Address: Edif Santa Cruz 73, Oficina 212, Bayamon, PR 00960
Phone: 7877984592

JBM MENTAL HEALTH CARE (NPI# 1689904880) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1689904880
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address Edif Santa Cruz 73
Oficina 212
PR 00960
Mailing Address Calle 2 B 44
Urb Los Paseos Las Vistas
San Juan
PR 00926
Practice Telephone 7877984592
Mailing Telephone 7872265135
Enumeration Date 2010-01-11
Last Update Date 2010-01-11
Authorized Official Name DR. JOALMI BERRIOS (PRESIDENT)
Authorized Official Telephone 7872265135
Authorized Official Credential MD
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 2084P0800X Psychiatry & Neurology
Specialization: Psychiatry
14774 PR Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Office Location

Street Address EDIF SANTA CRUZ 73
State PR
Zip Code 00960

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1184224388 Jadalis Morales Crespo Speech-Language Pathologist Edif William Davila, Carr #2 Km 11.9, Bayamon, PR 00960 2020-10-27
1356949812 Hector Aquino Arroyo Social Worker Bojuan Sanchez, Antiguo Hospital Mepsi Center, Bayamon, PR 00960 2020-10-15
1336767771 Consultorio Medico Dr Victor A Zapata LLC Internal Medicine Ave Tnte Nelson Martinez Edif 500, Plaza Chevere Local 5 Alturas De Flamboyan, Bayamon, PR 00960 2020-07-13
1336769884 Otilio Jose Rivera Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program Laurel, Ave Santa Juanita, Bayamon, PR 00960 2020-04-24
1730719477 Benjamin Perez De Gracia Pharmacist Ext Forest Hills D-32, Bayamon, PR 00960 2020-01-22
1538721840 Fabiola Andrea Morales Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program Laurel Av Santa Juanita, Bayamon, PR 00960 2019-07-08
1730741281 Natalia Del Mazo Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program Laurel Ave Sta Juanita, Bayamon, PR 00960 2019-07-05
1821652306 Gloriselis Jordan Rehabilitation Counselor Pr 2 Km 8.5, Bo Juan Sanchez, Bayamon, PR 00960 2019-04-30
1891359477 Giancarlo Mignucci Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program Laurel Av Sta Juanita, Bayamon, PR 00960 2019-04-29
1306302047 Tamara Maysonet Massage Therapist Ave Laurel #100, Santa Juanita, Bayamon, PR 00960 2019-02-19
Find all providers in zip 00960

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 2084P0800X
Grouping Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Classification Psychiatry & Neurology
Specialization Psychiatry

Taxonomy Definition

A Psychiatrist specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders, emotional disorders, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance-related disorders, sexual and gender identity disorders and adjustment disorders. Biologic, psychological, and social components of illnesses are explored and understood in treatment of the whole person. Tools used may include diagnostic laboratory tests, prescribed medications, evaluation and treatment of psychological and interpersonal problems with individuals and families, and intervention for coping with stress, crises, and other problems.
Notes: Source: The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Inc. www.abpn.com [1/1/2007: new definition]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1013299437 Universidad Central Del Caribe Psychiatry & Neurology Avenida Laurel Esquina Santa Juanita, #100, Bayamon, PR 00960-6032 2011-09-12
1225326481 Caroline Toro Psychiatry & Neurology 73 Calle Santa Cruz Edif. Medico Santa Cruz Ofic. 212, Bayamon, PR 00961 2011-07-20
1467649905 Carlos I Maldonado Santos Psychiatry & Neurology Medical Ophthalmic Plaza Suite 101, Carr. #2 Km. 11.9, Bayamon, PR 00959 2007-09-28
1609074756 Ricardo Jose Fabre Psychiatry & Neurology Arturo Cadilla 405, Paseo San Pablo #100, Bayamon, PR 00961 2007-07-10
1548462088 Alexis Tomas Gonzalez Psychiatry & Neurology Carretera 167 A-5, Urbanizacion Montanez #771, Bayamon, PR 00957 2007-06-05
1033231287 Fernando Entenza Psychiatry & Neurology Plaza Laurel 300, Laurel Avenue, Santa Juanita, Bayamon, PR 00959 2007-04-06
1689790503 Jose Antonio Franceschini Psychiatry & Neurology Edificio Medico Santa Cruz, Suite 201, Calle Santa Cruz #73, Bayamon, PR 00959 2007-03-22
1487780375 Ernesto Rafael Marrero Psychiatry & Neurology Calle Santa Cruz 66, Instituto San Pablo Suite 507, Bayamon, PR 00961 2007-02-26
1992886543 Jose Massa Tormos Psychiatry & Neurology Apt. G-213, Cond. Rexville Park, Bayamon, PR 00957 2006-10-18
1316028822 Jesus Savedra Caballero Psychiatry & Neurology Marginal Santa Cruz C-17, Urb. Santa Cruz, Bayamon, PR 00961 2006-10-18
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Zip Code 00960

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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