Address: 20085 E Rogers Dr, Orange, CA 92869-2211
Phone: 9494324622

MONROE OPERATIONS, LLC (NPI# 1962968529) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1962968529
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name NEWPORT ACADEMY-ROGERS
Practice Address 20085 E Rogers Dr
CA 92869-2211
Mailing Address 19200 Von Karman Ave Ste 500
CA 92612-8513
Practice Telephone 9494324622
Mailing Telephone 7142882033
Enumeration Date 2019-02-19
Last Update Date 2019-05-29
Authorized Official Name JAMISON MONROE (CEO)
Authorized Official Telephone 9498870242
Is Organization Subpart Y


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
N 3245S0500X Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility
Specialization: Substance Abuse Treatment, Children
Residential Treatment Facilities
Y 323P00000X Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility Residential Treatment Facilities

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Newport Academy-Rodgers Doing Business As Name - Organization
Newport Academy-Rogers Doing Business As Name - Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1689275620 Monroe Operations, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 80 W Nicasio, San Geronimo, CA 94963 2020-11-05
1013518042 Monroe Operations, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 1208 Via Aracena, Camarillo, CA 93010-7440 2020-11-05
1609477645 Monroe Operations, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 1850 Calle Alberca, Camarillo, CA 93010-1811 2020-11-05
1467053736 Monroe Operations, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 615 Bugeia Ln, Novato, CA 94945-1517 2020-11-04
1376144642 Monroe Operations, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 100 Avocado Pl, Camarillo, CA 93010-8467 2020-11-04
1285235556 Monroe Operations, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 7210 Johnston Rd, Pleasanton, CA 94588-9466 2020-11-04
1770194060 Monroe Operations, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 195 S Peralta Hills Dr, Anaheim, CA 92807-3424 2020-08-11
1891336459 Monroe Operations, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 10811 Morada, Orange, CA 92869-1541 2019-10-04
1619518271 Monroe Operations, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 7004 E Sundance Cir, Orange, CA 92869-2334 2019-10-04
1841756541 Monroe Operations, LLC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 227 Kilkare Rd, Sunol, CA 94586-9411 2019-02-18

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
New York State Corporations MONROE OPERATIONS, LLC 811 N. Ranch Wood Trail, Orange, California 92869
Connecticut Business Registrations MONROE OPERATIONS, LLC 811 N. Ranch Wood Trail, Orange, CA 92869

Office Location

Street Address 20085 E ROGERS DR
State CA
Zip Code 92869-2211

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1679955801 Lisa Moore Nurse Anesthetist, Certified Registered 1481 Meads, Orange, CA 92869 2015-06-24
1679960165 Matthew Rivera Specialist/Technologist 360 N Rancho Santiago Blvd, Orange, CA 92869 2015-04-22
1780014183 Sanaz Shahbandi Dentist 6449 East Saint Germain Cir., Orange, CA 92869 2013-11-21
1285973727 Howard Leonard Rothfeder Ophthalmology 1567 Willow Wood Circle, Orange, CA 92869 2013-02-04
1730462409 Luke Meier Psychologist 148 N Mine Canyon Rd Unit E, Orange, CA 92869 2011-09-20
1275825150 S. La Verne Eng Obstetrics & Gynecology 351 Merelet Ln, Orange, CA 92869 2011-05-10
1497047757 Eui San Cha Internal Medicine 2501 E Chapman Ave Ste 300, Orange, CA 92869 2011-05-05
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 323P00000X
Grouping Residential Treatment Facilities
Classification Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility

Taxonomy Definition

A residential treatment facility (RTF) is a facility or distinct part of a facility that provides to children and adolescents, a total, twenty-four hour, therapeutically planned group living and learning situation where distinct and individualized psychotherapeutic interventions can take place. Residential treatment is a specific level of care to be differentiated from acute, intermediate, and long-term hospital care, when the least restrictive environment is maintained to allow for normalization of the patient’s surroundings. The RTF must be both physically and programmatically distinct if it is a part or subunit of a larger treatment program. An RTF is organized and professionally staffed to provide residential treatment of mental disorders to children and adolescents who have sufficient intellectual potential to respond to active treatment (that is, for whom it can reasonably be assumed that treatment of the mental disorder will result in an improved ability to function outside the RTF) for whom outpatient treatment, partial hospitalization or protected and structured environment is medically or psychologically necessary
Notes: Source: Champus Policy manual, Volume II, p. 6010.47M dated 9/12/94. Revision: Definition title revised 7/1/03

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1538208061 Youth Consultation Service Inc Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 332 Lawnridge Rd, Orange, NJ 07050-3011 2007-02-05
1760845002 Telecare Corporation Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 401 S Tustin St, Building D, Orange, CA 92866-2550 2016-04-04
1174854632 Telecare Corporation Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 401 S Tustin St, Building D, Orange, CA 92866-2550 2010-01-22

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1679172720 Meadows Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 6395 Meadows Ct, Malibu, CA 90265-1706 2020-10-20
1912506064 Point Dume Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 29149 Cliffside Dr, Malibu, CA 90265-4215 2020-10-20
1275132326 Beach House Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 29245 Cliffside Dr, Malibu, CA 90265-4268 2020-10-20
1376159566 3855 Brunston LLC Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 3855 Brunston Ct, Westlake Village, CA 91362-5130 2020-09-22
1649884909 Montage Recovery Ca LLC Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 2890 Kana Dume, Malibu, CA 90265 2020-09-03
1245844596 Montage Recovery California Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 15367 Valley Vista Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 2020-09-03
1063024644 Crownview Psychiatric Institute Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 1110 Camino Del Sol Cir, Carlsbad, CA 92008-3509 2020-08-17
1215545652 Elevation Behavioral Health Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 3836 Kanan Rd, Agoura Hills, CA 91301-3237 2020-07-22
1053929273 Montage Recovery Solutions Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 17801 Twilight Ln, Encino, CA 91316-4330 2020-07-14
1225646441 Montage Recovery Solutions Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility 2900 S Kanan Dume Rd, Malibu, CA 90265-2792 2020-07-14
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Zip Code 92869

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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