Address: 1651 Brentwood Dr, Casper, WY 82604-4866
Phone: 3072510077

JANET HOYT, LLC (NPI# 1932516358) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1932516358
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name JANET HOYT, LLC
Practice Address 1651 Brentwood Dr
WY 82604-4866
Practice Telephone 3072510077
Mailing Telephone 3072510077
Enumeration Date 2014-07-17
Last Update Date 2014-07-17
Authorized Official Telephone 3072510077
Authorized Official Credential LCSW
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 251S00000X Community/Behavioral Health LCSW552 WY Agencies

Office Location

Street Address 1651 BRENTWOOD DR
State WY
Zip Code 82604-4866

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1508117904 Janet Elaine Hoyt Social Worker 1651 Brentwood Dr, Casper, WY 82604-4866 2012-09-25

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1518489335 Sasha Marie Baker Behavior Technician 945 Pendell Blvd, Casper, WY 82604 2017-07-13
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1619364437 Daniel Dalen Specialist/Technologist 2342 Odell, Casper, WY 82604 2015-04-20
1568883064 Rocky Mountain Holdings, LLC Ambulance 7798 Fuller St, Casper, WY 82604 2013-12-31
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1093938839 Kelly L Heenan Counselor 3741 Arroyo Drive, Casper, WY 82604 2007-04-10
1649393943 Leslie Keeler Case Manager/Care Coordinator 630 10 Mile Road, Casper, WY 82604 2007-04-09
1386778223 Wyoming Health Fairs Technician, Pathology 115 South Elm St, Casper, WY 82604 2007-03-15
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 251S00000X
Grouping Agencies
Classification Community/Behavioral Health

Taxonomy Definition

A private or public agency usually under local government jurisdiction, responsible for assuring the delivery of community based mental health, mental retardation, substance abuse and/or behavioral health services to individuals with those disabilities. Services may range from companion care, respite, transportation, community integration, crisis intervention and stabilization, supported employment, day support, prevocational services, residential support, therapeutic and supportive consultation, environmental modifications, intensive in-home therapy and day treatment, in addition to traditional mental health and behavioral treatment.
Notes: Source: National Medicaid EDI HIPAA NPI Sub Work Group [1/1/2007: modified definition]

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1700414547 Dede L Sievers Community/Behavioral Health 2723 W Renauna Ave, Casper, WY 82601-9691 2020-03-28
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1700194420 Restoration Counseling, P. C. Community/Behavioral Health 8404 Casper Mt. Rd., Casper, WY 82601-9700 2010-09-15
1043533086 Self Help Center, Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 441 S Center St, Suite 300, Casper, WY 82601-2855 2010-03-04
1790341402 Anthony Aaron Fowler Community/Behavioral Health 123 W 1st St Ste 700b, Casper, WY 82601-2481 2019-05-17
1295278851 Sunshine Counseling LLC Community/Behavioral Health 1541 Diamond Dr, Casper, WY 82601-6247 2016-11-29
1760925838 The Healing Place At Highland Park Community Church Community/Behavioral Health 5725 Highland Dr, Casper, WY 82609-4382 2016-11-22
1821449042 Learn Resilience, LLC Community/Behavioral Health 3211 Energy Ln, Suite 310, Casper, WY 82604-2941 2016-06-29
1346655164 Crossroads Counseling LLC Community/Behavioral Health 2510 E 15th St, Suite 11, Casper, WY 82609-4111 2014-07-01
1477973436 Achieving Opportunities, LLC Community/Behavioral Health 4341 Bobcat, Casper, WY 82604-4548 2014-04-17
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Zip Code 82604

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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