Address: 1550 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110
Phone: 4156418000

OAKES CHILDREN'S CENTER, INC (NPI# 1932277308) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1932277308
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 1550 Treat Ave
San Francisco
CA 94110
Practice Telephone 4156418000
Practice Fax Number 4156418002
Mailing Telephone 4156418000
Mailing Fax Number 4156418002
Enumeration Date 2006-12-01
Last Update Date 2012-11-13
Authorized Official Telephone 4156418000
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 251S00000X Community/Behavioral Health Agencies

Office Location

Street Address 1550 TREAT AVE
State CA
Zip Code 94110

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1821600362 Meta Bodewes Counselor 1550 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5234 2020-08-17
1942819313 Travis Shubeck Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 1550 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5234 2020-07-30
1275172769 Edward Joseph Flores Villegas Spec/Tech, Health Info 1550 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5234 2019-12-31
1033778063 Maya Weir Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 1550 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5234 2019-06-12
1184280877 Claire Posel Marriage & Family Therapist 1550 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5234 2019-05-17
1174093561 Matthew Bandiera Community Health Worker 1550 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5234 2018-11-28
1639645781 Alan Lin Specialist 1550 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5234 2018-10-16
1114492279 Andjelija Sreckovic Counselor 1550 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5234 2018-10-04
1245705391 Meriya Saunders-evans Counselor 1550 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5234 2018-10-04
1790250850 Chelsea Mandile Counselor 1550 Treat Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110-5234 2018-10-04
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1891302980 Deena Marlo Abramson Doula 1360 Vermont Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 2020-09-23
1740835131 Jacob Matz Orthopaedic Surgery Orthopaedic Trauma Institute, 2550 23rd St Building 9, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94110 2019-08-03
1427523083 John Pier Shaw Counselor 1550 Treat Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 2018-10-10
1548743594 Ana Li Registered Nurse 2460 22nd Street, Building 90, Fourth Floor, Ward 94, San Francisco, CA 94110 2018-09-14
1295220283 Sarah Jane Blevins Technician, Other 1061 Valencia Street, Apt A, San Francisco, CA 94110 2018-06-22
1639688823 Rashid Belkheiri Community Health Worker 1001 Potrero Ave Bldg 5 #7m36, San Francisco, CA 94110 2017-09-20
1780107425 Allison Kimberley Tucker Orthopaedic Surgery 2550 23rd St., Bldg. 9, 2nd Floor, Orthopedic Trauma Institute, San Francisco, CA 94110 2017-07-25
1003339300 April May Moyer Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 1001 Potrero Street 6b, San Francisco, CA 94110 2017-07-19
1154851798 Anthony Jermaine Hatten Specialist 1001 Potrero Ave Rm Ward93, San Francisco, CA 94110 2017-06-15
1770012981 Cardiogram, Inc. Physiological Laboratory 375 Alabama St Ste 350, San Francisco, CA 94110 2017-06-09
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 251S00000X
Grouping Agencies
Classification Community/Behavioral Health

Taxonomy Definition

A private or public agency usually under local government jurisdiction, responsible for assuring the delivery of community based mental health, mental retardation, substance abuse and/or behavioral health services to individuals with those disabilities. Services may range from companion care, respite, transportation, community integration, crisis intervention and stabilization, supported employment, day support, prevocational services, residential support, therapeutic and supportive consultation, environmental modifications, intensive in-home therapy and day treatment, in addition to traditional mental health and behavioral treatment.
Notes: Source: National Medicaid EDI HIPAA NPI Sub Work Group [1/1/2007: modified definition]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1366069007 Recovery Record Community/Behavioral Health 304 Moultrie St, San Francisco, CA 94110-5619 2020-06-29
1073074324 Child Therapy Institute of Marin Community/Behavioral Health 3195 California St Ste D, San Francisco, CA 94115-2412 2019-03-28
1215400171 Healthy Delivery, Inc Community/Behavioral Health 290 Division St Ste 304, San Francisco, CA 94103-4850 2019-01-03
1568996494 Blue Humming Therapy Community/Behavioral Health 447 Sutter St Ste 400, San Francisco, CA 94108-4632 2017-04-18
1255882130 Seneca Family of Agencies Community/Behavioral Health 2929 19th St, San Francisco, CA 94110-2019 2016-10-17
1003360538 Contra Costa County Behavioral Health Department Community/Behavioral Health 45 Allston Way, San Francisco, CA 94127-1101 2016-08-12
1245603091 Seneca Family of Agencies Community/Behavioral Health 1101 Eucalyptus Dr, San Francisco, CA 94132-1401 2015-11-02
1841666229 Seneca Family of Agencies Community/Behavioral Health 1035 Gilman Ave, San Francisco, CA 94124-3710 2015-08-19
1700265949 Lafrance Associates, LLC Community/Behavioral Health 170 Capp St, Suite C, San Francisco, CA 94110-1210 2015-05-20
1477951275 Grossbard&bourzat Corp Community/Behavioral Health 618 Athens St, San Francisco, CA 94112-3531 2014-12-09
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Zip Code 94110

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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