Address: 3451 Church St, Evanston, IL 60203-1621
Phone: 8476743600

DEDICATED SLEEP (NPI# 1720501760) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1720501760
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name DEDICATED SLEEP
Practice Address 3451 Church St
IL 60203-1621
Mailing Address 21260 S Springwater Rd
OR 97023-9650
Practice Telephone 8476743600
Mailing Telephone 3609077534
Mailing Fax Number 8665443890
Enumeration Date 2017-07-21
Last Update Date 2017-07-21
Authorized Official Name JILL M GLENN (OWNER)
Authorized Official Telephone 3609077534
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
N 2084S0012X Psychiatry & Neurology
Specialization: Sleep Medicine
01067650 IN Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Y 174400000X Specialist 036118838 IL Other Service Providers

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
Oregon Corporations, Companies and Business Names DEDICATED SLEEP ALL, LLC 21260 S Springwater Road, Estacada, OR 97023
Oregon Corporations, Companies and Business Names DEDICATED SLEEP, LLC 21260 S Springwater Rd, Estacada, OR 97023

Office Location

Street Address 3451 CHURCH ST
State IL
Zip Code 60203-1621

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1336133065 Irina Trosman Pediatrics 3451 Church St, Evanston, IL 60203-1621 2005-09-08

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1609026210 Catherine Gluck Physical Therapist 8827 Central Park Ave, Evanston, IL 60203 2008-09-19
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1811093156 Michael Horowitz Psychologist 9231 Springfield Avenue, Evanston, IL 60203 2006-09-15
1962809418 Donna Stanton Registered Nurse 9514 Lawndale Ave, Evanston, IL 60203-1007 2014-11-28
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1558587642 Psyche Net Inc Social Worker 9509 Crawford Ave, Evanston, IL 60203-1012 2007-04-17
1881723856 Cynthia Franklin Pharmacist 9521 Harding Ave, Evanston, IL 60203-1019 2007-03-05
1518982362 Carol Evelyn Gordon Social Worker 9443 Drake Ave, Evanston, IL 60203-1105 2006-07-13
1114221660 Megan Haughey Behavioral Analyst 9440 Drake Ave, Evanston, IL 60203-1106 2010-12-26
1326263740 Richard D Chessick Psychiatry & Neurology 9400 Drake Ave, Evanston, IL 60203-1106 2007-04-13
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 174400000X
Grouping Other Service Providers
Classification Specialist

Taxonomy Definition

An individual educated and trained in an applied knowledge discipline used in the performance of work at a level requiring knowledge and skills beyond or apart from that provided by a general education or liberal arts degree.
Notes: Source: Expanded from Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, Boston: Riverside Publishing Company, 1974.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1699299313 Bridges Habilitation Services, Inc. Specialist 1425 Highway 150 S Ste 2, Evanston, WY 82930-5377 2017-08-03
1689027609 Adam Zastrow Specialist 834 Seward St Apt 1, Evanston, IL 60202-5322 2016-07-14
1366839912 Marie Doyle Specialist 2203 Central St, Apt. 1, Evanston, IL 60201-5718 2015-04-21
1124433248 Foundation for Medical Development In Central Europe Inc Specialist 1927 Sherman Ave Apt 3n, Evanston, IL 60201-3229 2014-06-26
1790109684 Haley Zimmerman Specialist 2307 Central St Apt 2, Evanston, IL 60201-5730 2014-02-12
1497030068 Jack Cooksey Specialist 2505 Lawndale Ave, Evanston, IL 60201-1157 2011-10-14
1376830240 Megan Romero Specialist 2663 Prairie Ave, Apt 3, Evanston, IL 60201-5744 2011-06-29
1225330046 Alison Lynn Velasco Specialist 2316 Prospect Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-1838 2010-11-30
1629382858 Thomas J Chorba Md Sc Specialist 1101 Howard Street, Suite 105, Evanston, IL 60202 2010-07-29
1962737379 Gwendolyn Mason Fiske Specialist 1047 Darrow Ave, Evanston, IL 60202 2009-10-03
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Zip Code 60203

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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