Address: 875 N Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029-3759
Phone: 3234610777

VERONICA MORALES BANTA M.D., INC. (NPI# 1851605992) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1851605992
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 875 N Western Ave
Los Angeles
CA 90029-3759
Practice Telephone 3234610777
Practice Fax Number 3234618035
Mailing Telephone 3234610777
Mailing Fax Number 3234618035
Enumeration Date 2010-07-30
Last Update Date 2010-08-12
Authorized Official Telephone 3234610777
Authorized Official Credential M.D.
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 261Q00000X Clinic/Center A104447 CA Ambulatory Health Care Facilities

Office Location

Street Address 875 N WESTERN AVE
State CA
Zip Code 90029-3759

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1912071085 Dante Atienza Banta Family Medicine 875 N Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029-3759 2006-11-20
1548567480 Gonzalo Corzo, D.d.s. A Professional Corporation Dentist 875 N Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029-3759 2011-02-11
1992930994 Warren Banta Md, A Medical Corporation Clinic/Center 875 N Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029-3759 2009-05-19
1740439264 Arturo V. Hernandez, D.d.s. Point of Service 875 N Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029-3759 2008-09-09
1265692925 Veronica M Banta Family Medicine 875 N Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029-3759 2008-06-16
1215100417 Dante A. Banta, M.d., Inc. Clinic/Center 875 N Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029-3759 2008-04-08

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1053884775 Melrose Recovery, LLC. Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 1253 N Commonwealth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029 2019-01-04
1548740939 Mission City Community Network Inc Clinic/Center 5300 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 202, Los Angeles, CA 90029 2018-08-15
1215454707 Dennis De Vera Respiratory Therapist, Registered 1154 N. Berendo St, Los Angeles, CA 90029 2017-08-24
1508390881 Acadia Malibu, Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 4423 and 4423 1/2 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90029 2017-04-13
1023556610 Jasen Mcgoldrick Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility 4445 Burns Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90029 2017-02-03
1679930572 Sukhwa Park Acupuncturist 4870 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90029 2016-01-22
1629326749 Jocelyn Anne Brown Midwife 1042 Sanborn Ave Apt 9, Los Angeles, CA 90029 2012-08-21
1811211915 Advanced Skilled Nursing Inc. Skilled Nursing Facility 975 North Virgil Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90029 2010-03-17
1427244060 Manuel Masaganda Ferreras Technician/Technologist 1131 N Vermont Ave Ste 101, Los Angeles, CA 90029 2007-09-18
1033321013 Zhirayr Jerry Khoshoryan Chiropractor 1233 Vermont Ave., Suite 1b, Los Angeles, CA 90029 2007-05-04
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 261Q00000X
Grouping Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Classification Clinic/Center

Taxonomy Definition

A facility or distinct part of one used for the diagnosis and treatment of outpatients. "Clinic/Center" is irregularly defined, sometimes being limited to organizations serving specialized treatment requirements or distinct patient/client groups (e.g., radiology, poor, and public health).

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1891310124 Movn Pllc Clinic/Center 800 Wilshire Blvd Ste 200, Los Angeles, CA 90017-2608 2020-06-12
1194346387 Tsoy Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Clinic/Center 1745 Silver Lake Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026-1221 2020-04-29
1790304186 Tatyana Rem Clinic/Center 1745 Silver Lake Bvld, Los Angeles, CA 90026-1221 2020-04-15
1255950424 What's In It, LLC. Clinic/Center 10323 Woodbine St Apt 105, Los Angeles, CA 90034-3749 2020-04-08
1386287456 Cpsn, Inc Clinic/Center 10700 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 309, Los Angeles, CA 90025-6587 2019-10-22
1548737794 American Current Care of California, A Medical Corporation Clinic/Center 434 S San Vicente Blvd Ste 100, Los Angeles, CA 90048-4108 2018-10-25
1295201044 Jwch Institute, Inc. Clinic/Center 500 S San Pedro St, Los Angeles, CA 90013-2102 2018-10-19
1609359660 Sterling Hospitalist Medical Group, Inc. Clinic/Center 1300 N Vermont Ave Ste 501, Los Angeles, CA 90027-6098 2018-09-14
1548740939 Mission City Community Network Inc Clinic/Center 5300 Santa Monica Blvd Ste 202, Los Angeles, CA 90029 2018-08-15
1518460658 Aids Healthcare Foundation Clinic/Center 1811 N Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90027-3403 2018-03-15
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Zip Code 90029

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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