Address: 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762
Phone: 9074433311

NORTON SOUND HEALTH CORP PHYSICAL TERAPHY (NPI# 1871996975) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1871996975
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave
AK 99762
Mailing Address Po Box 966
AK 99762
Practice Telephone 9074433311
Enumeration Date 2014-10-02
Last Update Date 2014-10-02
Authorized Official Name ANGELA GORN (PRESIDENT/CEO)
Authorized Official Telephone 9074433311
Is Organization Subpart Y


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 282NC0060X General Acute Care Hospital
Specialization: Critical Access
155538 AK Hospitals

Office Location

Street Address 1000 GREG KRUSCHEK AVE
State AK
Zip Code 99762

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1063485613 Cecelia Watson Nurse Practitioner 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762-0966 2006-02-13
1104425909 Myra Seppilu Technician 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762-9976 2020-10-22
1407460579 Mandy Iworrigan Technician 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762-9976 2020-09-04
1295350734 Kevin Nayokpuk Technician 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762-9976 2020-06-10
1225652027 Jennie Diggs Technician 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762-9976 2020-06-08
1598392524 Amy Hollis Registered Nurse 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762 2020-03-27
1013545029 Florine Loeits-bannow Case Manager/Care Coordinator 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762 2020-03-27
1093346520 Norton Sound Health Corp. In Home Supportive Care 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762-0966 2020-02-03
1265078091 Hilary Fello Dietitian, Registered 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762 2019-11-27
1306497045 Kayla Gibson Pharmacist 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762 2019-09-24
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1063030773 Aura Chasteen Counselor 907 Division Street, Nome, AK 99762 2020-07-09
1043858210 Nome Public Schools Point of Service 2920 3.5 Nome-teller Hwy, Nome, AK 99762 2019-12-18
1194217638 Kathryn Davis Mctigue Dentist Nome Bypass Rd, Nome, AK 99762 2018-05-31
1891296489 Yonaton Sahar Davidson Counselor Nome Community Center, Nome, AK 99762 2018-02-28
1588186605 Jennifer R Dean-johnson Case Manager/Care Coordinator 1000 Greg Kruschev, Nome, AK 99762 2017-07-11
1457717340 Kristy Kunayak Community Health Worker Front Street 7059, Little Diomede, AK 99762 2016-01-07
1265828743 Diane Paniptchuk Community Health Worker 1000 Kruschak Ave, Nome, AK 99762 2015-04-10
1710384185 Helen M Eningowuk Community Health Worker 1000 Greg Kruscheck Ave, Nome, AK 99762 2014-12-01
1194122671 Crystal Lynn Fagerstrom Community Health Worker 39 Punguk Street, Golovin, AK 99762 2014-11-26
1699187161 Cynthia Barrand Counselor 1000 Greg Kruscheck, Nome, AK 99762 2014-06-02
Find all providers in zip 99762

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 282NC0060X
Grouping Hospitals
Classification General Acute Care Hospital
Specialization Critical Access

Taxonomy Definition

Definition to come.
Notes: [7/1/2003: new]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1295855666 Norton Sound Health Corp General Acute Care Hospital Nshc, 306 W 5th, Nome, AK 99762 2007-03-30
1588902027 Norton Sound Health Corp General Acute Care Hospital 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762 2013-01-17
1225101041 Norton Sound Health Corporation General Acute Care Hospital 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave, Nome, AK 99762-0966 2006-11-17

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1306933643 Arctic Slope Native Association Ltd General Acute Care Hospital 7000 Uula Street, Barrow, AK 99723 2006-10-06
1518955731 Wrangell Medical Center General Acute Care Hospital 310 Bennett Street, Wrangell, AK 99929-1081 2005-10-11
1013905660 Providence Health & Services Washington General Acute Care Hospital 1915 E Rezanof Dr, Kodiak, AK 99615-6602 2005-10-07
1780085381 Sitka Community Hospital General Acute Care Hospital 209 Moller Ave, Sitka, AK 99835-7142 2014-09-15
1487898110 Searhc Mt Edcumbe Hospital General Acute Care Hospital 222 Tongass Dr, Sitka, AK 99835-9416 2009-04-24
1962688309 Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation General Acute Care Hospital 6000 Kanakanak Rd, Dillingham, AK 99576-0130 2008-01-16
1578758744 Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital General Acute Care Hospital 1296 Agvik Street, Barrow, AK 99723-0029 2007-09-11
1326230756 Asna-samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital General Acute Care Hospital 1296 Agvik Street, Barrow, AK 99723-0029 2007-08-09
1831255421 Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation General Acute Care Hospital 6000 Kanakanak Rd, Dillingham, AK 99576 2006-12-28
1790845204 The Petersburg Medical Center General Acute Care Hospital 103 Fram Street, Petersburg, AK 99833-0589 2006-12-12
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Zip Code 99762

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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