Address: Rd 861 Km 2.0, Bo. Pajaros, Bayamon, PR 00956
Phone: 7877971980

HOGAR XELAY (NPI# 1689874364) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1689874364
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name HOGAR XELAY
Practice Address Rd 861 Km 2.0
Bo. Pajaros
PR 00956
Mailing Address 500 Paseo Monaco
Apto 17 Edif 9
PR 00956-9773
Practice Telephone 7877971980
Practice Fax Number 7877971980
Mailing Telephone 7877971980
Mailing Fax Number 7877971980
Enumeration Date 2007-07-20
Last Update Date 2007-07-20
Authorized Official Telephone 7877971980
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 311ZA0620X Custodial Care Facility
Specialization: Adult Care Home
262 PR Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities

Office Location

Street Address RD 861 KM 2.0
State PR
Zip Code 00956

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1205437514 Julio Alberto Cedeno Alicea Pharmacist Carr. 174 Km. 10.2, Sec. La Morenita Bo. Guaraguao, Bayamon, PR 00956 2020-11-03
1851992275 Patricia Santurio Pharmacist Farmacia Magda C 30, Santa Juanita, Bayamon, PR 00956 2020-11-03
1336754423 Gustavo Jose Morey Cruz Physical Therapist Urb Santa Juanita Calle 30 Uu #43, Bayamon, PR 00956 2020-09-15
1609480961 Great Vision, LLC Optometrist Avenida Laurel Gh1 Ofic #3, Santa Juanita, Bayamon, PR 00956 2020-09-03
1861004285 Glorilis Zambrana Sr. Social Worker Carr. 174 Km 15.3 Barrio Guaraguao Arriba, Sector Chorrera, Bayamon, PR 00956 2020-08-18
1568073484 Luz Myriam Bracero Counselor Carr 174 Km 8.3, Bo Guaraguao Abajo, Bayamon, PR 00956 2020-08-13
1316565641 Aa Home Rental Inc Clinical Medical Laboratory Carr 829 Km,6.2, Bayamon, PR 00956 2020-07-13
1750909495 Agustin Vazquez Physician Assistant Carr 167 Km 10.9, Bayamon, PR 00956 2020-07-09
1710509211 Carmen Luz Rosa Santiago Registered Nurse Carr 829 Km 5.2, Bo. Santa Olaya, Bayamon, PR 00956 2020-05-07
1649891193 Omar Pantaleon Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program Avenida Laurel, Santa Juanita, Bayamon, PR 00956 2020-05-06
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 311ZA0620X
Grouping Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities
Classification Custodial Care Facility
Specialization Adult Care Home

Taxonomy Definition

A custodial care facility providing supportive and personal care services to disabled and/or elderly individuals who cannot function independently in most areas of activity and need assistance and monitoring to enable them to remain in a home like environment.
Notes: [7/1/2003: new]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1295053163 Assmca Custodial Care Facility 82 Calle 2, Bo Juan Sanchez, Bayamon, PR 00960 2010-05-17
1558525600 Hogar Lucero Del Alba, Inc. Custodial Care Facility Carr. 816 Interior 879 Sector Casillas Rivera, Barrio Nuevo, Bayamon, PR 00956 2008-07-17

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1609491208 Hogar Las Aguilas Incorporado Custodial Care Facility La Rambla Office Park, 621 Carr 14 Calle Marginal, Ponce, PR 00716 2020-06-10
1699265496 Confiability Care Services LLC Custodial Care Facility 574 Calle Pontevedra, San Juan, PR 00923-1532 2018-05-16
1881099083 Centro De Servicios Geriatricos Nazario Custodial Care Facility J8 8 Street, Alturas De Luchetty, Manati, PR 00674-6013 2014-10-30
1356746572 Opcion De Vida ' Tu Alternativa' Inc. Custodial Care Facility 437 Calle Fraternidad, Barriada Obrera, Fajardo, PR 00738-4526 2014-10-30
1841612322 Los Pinos Nursing Home, Inc Custodial Care Facility Villa Retorno #80 Pinos Street, Sabana Ward, Vega Alta, PR 00692 2014-01-17
1548501752 Baudilio & Carmela Home Care Inc. Custodial Care Facility Bo. Camarones Sector Hato Puerco Carr 150 Km.3.5, Villalba, PR 00766 2013-03-13
1720330426 Institucionparaancianoselparaisodevillalba Custodial Care Facility Pmb 279 Box 6004, Carr 150 Km 9.9 Bo Caonillas Abajo Sector Palmasola, Villalba, PR 00766 2012-10-05
1295000347 San Juan Aging Center Custodial Care Facility 1187 Calle 46 Se, Urbanizacion Reparto Metropolitano, San Juan, PR 00921-2625 2012-03-21
1124358817 Hogar Dona Ana, Inc Custodial Care Facility Levittown Lakes, Ff5 Jose De Diego 6ta Seccion, Toa Baja, PR 00949-0000 2010-01-04
1053557355 Hogar San Jose Custodial Care Facility Avenida Santa Teresa Journet, Hormigueros, PR 00660 2008-12-17
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Zip Code 00956

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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