Address: 1530 Parkway, Greenwood, SC 29646
Phone: 8643301666

PALMETTO MEDICAL REHABILITATION (NPI# 1801059779) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1801059779
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 1530 Parkway
SC 29646
Mailing Address Po Box 50087
SC 29649-0019
Practice Telephone 8643301666
Practice Fax Number 8643301870
Mailing Telephone 8643301666
Mailing Fax Number 8643301870
Enumeration Date 2008-07-09
Last Update Date 2018-07-31
Authorized Official Name DR. CLIFFORD A MONDA (PHYSICIAN)
Authorized Official Telephone 8649928499
Authorized Official Credential DO
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 208100000X Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation DO 720 SC Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Office Location

Street Address 1530 PARKWAY
State SC
Zip Code 29646

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1437131232 Michael Lamar Ruppenthal Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1530 Parkway, Suite A, Greenwood, SC 29646 2005-11-17
1346667714 Brittney Barnett Mims Physical Therapist 1530 Parkway, Greenwood, SC 29646-4027 2014-03-24
1528310380 Kimberly Etheredge Occupational Therapy Assistant 1530 Parkway, Greenwood, SC 29646-4027 2012-10-03
1831378702 Michael L. Ruppenthal, P.C. Rehabilitation Hospital 1530 Parkway, Greenwood, SC 29646-4027 2007-10-29
1457573875 Greenwood Regional Rehabilitation Skilled Nursing Facility 1530 Parkway, Greenwood, SC 29646-4027 2007-05-03
1861614224 Greenwood Regional Rehabilitation Hospital, LLC Rehabilitation Hospital 1530 Parkway, Greenwood, SC 29646-4027 2007-05-03
1265458731 Clifford A Monda Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1530 Parkway, Greenwood, SC 29646-4027 2006-07-15

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1114535416 Supriya Lal Dietitian, Registered 303 Parkwood Rd, Greenwood, SC 29646 2020-07-22
1174158406 Mara L Schwartz Registered Nurse 1226 Spring St., Diabtes Education Department, Greenwood, SC 29646 2020-03-06
1487213724 Greater Greenwood United Ministry Family Medicine 1404 Edgefield Street, Greenwood, SC 29646 2019-06-11
1346747995 Kelli Diane Clune Nurse Practitioner 115 E Alexander Ave, Greenwood, SC 29646 2018-04-10
1184150112 Sanquinette Sanders Brownlee Nurse Practitioner 929 Phoenix Stret, Clinica Gratis, Greenwood, SC 29646 2017-05-11
1194258426 Kimberley Lovejoy Assistant Behavior Analyst 210a Birchtree, Greenwood, SC 29646 2017-04-04
1427590900 Rejuvenation Massage By Frances Clinic/Center 610 Chace Avenue, Greenwood, SC 29646 2016-11-15
1932651643 Hayley Smith Counselor 110 Court Ave W, Greenwood, SC 29646 2016-10-28
1942757927 Towanda Morton Community Health Worker 303 Suite B South Main Street, Greenwood, SC 29646 2016-09-07
1770039976 Bragan Mace Pharmacist 1376 South Main St., Greenwood, SC 29646 2016-08-28
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 208100000X
Grouping Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Classification Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Taxonomy Definition

Physical medicine and rehabilitation, also referred to as rehabilitation medicine, is the medical specialty concerned with diagnosing, evaluating, and treating patients with physical disabilities. These disabilities may arise from conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system such as neck and back pain, sports injuries, or other painful conditions affecting the limbs, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Alternatively, the disabilities may result from neurological trauma or disease such as spinal cord injury, head injury or stroke. A physician certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation is often called a physiatrist. The primary goal of the physiatrist is to achieve maximal restoration of physical, psychological, social and vocational function through comprehensive rehabilitation. Pain management is often an important part of the role of the physiatrist. For diagnosis and evaluation, a physiatrist may include the techniques of electromyography to supplement the standard history, physical, x-ray and laboratory examinations. The physiatrist has expertise in the appropriate use of therapeutic exercise, prosthetics (artificial limbs), orthotics and mechanical and electrical devices.
Notes: Source: American Board of Medical Specialties, 2007. [7/1/2007: definition added, source added; 7/1/2011: modified source]
- Additional Resources: American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2007. American Osteopathic Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2007.
- Board certification for Medical Doctors (MDs) is provided by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Board certification for Doctors of Osteopathy (DOs) is provided by the American Osteopathic Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1871753970 Joshua Cain Salyer Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 555 E County Line Rd Ste 106, Greenwood, IN 46143-1063 2008-06-11
1912958307 Virgilio N Chan Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1260 Innovation Pkwy #100, Greenwood, IN 46143-3602 2006-05-12
1437131232 Michael Lamar Ruppenthal Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1530 Parkway, Suite A, Greenwood, SC 29646 2005-11-17
1184262297 John Huff Walker IIi Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 702 Highway 82 W Ste B, Greenwood, MS 38930-5069 2019-12-19
1558877241 Chelsi Kitchen Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1260 Innovation Pkwy, Greenwood, IN 46143-3601 2017-12-18
1174078711 Cynthia Willingham, Md, Pllc Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 405 River Rd, Greenwood, MS 38930-4212 2016-08-24
1902277270 Self Medical Group Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 115 Academy Ave, Greenwood, SC 29646-3869 2015-10-13
1720405780 Carrie Michelle Gould Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 555 E County Line Rd Ste 106, Greenwood, IN 46143 2014-03-27
1093001208 John Mathew Gowans Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 115 Academy Ave, Greenwood, SC 29646-3869 2011-06-27
1972731917 Karl Ekkehard Boellert Jr. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 115 Academy Ave, Greenwood, SC 29646-3869 2009-06-29
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Zip Code 29646

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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