Address: 601 E Arrellaga St Ste 102, Santa Barbara, CA 93103-4233
Phone: 8059665100

FULL SPECTRUM RECOVERY (NPI# 1952589939) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1952589939
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 601 E Arrellaga St Ste 102
Santa Barbara
CA 93103-4233
Practice Telephone 8059665100
Practice Fax Number 8059664980
Mailing Telephone 8059665100
Mailing Fax Number 8059664980
Enumeration Date 2008-02-01
Last Update Date 2013-02-05
Authorized Official Telephone 8059665100
Authorized Official Credential M.F.T.
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 251S00000X Community/Behavioral Health Agencies

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1699817254 Full Spectrum Recovery Marriage & Family Therapist 601 E Arrellaga St, Suite 102, Santa Barbara, CA 93103-2274 2007-02-12

Office Location

Street Address 601 E ARRELLAGA ST STE 102
State CA
Zip Code 93103-4233

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1598061541 P. Joseph Frawley M.d. Medical Group, Inc. Internal Medicine 525 E. Micheltorena, Ste. 107, Santa Barbara, CA 93103 2011-02-08
1982912473 Lauren Bray Counselor 430 East Guiterrez Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93103 2010-09-17
1023349636 Brian D Hardgrave Counselor 37 Mountain Dr., Santa Barbara, CA 93103 2010-01-21
1326214644 James David Dart Dentist 536 E. Arrellaga St Ste 101, Santa Barbara, CA 93103 2008-05-06
1982804076 Carl Hennessy Williams Family Medicine 400 E Pedregosa St, #b, Santa Barbara, CA 93103 2007-07-18
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1285718122 Master Medical Supply Inc Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies 910 E Haley St, Santa Barbara, CA 93103 2006-10-25
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 251S00000X
Grouping Agencies
Classification Community/Behavioral Health

Taxonomy Definition

A private or public agency usually under local government jurisdiction, responsible for assuring the delivery of community based mental health, mental retardation, substance abuse and/or behavioral health services to individuals with those disabilities. Services may range from companion care, respite, transportation, community integration, crisis intervention and stabilization, supported employment, day support, prevocational services, residential support, therapeutic and supportive consultation, environmental modifications, intensive in-home therapy and day treatment, in addition to traditional mental health and behavioral treatment.
Notes: Source: National Medicaid EDI HIPAA NPI Sub Work Group [1/1/2007: modified definition]

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1962018770 Santa Barbara County Department of Behavioral Wellness Community/Behavioral Health 315 Camino Del Remedio, Bldg 3, Suite Gf-3, Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1332 2020-09-17
1275155061 Domestic Violence Solutions for Santa Barbara County Community/Behavioral Health 521 W Victoria St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101-4256 2020-05-14
1902430283 Dandy, A Licensed Clinical Social Worker Corporation Community/Behavioral Health 27 W Anapamu St # 132, Santa Barbara, CA 93101-3107 2020-02-26
1225454945 The Phoenix of Santa Barbara Community/Behavioral Health 110 La Paz, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 2014-03-06
1952690448 Sheriff's Treatment Program Community/Behavioral Health 4436 Calle Real, Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1002 2011-04-05
1851600704 Turning Point Foundation Community/Behavioral Health 331 E Micheltorena St Apt 7, Santa Barbara, CA 93101-1141 2010-09-27
1306051578 Regents of The University of California Univ. of California Hosford Cl Community/Behavioral Health 1151 Education Building, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9490 2007-05-11
1083836415 Randall Jay Schwalm Community/Behavioral Health 126 E. Haley St., Santa Barbara, CA 93103 2007-05-03
1659497352 Casa Pacifica Centers for Children and Families Community/Behavioral Health 115 S La Cumbre Ln, Suite 200, Santa Barbara, CA 93105-5102 2007-03-22
1508902396 Sajourn Services Inc Community/Behavioral Health 118 W Arrellaga Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 2007-01-29
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Zip Code 93103

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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