Address: 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207
Phone: 4103186780

THE HEARING AND SPEECH AGENCY (NPI# 1659597045) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1659597045
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name GATEWAY SCHOOL
Practice Address 5900 Metro Dr
MD 21215-3207
Practice Telephone 4103186780
Practice Fax Number 4103186759
Mailing Telephone 4103186780
Mailing Fax Number 4103186759
Enumeration Date 2007-04-17
Last Update Date 2020-08-22
Authorized Official Name MRS. DONNA E ROBERTS (CFO)
Authorized Official Telephone 4103186780
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 251V00000X Voluntary or Charitable 31008536 MD Agencies

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
GATEWAY SCHOOL Other Name - Individual/Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1083706725 The Hearing and Speech Agency Voluntary or Charitable 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2006-09-29
1598175705 The Hearing and Speech Agency Speech-Language Pathologist 5900 Metro Dr, The Hearing and Speech Agency, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2014-04-28
1194941583 The Hearing and Speech Agency Voluntary or Charitable 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2007-04-17

Office Location

Street Address 5900 METRO DR
State MD
Zip Code 21215-3207

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1083706725 The Hearing and Speech Agency Voluntary or Charitable 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2006-09-29
1922621325 Hayley Boyle Speech-Language Pathologist 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2020-05-20
1598397028 Kathryn Fields Behavior Technician 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2020-02-12
1538703277 Jessica Jean Volz Behavioral Analyst 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2019-11-06
1184196248 Lindsay Ann Dyer Occupational Therapist 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2018-12-28
1659843191 Naomi Eve Berkenbilt Social Worker 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2018-12-21
1215416607 Nicholas Kobus Behavior Technician 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2018-08-07
1457861742 Sara Frederick Speech-Language Pathologist 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2017-10-02
1750733465 Sarah Spicer Speech-Language Pathologist 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2016-07-06
1477911568 Cecelia Ward Audiologist 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2016-02-03
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1639736796 Talal Abalkhail Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 2401 W. Belvedere Avenue, Baltimore, Md 21215, Baltimore, MD 21215 2019-05-23
1235795410 Bilal Khan Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 2041 West Belvedere Avenue, Balitmore, MD 21215 2019-05-14
1669036067 Nasir M Alhamdan Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program Of Baltimore, 2401 West Belvedere Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215 2019-05-01
1851863971 Brittany Michelle O'neill Specialist/Technologist Hearing and Speech Agency, 5900 Metro Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215 2018-12-31
1881164432 Emily Gamma Social Worker 4810 Seton Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215 2018-11-27
1518440478 Benson Baby Physical Therapist 2525west Belveder Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215 2018-09-07
1609360817 Bonnie Kahler Clinical Nurse Specialist 2401 Belvedere Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215 2018-06-20
1932693843 Kelley Monica Cohill Social Worker Sinai Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, 2440 Cylburn Ave., Baltimore, MD 21215 2018-06-15
1497245609 Kimberly Beth Koerner Social Worker 2401 W. Belvedere Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215 2018-05-14
1184113078 Mary Jo Kozel Registered Nurse 2401 West Belvedere, Baltimore, MD 21215 2018-05-07
Find all providers in zip 21215

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 251V00000X
Grouping Agencies
Classification Voluntary or Charitable

Taxonomy Definition

Definition to come...

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1326408139 The Children's House At Johns Hopkins, Inc. Voluntary or Charitable 1915 Mcelderry St, Baltimore, MD 21205-2213 2016-03-07
1972906915 John Brantley Voluntary or Charitable 1539 Sheffield Rd, Baltimore, MD 21218-1633 2014-10-05
1104261585 Gaudenzia, Inc Voluntary or Charitable 4450 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215-6324 2013-04-30
1275851347 Peace of Mind Services, Inc Voluntary or Charitable 1000 Cahedral Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 2010-05-13
1164667341 A Reason To Recover Inc. Voluntary or Charitable 3325 Brendan Ave, Baltimore, MD 21213-1842 2008-12-02
1083706725 The Hearing and Speech Agency Voluntary or Charitable 5900 Metro Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215-3207 2006-09-29
1386620649 Northwest Baltimore Youth Services, Inc. Voluntary or Charitable 3319 W Belvedere Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215-5103 2005-12-19
1013427863 2 God B The Glory Recovery Family Center Voluntary or Charitable 339 Bloom St, Baltimore, MD 21217-4598 2017-10-06
1467901454 Community Bridge Builders Inc Voluntary or Charitable 5900 York Rd, Suite 206, Baltimore, MD 21212-3041 2016-10-02
1427490218 Serene Living Voluntary or Charitable 5417 Daywalt Ave, Baltimore, MD 21206-4436 2013-07-23
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Zip Code 21215

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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