Address: 1043 Ridge St, Montrose, CO 81401-4423
Phone: 9702499683

SSC MONTROSE SAN JUAN OPERATING COMPANY LLC (NPI# 1699895565) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1699895565
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name SAN JUAN LIVING CENTER
Practice Address 1043 Ridge St
CO 81401-4423
Mailing Address 5300 W Sam Houston Pkwy N
Suite 100
TX 77041-5161
Practice Telephone 9702499683
Mailing Telephone 8324676000
Enumeration Date 2007-04-01
Last Update Date 2015-04-13
Authorized Official Name KELLE C SANTORO (SR DIRECTOR AR)
Authorized Official Telephone 8324675728
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
N 385H00000X Respite Care 1300 CO Respite Care Facility
Y 314000000X Skilled Nursing Facility 1300 CO Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
CO 16287363 05
CO 19005296 05

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
San Juan Living Center Doing Business As Name - Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1932697380 Ssc Montrose San Juan Operating Company LLC Respite Care 1043 Ridge St, Montrose, CO 81401-4423 2018-05-01

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
Colorado Business Entities SSC Montrose San Juan Operating Company LLC 1043 Ridge, Montrose, CO 81401

Office Location

Street Address 1043 RIDGE ST
State CO
Zip Code 81401-4423

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1720637457 Audra Massey Physical Therapist 1043 Ridge St, Montrose, CO 81401-4423 2019-09-05
1932697380 Ssc Montrose San Juan Operating Company LLC Respite Care 1043 Ridge St, Montrose, CO 81401-4423 2018-05-01
1811497985 Shawna Coen Registered Nurse 1043 Ridge St, Montrose, CO 81401-4423 2018-02-15
1013439595 Brittany Hodgson Physical Therapist 1043 Ridge St, Montrose, CO 81401-4423 2017-07-17
1366712358 Valerie Rose Kepler Speech-Language Pathologist 1043 Ridge St, Montrose, CO 81401-4423 2012-01-06

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1679183008 Gregory Lee Reynolds Jr. Pharmacist 16750 South Townsend, Pharmacy, Montrose, CO 81401 2020-07-31
1780232215 River Valley Family Health Centers Pharmacy 1010 S Rio Grande, Montrose, CO 81401 2019-08-28
1750938585 Thomas J Harker Pharmacist 1010 Rio Grande, Montrose, CO 81401 2019-08-26
1548821317 Terri Elizabeth Middleton-huntley Registered Nurse Center for Mental Health-crisis Walk-in Clinic, 300 N. Cascade, Montrose, CO 81401 2019-06-24
1427515121 Holly L Speaks Counselor 225 S Nevada Ave, Montrose, CO 81401 2019-02-28
1922521541 Lisa M Perez Nurse Practitioner 725 S 4th Street, 9702407734, CO 81401 2017-07-25
1104355015 Judy Carol Fletcher Registered Nurse 1800 Pavillion Dr, Montrose, CO 81401 2017-06-06
1588106405 Lindsay Rae Greenfield Registered Nurse 816 S 5th St Ste B, Montrose, CO 81401 2016-11-09
1679957393 Denise Wallen Registered Nurse 1845 S. Townsend Ave., Montrose, CO 81401 2015-07-13
1649538810 Deborah Thompson Acupuncturist 200 So Townsend, Ste. E, Montrose, CO 81401 2012-04-25
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 314000000X
Grouping Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities
Classification Skilled Nursing Facility

Taxonomy Definition

(1) A skilled nursing facility is a facility or distinct part of an institution whose primary function is to provide medical, continuous nursing, and other health and social services to patients who are not in an acute phase of illness requiring services in a hospital, but who require primary restorative or skilled nursing services on an inpatient basis above the level of intermediate or custodial care in order to reach a degree of body functioning to permit self care in essential daily living. It meets any licensing or certification standards et forth by the jurisdiction where it is located. A skilled nursing facility may be a freestanding facility or part of a hospital that has been certified by Medicare to admit patients requiring subacute care and rehabilitation; (2) Provides non-acute medical and skilled nursing care services, therapy and social services under the supervision of a licensed registered nurse on a 24-hour basis.
Notes: Source: (1) "Glossary of terms used in managed care" Developed by the Managed Care Assembly (MCA) of Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), MGM Journal, September/October 1995, p. 64; (2) AHA Guide, 1996 Annual Survey.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1275990590 Becky Helmink Skilled Nursing Facility 4773 E 1800th Ave, Montrose, IL 62445-2212 2016-01-16
1760812101 Montrose Comfort Living and Care, Inc Skilled Nursing Facility 4339 Briggs Ave, Montrose, CA 91020-1107 2013-11-21
1447444856 Verdugo Valley Skilled Nursing & Wellness Centre, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 2635 Honolulu Ave, Montrose, CA 91020 2007-08-29
1609997527 Ssc Montrose Bay Operating Company LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 22670 Main St, Montrose, AL 36559-0256 2007-04-02
1194897363 Montrose Healthcare Inc Skilled Nursing Facility 2123 Verdugo Blvd, Montrose Healthcare Center, Montrose, CA 91020-1628 2006-11-14
1053332403 Volunteers of America Care Facilities Skilled Nursing Facility 1401 S Cascade Ave, Montrose, CO 81401-5003 2006-07-21
1932169521 Medilodge of Montrose Inc Skilled Nursing Facility 9317 Vienna Rd, Montrose, MI 48457-9729 2006-03-27
1518947415 Montrose Health Center, Inc. Skilled Nursing Facility 400 S 7th St, Montrose, IA 52639-9777 2006-01-18
1457348369 State of New York Comptrollers Office Skilled Nursing Facility 2090 Albany Post Rd, Montrose, NY 10548-1454 2005-10-05
1275165458 Montrose Health Center Operations LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 400 S 7th St, Montrose, IA 52639-9549 2020-02-06
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Zip Code 81401

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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