Address: Cmr 411, Apo, AE 09112
Phone: 0114908003503104

BAVARIA MEDDAC (NPI# 1760687412) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1760687412
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name BAVARIA MEDDAC
Other Organization Name USADC DE VILSECK
Practice Address Cmr 411
AE 09112
Mailing Address Cmr 402
Bldg 3700 Ermc Ubo
AE 09180
Practice Telephone 0114908003503104
Mailing Telephone 01149637194647400
Enumeration Date 2007-06-20
Last Update Date 2013-02-12
Authorized Official Telephone 01149637194645471
Is Organization Subpart Y
Parent Organization Name BAVARIA MEDDAC


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 261QM1100X Clinic/Center
Specialization: Military/U.S. Coast Guard Outpatient
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
USADC DE VILSECK Doing Business As Name - Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1205275138 Bavaria Meddac Clinic/Center Cmr 459 Box 19908, Apo, AE 09139-0020 2013-06-25
1821293572 Bavaria Meddac Clinic/Center Unit 24516, Apo, AE 09053 2007-06-20
1235334970 Bavaria Meddac Clinic/Center Unit 27530, Apo, AE 09139 2007-06-20
1104021849 Bavaria Meddac Clinic/Center Cmr 416, Box A, Apo, AE 09140 2007-06-20
1235345182 Bavaria Meddac Clinic/Center Unit 27535, Apo, AE 09139 2007-05-15
1083820831 Bavaria Meddac Clinic/Center Unit 28041, Apo, AE 09112 2007-05-15
1174739924 Bavaria Meddac Clinic/Center Unit 28130, Apo, AE 09114 2007-05-15
1891901641 Bavaria Meddac Clinic/Center Unit 28216, Apo, AE 09173 2007-05-15
1053527903 Bavaria Meddac Clinic/Center Cmr 416 Box 1, Apo, AE 09140 2007-05-15
1497961346 Bavaria Meddac Clinic/Center Unit 26622 Box 3, Apo, AE 09244 2007-05-15

Office Location

Street Address CMR 411
City APO
State AE
Zip Code 09112

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1700876315 David George Brown Psychologist Cmr 411, Box 5492, Apo, AE 09112 2005-10-25
1154708972 Adam Burkett Internal Medicine Cmr 411, Bldg 700 Rm 41, Apo, AE 09112 2015-04-30
1083012603 Catrinna Amorelli Occupational Therapist Cmr 411, Bldg 700 Rm 41, Apo, AE 09112 2014-12-13
1467851741 Sabrina Scheld Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program Cmr 411, Box: 6206, Apo, AE 09112 2014-08-22
1346593555 Christine Cabal Cabal Physician Assistant Cmr 411, Apo, AE 09112 2012-10-25
1912299298 Brian Patrick Cahill Registered Nurse Cmr 411, Box 6239, Apo, AE 09112-1111 2011-05-05
1750607081 Kokobe Negussie Pharmacist Cmr 411, Apo, AE 09112-9998 2010-04-12
1548592777 Stephanie Mcgee Licensed Practical Nurse Cmr 411, Apo, AE 09112-9998 2010-02-15
1548359664 Julia Marie Adams Registered Nurse Cmr 411, Box 1956, Apo, AE 09112 2006-10-12
1790762797 Brian James Olden Social Worker Cmr 411, Box 5979, Apo, AE 09112 2005-12-30
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1871194654 Megan Mccann Social Worker Hq Meddacb, Unit 28038 Bld 700, Apo, AE 09112 2020-11-06
1699375360 Erin Rosa Moore-preston Radiology Us Army Medical Activity- Bavaria, Unit 28038, Apo, AE 09112 2020-10-30
1811597578 Desirae Leann Chitishvili Nurse's Aide Us Army Medical Activity-bavaria Unit 28038, Attn: Mceu-bav-cre, Apo, AE 09112 2020-10-30
1891301198 Michelle Lea Raddatz Registered Nurse Us Army Medical Activity-bavaria, Unit 28038 Attn: Mceu-bav-cre, Apo, AE 09112 2020-09-22
1750938965 Steven Douglas Troxtell Counselor Vilseck Behavioral Health Clinic Bldg 260, Apo, AE 09112 2019-08-22
1174012959 Jessica Ann Morley Physician Assistant Meddacb Cmr 411, Building 700, Apo, AE 09112 2018-05-07
1952806457 Erin Resweber Pharmacist Us Army Medical Activity - Bavaria, Unit 28038, Attn: Mceu-bav-cre, Apo, AE 09112 2018-03-27
1710403654 Dustin Young Physician Assistant Rose Barracks Bldg 260, Apo, AE 09112 2017-08-22
1013439181 Cheryl L Ramirez Dental Hygienist Gebaeude 250 Building 250, Rose Barracks Dental Clinic, Apo, AE 09112 2017-07-11
1275054652 Paul Mark Allred Family Medicine Unit 28038 Bld 700, Apo, AE 09112 2017-07-06
Find all providers in zip 09112

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 261QM1100X
Grouping Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Classification Clinic/Center
Specialization Military/U.S. Coast Guard Outpatient

Taxonomy Definition

The Defense Health Program or U.S. Coast Guard funded "fixed" facilities or distinct parts of a facility, providing outpatient medical and dental services, primarily for Uniformed Services beneficiaries. A "fixed" facility is a non-temporary, non-deployed facility. It includes mobile specialty units such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) units that may furnish services at the "fixed" facility. It includes, as examples, the institutional portion of outpatient encounters (except Ambulatory Procedure Visits), supplies issued (e.g., glasses, ostomy supplies, crutches), and radiology and laboratory studies. Does not include items issued directly to a patient from an outpatient pharmacy or patient transport.
Notes: Source: TRICARE Management Activity Uniform Business Office User’s Guide [1/1/2005: title modified, definition added; 7/1/2006 title modified, definition modified]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1891982518 Jtf-b Med El-honduras Clinic/Center Unit 5700, Apo, AA 34042 2007-09-26
1568660348 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15652, Bldg 1665, Apo, AP 96205 2007-07-03
1811195696 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15652, Bldg 3576, Apo, AP 96205 2007-07-03
1457559239 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15652, Bldg 7005, Apo, AP 96205 2007-07-03
1730387515 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15652, Bldg S4034, Apo, AP 96205 2007-07-03
1306042494 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15658, Bldg 808, Apo, AP 96224 2007-06-25
1730385824 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15659, Bldg 220, Apo, AP 96218 2007-06-25
1215133301 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15660, Bldg 555, Apo, AP 96271 2007-06-25
1053517144 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15663, Bldg 600, Apo, AP 96297 2007-06-25
1700082880 121st Csh/baach Clinic/Center Unit 15652, Bldg 5107, Apo, AP 96205 2007-06-25
Find all providers in APO


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City APO
Zip Code 09112

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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