Address: 531 W College St, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2315
Phone: 6262299828

531 W. COLLEGE, LLC (NPI# 1760010607) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1760010607
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name 531 W. COLLEGE, LLC
Practice Address 531 W College St
Los Angeles
CA 90012-2315
Mailing Address 1668 S. Garfield Ave.
2nd Floor
CA 91801-5474
Practice Telephone 6262299828
Enumeration Date 2020-03-27
Last Update Date 2020-03-27
Authorized Official Telephone 6263283993
Authorized Official Credential MSHA, FACHE
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 282N00000X General Acute Care Hospital Hospitals

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Pacific Alliance Medical Center Doing Business As Name - Organization

Office Location

Street Address 531 W COLLEGE ST
State CA
Zip Code 90012-2315

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1487644027 Pacific Alliance Medical Group Radiology 531 W College St, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2315 2005-10-25
1558872390 Daisy Leong Pharmacist 531 W College St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2017-10-19
1548796840 Rosmawani Teng Nurse Practitioner 531 W College St, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2315 2017-05-04
1780099341 Michelle Argana Pharmacist 531 W College St, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2315 2014-06-23
1114260791 Calvin Moh Anesthesiology 531 W College St, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2315 2013-04-01
1255674958 Joshua W Wong Anesthesiology 531 W College St, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2315 2013-04-01
1568704658 Ruth Kuo Anesthesiology 531 W College St, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2315 2013-03-27
1811251325 Kristine Joyce Austria Nurse Anesthetist, Certified Registered 531 W College St, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2315 2012-06-28
1356615025 Yuri Ann Cho Anesthesiology 531 W College St, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2315 2012-02-28
1275800310 Western Acute Care Physicians, Inc. Emergency Medicine 531 W College St, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2315 2011-11-17
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1538654124 Los Angeles County Children and Families First - Proposition 10 Commis Case Management 750 N. Alameda Street, Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2018-06-26
1750886511 Pain Control Clinic Acupuncturist 321 E. 1st St. #220, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2018-03-26
1891224325 Brenda D Sazo Community Health Worker 1000 N. Alameda St, # 350, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2017-06-08
1740719012 Fatemeh Arabpour Dentist 505 N Figueroa Apt #534, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2017-06-08
1033667662 Olga Witrago Case Manager/Care Coordinator 701 W Cersar Chavez Suite 201, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2016-09-12
1902269962 Samantha Martinez Licensed Practical Nurse 701 West Cesar Chavez Av, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2016-03-29
1760847313 Maria Emilia Manosa Rosales Social Worker 701 W. Cesar Chavez Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90012 2015-12-28
1609242999 Hilary Adams Psychologist 250 E 1st St Ste 300, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2015-08-20
1831586288 Thanh Ngoc Nguyen Trinh Nurse Practitioner 180 N Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2015-04-23
1760880827 Bertha Regina Garcia Licensed Vocational Nurse 701 W. Cesar E. Chavez Ave Suite201, Los Angeles, CA 90012 2014-12-05
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 282N00000X
Grouping Hospitals
Classification General Acute Care Hospital

Taxonomy Definition

An acute general hospital is an institution whose primary function is to provide inpatient diagnostic and therapeutic services for a variety of medical conditions, both surgical and non-surgical, to a wide population group. The hospital treats patients in an acute phase of illness or injury, characterized by a single episode or a fairly short duration, from which the patient returns to his or her normal or previous level of activity.

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1437763224 Mola Medical Practice Inc General Acute Care Hospital 6906 Treasure Trl, Los Angeles, CA 90068-1838 2020-08-31
1821535030 Nieroshan Rajarubendra General Acute Care Hospital Usc Norris Cancer Center 1441 Eastlake Ave, Suite 7416, Los Angeles, CA 90089-9178 2017-01-25
1700338647 Rsm Health Inc General Acute Care Hospital 212 Bailey St Suite 204, Los Angeles, CA 90033-2460 2016-10-26
1114477502 Bagdasar Terpogosyan General Acute Care Hospital 1626 N Hobart Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90027 2016-10-10
1558819391 University of Southern California General Acute Care Hospital 1441 Eastlake Avenue, Suite 3440, Los Angeles, CA 90033-4972 2016-09-21
1346602042 Ronald Reagan Ucla General Acute Care Hospital 3759 Delmas Ter, Unit 2, Los Angeles, CA 90034-5168 2016-03-22
1699133140 Chino Valley Medical Center General Acute Care Hospital 1424 N Poinsettia Pl Apt 304, Los Angeles, CA 90046-4388 2016-01-29
1952784514 L.a. Neurodiagnosticservices Inc. General Acute Care Hospital 1124 W 90th St, Los Angeles, CA 90044-3312 2015-07-01
1942680814 Michael Tehrani Md Apc General Acute Care Hospital 10540 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 501, Los Angeles, CA 90024-4502 2015-06-04
1619354370 Yael Bogler General Acute Care Hospital 3185 S Sepulveda Blvd Apt 302, Los Angeles, CA 90034-4221 2015-05-01
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Zip Code 90012

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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