, Springfield, VA 22150-1826 2013-04-03
1679626949 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 25 Bond St, Springfield, MA 01104-3401 2007-01-19
1821015264 Benjamin Adewale Md PC Clinic/Center 7011 Calamo St, #105, Springfield, VA 22150 2006-07-15
1235177973 Danville Vamc Clinic/Center 5850 S 6th Street Rd, Frontage Road East - Suite A, Springfield, IL 62703-5162 2006-06-03
1417900671 Fayetteville Vamc Clinic/Center 1850 W Republic Rd, Springfield, MO 65807-5730 2006-05-18

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1407399298 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 55 N. Lake Avenue, 7th Floor, Worcester, MA 01655-0002 2016-11-28
1265832943 Milton Vazquez Clinic/Center 95 Ashley Ave Ste A, Springfield Vet Center, West Springfield, MA 01089-1352 2014-08-29
1659665537 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 881 Main Street, Phillip J. Philbin Federal Building, Fitchburg, MA 01420-3057 2011-06-08
1083767503 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 143 Munson St, Greenfield, MA 01301-9694 2007-01-19
1033156518 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 73 Eagle St, Pittsfield, MA 01201-4714 2006-06-01
1902851306 Providence Vamc Clinic/Center 233 Stevens St, Hyannis, MA 02601-3766 2006-05-23
1417301714 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 377 Plantation St, Building #4, Worcester, MA 01605-2300 2016-04-22
1861887721 Boston Vamc Clinic/Center 150 S Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02130-4817 2015-03-30
1952650525 Boston Vamc Clinic/Center 116 Long Pond Rd, Plymouth, MA 02360-2663 2012-08-29
1669766564 Northampton Vamc Clinic/Center 605 Lincoln St, Worcester, MA 01605-1901 2011-06-08
Find all providers with the same taxonomy


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Zip Code 01104

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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