Address: 19737 W Valley Blvd, Tehachapi, CA 93561-8601
Phone: 6618237644

DAVID MOODY DENTAL CORPORATION (NPI# 1871192484) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1871192484
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 19737 W Valley Blvd
CA 93561-8601
Practice Telephone 6618237644
Practice Fax Number 6618238561
Mailing Telephone 6618237644
Mailing Fax Number 6618238561
Enumeration Date 2020-10-23
Last Update Date 2020-10-23
Authorized Official Name MR. DAVID GALE MOODY (OWNER/ DENTIST)
Authorized Official Telephone 6618237644
Authorized Official Credential DDS
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 1223G0001X Dentist
Specialization: General Practice
Dental Providers

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Peachy Dental Doing Business As Name - Organization

Office Location

Street Address 19737 W VALLEY BLVD
State CA
Zip Code 93561-8601

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1063638153 Daniel D Heer Dentist 19737 W Valley Blvd, Tehachapi, CA 93561-8601 2007-04-17

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
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1245798503 Alanamarie Pearsall Chiropractor 20406 Brian Way, Std 4d, Tehachapi, CA 93561 2019-03-06
1205329430 Stephanie Edman Acupuncturist 276 S. Mill St. Suite A, Tehachapi, CA 93561 2018-06-12
1487010476 Cassaundra Jo Lynch Pharmacist 24900 Ca-202, Tehachapi, CA 93561 2016-01-07
1407222888 Erin E Grillo Physical Therapist 815 Tucker Rd Ste C, Tehachapi, CA 93561 2015-08-19
1447634258 Jennifer Diaz Licensed Vocational Nurse 113 E F Street, Tehachapi, CA 93561 2015-07-13
1497138408 Scott Long Specialist/Technologist 28400 Stallion Springs, Tehachapi, CA 93561 2015-07-08
1780064154 Juan Medina Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 113 East F Street, Tehachapi, CA 93561 2015-06-01
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 1223G0001X
Grouping Dental Providers
Classification Dentist
Specialization General Practice

Taxonomy Definition

A general dentist is the primary dental care provider for patients of all ages. The general dentist is responsible for the diagnosis, treatment, management and overall coordination of services related to patients' oral health needs.
Notes: Source: Academy of General Dentistry

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1760666937 John Matthews Dentist End of Hwy 202, Tehachapi, CA 93581 2007-12-24
1497939672 Kenneth Dale Chaffee Dentist 24900 End of Hwy 202, Tehachapi, CA 93561-0000 2007-12-24
1801079850 Dale Akira Nakayama Dentist 1031 Pobox, End of Hwy 202, Tehachapi, CA 93581-1031 2007-12-13
1518171537 Dedicated Dental Systems Inc Dentist 20300 W Valley Blvd, Ste A, Tehachapi, CA 93561-8609 2007-05-09
1568685576 Ryan Kerr Dentist 709 W Valley Blvd Ste A, Tehachapi, CA 93561-2119 2007-04-10
1427110931 Randall Bruce Kam Dentist 102 E F St, Tehachapi, CA 93561-1711 2006-12-14
1235216250 Michael Barrett Jones Dentist 20406 Brian Way Ste 2, Tehachapi, CA 93561-8781 2006-11-01
1154417897 Rick Dale Wells Dentist 20878 Sage Ln, Tehachapi, CA 93561-6423 2006-10-04
1770196024 Kevin Tan Bibera Dentist 20406 Brian Way # 2, Tehachapi, CA 93561-8781 2020-08-26
1518100379 Jose David Sanchez Dentist 20370 W Valley Blvd, Tehachapi, CA 93561-8615 2009-04-09
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Zip Code 93561

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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