Address: 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856
Phone: 2089345601

CHAROLAIS CARE VII INC (NPI# 1720217128) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1720217128
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name HELPING HANDS OF GOODING
Practice Address 1220 Montana St
ID 83330-1856
Mailing Address 2043 E Center St
Suite 212
ID 83201-3300
Practice Telephone 2089345601
Practice Fax Number 2089348154
Mailing Telephone 2082334673
Mailing Fax Number 2082334750
Enumeration Date 2009-07-07
Last Update Date 2009-10-23
Authorized Official Telephone 2082212019
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 314000000X Skilled Nursing Facility Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Helping Hands of Gooding Doing Business As Name - Organization

Office Location

Street Address 1220 MONTANA ST
State ID
Zip Code 83330-1856

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1023096757 Gooding Rehab and Living Center Intermediate Care Facility, Mental Illness 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2006-01-03
1306322953 Bennett Healthcare, Inc. Skilled Nursing Facility 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2018-07-17
1811407174 Kacey Rindlisbacher Physical Therapy Assistant 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2017-10-01
1154873248 Karen Lee Petty Occupational Therapy Assistant 1220 Montana St, 101, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2016-10-25
1619325933 Heather Manning Occupational Therapy Assistant 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2016-05-26
1225373939 Lisa D Boggs Occupational Therapist 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2012-12-06
1609110048 Judith Marie Walburn Physical Therapy Assistant 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2012-11-26
1831329499 John Edgar Cochran Speech-Language Pathologist 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2009-07-16
1720258668 Helping Hands Sanctuary of Idaho, Inc Skilled Nursing Facility 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2008-03-06
1376728345 Carefix Management and Consulting, Inc. Skilled Nursing Facility 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2008-01-08
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1346648227 Erin Orloff Speech-Language Pathologist 202 14th St Ave E, Gooding, ID 83330 2014-12-09
1518377019 North Canyon Medical Center, Inc. Clinic/Center 267 N. Canyon Drive, Gooding, ID 83330 2014-05-06
1083959332 Lydia Jo Missal Counselor 1832 E. 1750 S., Gooding, ID 83330 2012-11-27
1013240910 Marcella Louise Heil Speech-Language Pathologist 1735 South 1800 East, Gooding, ID 83330 2009-09-09
1861561094 Thomas Ernest Pryor Family Medicine 121 5th Ave West, Gooding, ID 83330 2006-11-06
1942212600 Marcy Lin Morrow Physician Assistant 134 4th Ave W, Gooding Family Physicians, Gooding, ID 83330 2006-08-12
1174535835 Ian B Kunz Physician Assistant 267 N Canyon Drive, Gooding, ID 83330 2006-08-12
1326002650 Associates In Family Practice Pa Family Medicine 425 Idaho St, Gooding, ID 83330 2006-04-13
1497719728 Mark D Spencer Family Medicine 425 Idaho Street, Gooding, ID 83330 2006-04-13
1871115717 Megan George Counselor 1832 E 1750 S, Gooding, ID 83330 2020-05-14
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 314000000X
Grouping Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities
Classification Skilled Nursing Facility

Taxonomy Definition

(1) A skilled nursing facility is a facility or distinct part of an institution whose primary function is to provide medical, continuous nursing, and other health and social services to patients who are not in an acute phase of illness requiring services in a hospital, but who require primary restorative or skilled nursing services on an inpatient basis above the level of intermediate or custodial care in order to reach a degree of body functioning to permit self care in essential daily living. It meets any licensing or certification standards et forth by the jurisdiction where it is located. A skilled nursing facility may be a freestanding facility or part of a hospital that has been certified by Medicare to admit patients requiring subacute care and rehabilitation; (2) Provides non-acute medical and skilled nursing care services, therapy and social services under the supervision of a licensed registered nurse on a 24-hour basis.
Notes: Source: (1) "Glossary of terms used in managed care" Developed by the Managed Care Assembly (MCA) of Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), MGM Journal, September/October 1995, p. 64; (2) AHA Guide, 1996 Annual Survey.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1013237528 Peak Medical of Boise, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 1220 Montana Street, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2010-06-07
1306322953 Bennett Healthcare, Inc. Skilled Nursing Facility 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2018-07-17
1720258668 Helping Hands Sanctuary of Idaho, Inc Skilled Nursing Facility 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2008-03-06
1376728345 Carefix Management and Consulting, Inc. Skilled Nursing Facility 1220 Montana St, Gooding, ID 83330-1856 2008-01-08

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1801351176 Tanabell Health Services, Inc. Skilled Nursing Facility 2656 E Magicview Dr, Meridian, ID 83646 2019-01-31
1497233514 Boise Nursing and Rehab Center LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 1140 N Allumbaugh St, Boise, ID 83704-8716 2018-07-31
1295249241 Boise of Cascadia, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 6000 W. Denton St., Boise, ID 83706 2017-11-29
1356867683 Nampa of Cascadia, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 900 North Happy Valley Rd, Nampa, ID 83687 2017-08-18
1851836381 Tanabell Health Services, Inc Skilled Nursing Facility 1134 Cheney Drive West, Twin Falls, ID 83301 2016-12-19
1871042663 Ahc of Lewiston, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 2852 Juniper Dr, Lewiston, ID 83501-4719 2016-09-22
1063966638 Boise West of Cascadia, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 8211 Ustick Road, Boise, ID 83704-5756 2016-08-11
1861946436 Bellevue of Cascadia, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 620 N. 6th Street, Bellevue, ID 83313 2016-08-11
1437603008 Twin Falls of Cascadia, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 674 Eastland Drive, Twin Falls, ID 83301-6846 2016-08-11
1235683806 Payette of Cascadia, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 1019 3rd Avenue South, Payette, ID 83661-2832 2016-08-11
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Zip Code 83330

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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