Address: 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815
Phone: 7027637443

LEGACY COUNSELING AND WORKFORCE CONNECTIONS (NPI# 1962047415) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1962047415
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9
Las Vegas
NV 89103-6815
Practice Telephone 7027637443
Practice Fax Number 8662841860
Mailing Telephone 7027637443
Mailing Fax Number 8662841860
Enumeration Date 2019-11-07
Last Update Date 2020-04-16
Authorized Official Name CHARLETTE A SMITH (CEO)
Authorized Official Telephone 7027637443
Is Organization Subpart Y


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 207RI0200X Internal Medicine
Specialization: Infectious Disease
Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Legacy Counseling And Workforce Connections Doing Business As Name - Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1760027213 Legacy Counseling and Workforce Connections Psychologist 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste 9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-5861 2019-11-07
1821635889 Legacy Counseling and Workforce Connections Clinic/Center 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815 2019-12-09
1578108023 Legacy Counseling and Workforce Connections Non-emergency Medical Transport (VAN) 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815 2019-11-07

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
System for Award Management (SAM) Entities LEGACY COUNSELING AND WORKFORCE CONNECTIONS 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815

Office Location

Street Address 4170 S DECATUR BLVD STE D9
State NV
Zip Code 89103-6815

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1013186030 Krayton Stephens Counselor 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815 2008-02-23
1700499761 Alejandra Villalobos Case Manager/Care Coordinator 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815 2020-08-28
1255940144 Alanna Walker Counselor 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815 2020-07-27
1821635889 Legacy Counseling and Workforce Connections Clinic/Center 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815 2019-12-09
1578108023 Legacy Counseling and Workforce Connections Non-emergency Medical Transport (VAN) 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815 2019-11-07
1285277145 Cordell Destrey Harris Rehabilitation Practitioner 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815 2019-10-23
1881245801 Aaron Burciaga Massage Therapist 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815 2019-09-20
1417507443 Legacy Counseling and Workforce Connection Clinic/Center 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815 2019-09-11
1740603026 Legacy Counseling and Workforce Connection Counselor 4170 S Decatur Blvd Ste D9, Las Vegas, NV 89103-6815 2014-01-22

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1043821671 New Directions LLC Counselor 3651 S Lindell Dr, Ste D15 B, Las Vegas, NV 89103 2020-08-17
1396356929 A-plus Community Counseling Services LLC Counselor 3651 S Lindell Dr Ste D15, Las Vegas, NV 89103 2020-08-17
1437798931 Las Vegas Diagnostic & Treatment LLC Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine & OMM Dpm, 5650 W Flamingo Rd Ste A, Las Vegas, NV 89103 2019-12-31
1033769385 Maria Yemi Centeno Technician 4674 Via Torino, Las Vegas, NV 89103 2019-09-18
1750847869 Walgreen Co Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies 3821 W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89103 2019-02-13
1447741905 Adgold Medical Corp Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies 3651 Lindell Rd Ste D536, Las Vegas, NV 89103 2018-05-21
1184138620 Kiley Ballew Social Worker 4425 South Jones, Suite D3, Las Vegas, NV 89103 2017-11-20
1396275988 Karen Walton Technician 5419 W. Tropicana Ave. A2803, Las Vegas, NV 89103 2017-06-15
1760923643 Shannon-dorothy Austria Social Worker 4425 S. Jones, Suite D3, Las Vegas, NV 89103 2017-03-13
1306260583 Ladonna Smith Behavioral Analyst 1126 Tamerck Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89103 2014-02-10
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 207RI0200X
Grouping Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Classification Internal Medicine
Specialization Infectious Disease

Taxonomy Definition

An internist who deals with infectious diseases of all types and in all organ systems. Conditions requiring selective use of antibiotics call for this special skill. This physician often diagnoses and treats AIDS patients and patients with fevers which have not been explained. Infectious disease specialists may also have expertise in preventive medicine and travel medicine.
Notes: Source: American Board of Medical Specialties, 2007. www.abms.org [7/1/2007: added definition, added source; 7/1/2011: modified source]
- Additional Resources: American Board of Internal Medicine, 2007. http://www.abim.org/. American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine, 2007. http://www.osteopathic.org/certification
- Board certification for Medical Doctors (MDs) is provided by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Board certification for Doctors of Osteopathy (DOs) is provided by the American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1366957425 Roger Rivera Patricio Jr. Internal Medicine 6276 S Rainbow Blvd Ste 100, Las Vegas, NV 89118-3243 2017-12-11
1033657622 Naima Zaheer, Md, Pllc Internal Medicine 3006 S Maryland Pkwy Ste 780, Las Vegas, NV 89109-2292 2017-02-03
1700036431 Tienchai Narach Internal Medicine 2435 Fire Mesa St Ste 120, Las Vegas, NV 89128 2008-09-30
1598889008 Alireza Farabi Internal Medicine 701 Shadow Lane # 200, Las Vegas, NV 89106 2007-03-19
1740330711 Fermin Leguen Internal Medicine 280 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89107 2007-01-11
1558427526 Infectious Disease Specialists, LLC Internal Medicine 6276 S Rainbow Blvd, Suite #100, Las Vegas, NV 89118-3243 2006-12-27
1972538247 Amir Z Qureshi Internal Medicine 4275 Burnham Ave Ste 230, Las Vegas, NV 89119-5400 2006-07-12
1427012806 Alka Peter Rebentish Internal Medicine 6088 S Durango Dr, #d-100, Las Vegas, NV 89113-1780 2006-04-13
1275511263 Ronald A Shockley Internal Medicine 3121 S Maryland Pkwy Ste 412, Las Vegas, NV 89109-2309 2006-01-09
1194711358 Dhaval Jasvant Shah Internal Medicine 2435 Fire Mesa St, Suite 120, Las Vegas, NV 89128-9009 2005-09-23
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Zip Code 89103

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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