Address: Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094
Phone: 3144801110

86TH MEDICAL GROUP (NPI# 1821071424) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1821071424
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name 86TH MEDICAL GROUP
Practice Address Unit 3215
AE 09094
Practice Telephone 3144801110
Mailing Telephone 3144801110
Enumeration Date 2005-11-29
Last Update Date 2015-05-19
Authorized Official Telephone 7036817018
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 261QM1100X Clinic/Center
Specialization: Military/U.S. Coast Guard Outpatient
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities

Office Location

Street Address UNIT 3215
City APO
State AE
Zip Code 09094

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1033690540 Heather Maples Mccaleb Nurse Practitioner Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094-3215 2018-08-23
1881107233 Lauren Nicole Kester Physical Therapy Assistant Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094-3215 2017-11-08
1285183517 Tijuana Odom Social Worker Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094-3215 2016-09-28
1437480480 Jennifer Dawn Leckie Acupuncturist Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094-3215 2010-01-14
1306074281 Mumbi Melody Ngugi Physician Assistant Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094-3215 2009-06-30
1811136690 Cristina Lynn Franchetti Surgery Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094-3215 2009-02-18
1114170271 Michael Patrick Zeola Psychiatry & Neurology Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094-3215 2008-11-02
1689659211 Jesus Morales Cortes Dentist Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094-3215 2005-12-07

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1043722077 Claudia Kayatani Social Worker Ramstein Afb, 86th Mdg, Apo, AE 09094 2017-10-31
1073993549 Philip Oro Family Medicine Psc 2, Unit 3215, Bldg 2114, Room 201, Apo, RAMSTEIN-MIESENBACH 09094 2015-06-01
1336528363 Talon Miner Preventive Medicine 86 Amds / Sgpf, Flight Surgeon Office Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094 2015-05-22
1578973921 Joseph Lincoln Abrams Preventive Medicine 86 Amds Unit 3212, Apo, AE 09094 2014-05-06
1063756575 Bethany Allison Casper Nurse Practitioner Ramstein Air Base, 86 Mdg, Apo, AE 09094 2012-11-21
1871846113 Adam P Faber Nurse Practitioner 86mdg, Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094 2012-10-24
1982959771 Matthew Puderbaugh General Practice 86th Medical Group Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094 2012-07-17
1760757371 Nathan Larson Dentist 86ds/sgd, Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094 2012-03-14
1609004589 Lashonda M Green Morehead Military Health Care Provider 435 Th Mdos/sgopf, Unit 3215 Ramstein Ab, Germany, Apo, AE 09094 2009-06-30
1952588766 Denise Maria Martin Zona Counselor 86 Mdos/sgow, Unit 3215, Apo, AE 09094 2008-01-23
Find all providers in zip 09094

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 261QM1100X
Grouping Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Classification Clinic/Center
Specialization Military/U.S. Coast Guard Outpatient

Taxonomy Definition

The Defense Health Program or U.S. Coast Guard funded "fixed" facilities or distinct parts of a facility, providing outpatient medical and dental services, primarily for Uniformed Services beneficiaries. A "fixed" facility is a non-temporary, non-deployed facility. It includes mobile specialty units such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) units that may furnish services at the "fixed" facility. It includes, as examples, the institutional portion of outpatient encounters (except Ambulatory Procedure Visits), supplies issued (e.g., glasses, ostomy supplies, crutches), and radiology and laboratory studies. Does not include items issued directly to a patient from an outpatient pharmacy or patient transport.
Notes: Source: TRICARE Management Activity Uniform Business Office User’s Guide [1/1/2005: title modified, definition added; 7/1/2006 title modified, definition modified]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1891982518 Jtf-b Med El-honduras Clinic/Center Unit 5700, Apo, AA 34042 2007-09-26
1568660348 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15652, Bldg 1665, Apo, AP 96205 2007-07-03
1811195696 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15652, Bldg 3576, Apo, AP 96205 2007-07-03
1457559239 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15652, Bldg 7005, Apo, AP 96205 2007-07-03
1730387515 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15652, Bldg S4034, Apo, AP 96205 2007-07-03
1306042494 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15658, Bldg 808, Apo, AP 96224 2007-06-25
1730385824 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15659, Bldg 220, Apo, AP 96218 2007-06-25
1215133301 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15660, Bldg 555, Apo, AP 96271 2007-06-25
1053517144 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15663, Bldg 600, Apo, AP 96297 2007-06-25
1700082880 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15652, Bldg 5107, Apo, AP 96205 2007-06-25
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City APO
Zip Code 09094

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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