Address: 4235 Secor Rd, #b3, Toledo, OH 43623-4231
Phone: 4195397701

TOLEDO REHAB GROUP (NPI# 1770628182) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1770628182
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name TOLEDO REHAB GROUP
Other Organization Name CLINIC REHAB SERVICES
Practice Address 4235 Secor Rd
OH 43623-4231
Mailing Address Po Box 351705
OH 43635-1705
Practice Telephone 4195397701
Practice Fax Number 4195397718
Mailing Telephone 4195397701
Mailing Fax Number 4195397718
Enumeration Date 2007-02-21
Last Update Date 2008-04-20
Authorized Official Name TOM SCHLEMBACH (OWNER)
Authorized Official Telephone 4194795960
Authorized Official Credential PHYSICAL THERAPI
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 174400000X Specialist Other Service Providers

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
CLINIC REHAB SERVICES Other Name - Individual/Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1093921728 Toledo Rehab Group Specialist 5705 Dorr St Ste 3, Toledo, OH 43615-4467 2007-05-16
1780729723 Toledo Rehab Group Specialist 1607 W High St, Bryan, OH 43506-1598 2007-02-20
1750426177 Toledo Rehab Group Specialist 4235 Secor Rd, #b3, Toledo, OH 43623-4231 2007-02-21
1952446916 Toledo Rehab Group Specialist 7640 Sylvania Ave, Suite O, Sylvania, OH 43560-9729 2007-02-20

Office Location

Street Address 4235 SECOR RD
State OH
Zip Code 43623-4231

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1134122294 George John Charney Jr. Anesthesiology 4235 Secor Rd, Toledo, OH 43623-4231 2005-05-23
1588263180 Breanne Marie Schotter Family Medicine 4235 Secor Rd, Toledo, OH 43623-4231 2020-10-23
1215554266 Hui Ling Chen Nurse Practitioner 4235 Secor Rd, Toledo, OH 43623-4231 2020-06-25
1417573957 Tiffany Ashlynn Schaffner Nurse Practitioner 4235 Secor Rd, Toledo, OH 43623-4299 2020-06-21
1013545631 Alexander Norwood Nurse Practitioner 4235 Secor Rd, Toledo, OH 43623-4231 2020-03-30
1790318525 Cassandra Roy Nurse Practitioner 4235 Secor Rd, Toledo, OH 43623-4231 2020-02-20
1255989166 Jill Gilsdorf Nurse Practitioner 4235 Secor Rd, Toledo, OH 43623-4231 2019-09-04
1407404528 Darlene Krol Dietitian, Registered 4235 Secor Rd, Toledo, OH 43623-4231 2019-09-02
1063066942 Lauren Nicole Huffman Nurse Practitioner 4235 Secor Rd, Toledo, OH 43623-4299 2019-07-29
1124689526 Toledo Clinic Incorporated Clinic/Center 4235 Secor Rd, Toledo, OH 43623-4231 2019-06-26
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1568062750 Virtual Gender Care Clinic LLC Clinic/Center 5616 Birchdale Dr., Toledo, OH 43623 2020-10-28
1043824410 Paula Milkie Speech-Language Pathologist Westwood Early Childhood Center, 3939 Wrenwood, Toledo, OH 43623 2020-09-03
1528678190 Kori Michelle Pfeiffer Nurse Practitioner 4640 Alexis Road, Toledo, OH 43623 2020-08-07
1124683636 Dana Lynn Oswald Nurse Practitioner The Toledo Clinic Cancer Center, 4126 N. Holland Sylvania Rd. Suite 105, Toledo, OH 43623 2019-05-09
1902382922 Elizabeth Satterthwaite Dietitian, Registered 4345 Secor Rd Ste A, Toledo, OH 43623 2018-07-12
1447756804 Optimum Health Restoration and Anti-aging - Toledo, LLC General Practice 4041 Sylvania Avenue, Toledo, OH 43623 2018-04-04
1659897387 Danajo Marie Woods Nurse Practitioner 4235 Secor Rd Bldg 3, Toledo, OH 43623 2017-08-15
1013449784 Bio-medical Applications of Ohio, Inc. Clinic/Center 3546 W. Sylvania Ave, Toledo, OH 43623 2017-03-31
1487101879 Cletus Payne Nurse Practitioner 4405 N. Holland Sylvania Rd., Toledo, OH 43623 2016-09-02
1912451634 Iman Alazzawi Registered Nurse 4615 N Holland Sylvania Rd Apt 40, Toledo, OH 43623 2016-08-10
Find all providers in zip 43623

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 174400000X
Grouping Other Service Providers
Classification Specialist

Taxonomy Definition

An individual educated and trained in an applied knowledge discipline used in the performance of work at a level requiring knowledge and skills beyond or apart from that provided by a general education or liberal arts degree.
Notes: Source: Expanded from Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, Boston: Riverside Publishing Company, 1974.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1124662069 Christle Rose Peter Specialist 3450 W Central Ave Ste 126, Toledo, OH 43606-1421 2019-11-04
1922571595 Charlene L Smith Specialist 1334 E Manhattan Blvd, Toledo, OH 43608-1527 2019-01-07
1992292304 Bio-serv Corporation Specialist 2620 Centennial Rd Ste F, Toledo, OH 43617-1800 2018-04-20
1457899932 Thomas G Sherman Md Inc Specialist 3900 Sunforest Ct Ste 200, Toledo, OH 43623-4440 2017-02-06
1336698935 Stephanie Yvette Bays Specialist 1304 Luscombe Dr, Toledo, OH 43614-2615 2016-09-25
1578833547 Maneesha Pandey Specialist 2595 Arlington Ave, Toledo, OH 43614-2673 2012-01-09
1750671335 Nataliya Petrovna Kozodoy Specialist 3000 Arlington Ave # Ms 1050, Graduate Medical Education, Toledo, OH 43614-2595 2011-04-15
1265611149 Kris A. Kostrzewski M.d./phd Family Practice LLC. Specialist 6545 W Central Ave Ste 208, Toledo, OH 43617-1034 2007-10-29
1093921728 Toledo Rehab Group Specialist 5705 Dorr St Ste 3, Toledo, OH 43615-4467 2007-05-16
1205051539 Jen Whitlow Specialist 1860 Bobolink Ln, Toledo, OH 43615-3738 2007-04-13
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Zip Code 43623

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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