Address: 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir, Attn Health Division (chdp), Yuba City, CA 95993-3011
Phone: 5308227215

COUNTY OF SUTTER (NPI# 1619194594) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1619194594
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name COUNTY OF SUTTER
Other Organization Name CHDP
Practice Address 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir
Attn Health Division (chdp)
Yuba City
CA 95993-3011
Practice Telephone 5308227215
Practice Fax Number 5308227223
Mailing Telephone 5308227215
Mailing Fax Number 5308227223
Enumeration Date 2007-04-20
Last Update Date 2019-08-13
Authorized Official Telephone 5308227327
Is Organization Subpart Y
Parent Organization Name COUNTY OF SUTTER


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 261QM2500X Clinic/Center
Specialization: Medical Specialty
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
CA EXE70043F 05

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
CHDP Other Name - Individual/Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1710486170 County of Sutter Community/Behavioral Health 8 7th Street, Marysville, CA 95901 2018-02-12
1386167880 County of Sutter Community/Behavioral Health 1130 Civic Center Blvd Ste H, Yuba City, CA 95993-3008 2017-07-18
1063933919 County of Sutter Clinic/Center 1531 Butte House Rd Ste A, Yuba City, CA 95993-2241 2017-06-30
1518487289 County of Sutter Community/Behavioral Health 215 5th St Ste 154, Marysville, CA 95901-5737 2017-06-23
1477954535 County of Sutter Clinic/Center 545 Garden Hwy Ste A-1&a2, Yuba City, CA 95991-6338 2014-09-09
1831340447 County of Sutter Clinic/Center 1965 Live Oak Blvd Ste C, Attn Sybh Mhsa Best & Hope Programs, Yuba City, CA 95991-8850 2008-10-02
1962653634 County of Sutter Clinic/Center 4853 Olivehurst Ave, Attn Sybh (mhsa Hmong Center), Olivehurst, CA 95961-4228 2008-09-30
1285853531 County of Sutter Clinic/Center 545 Garden Hwy Ste B, Attn Sybh (mhsa Holly Oak), Yuba City, CA 95991-6338 2007-04-25
1639397417 County of Sutter Clinic/Center 1965 Live Oak Blvd Ste A, Attn Sybh (adult Outpatient), Yuba City, CA 95991-8850 2007-04-24
1548488323 County of Sutter Clinic/Center 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir Ste B, Yuba City, CA 95993-3011 2007-04-24

Office Location

State CA
Zip Code 95993-3011

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1356374029 Hemalatha Vangala Internal Medicine 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir, Ste B, Yuba City, CA 95993-3011 2006-07-08
1225661804 Andrea Renee Vasquez Registered Nurse 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir, Yuba City, CA 95993-3011 2020-02-21
1801438502 Ashley Glass Case Manager/Care Coordinator 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir, Yuba City, CA 95993-3011 2019-10-14
1437701778 Cynthia Cuna Social Worker 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir, Yuba City, CA 95993-3011 2019-07-16
1730681677 Jaspreet Kaur Singh Registered Nurse 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir, Yuba City, CA 95993-3011 2018-03-07
1104326214 Kamaljeet Kaur Registered Nurse 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir, Yuba City, CA 95993-3011 2018-02-15
1770083800 Ariston Johann Lee Dumaran Registered Nurse 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir, Yuba City, CA 95993-3011 2018-02-15
1285157008 Roberta D'arcy Registered Nurse 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir, Yuba City, CA 95993-3011 2017-07-24
1861914533 Michelle Monique Balter Registered Nurse 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir, Yuba City, CA 95993-3011 2017-07-13
1871971580 Mabel Del Pilar Rivera Sagastegui Physician Assistant 1445 Veterans Memorial Cir, Suite B, Yuba City, CA 95993-3011 2015-05-13
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1437769957 North Valley Behavioral Health, LLC Psychiatric Hospital 1253 Stabler Lane, Yuba City, CA 95993 2020-08-10
1295213296 Peach Tree Healthcare Dentist 1275 Tharp Rd., Yuba City, CA 95993 2018-08-01
1881182509 Michele Blake Health Educator 1531-a Butte House Road, Yuba City, CA 95993 2018-04-27
1295239127 Restore Medical, Inc. Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier 475 Century Park Dr. Suite A, Yuba City, CA 95993 2018-03-23
1386160489 Raveena Bains Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 1500 S Avenue K, Station 3 Shroc, Portales, NM 95993 2017-08-21
1811412588 Julie Price Health Educator 1531 Butte House Road, Suite A, Yuba City, CA 95993 2017-08-03
1871973289 Harbans Kaur Gill Obstetrics & Gynecology 1532 Chandler Way, Yuba City, CA 95993 2015-06-02
1942619374 Jacob Ray Anderson Physical Therapist 1110 Civic Center Blvd Ste. 502, Yuba City, CA 95993 2014-08-11
1912243791 Sayuli S Wong Psychologist 1585 Butte House Rd., Suite C, Yuba City, CA 95993 2012-12-22
1831459072 Wilbur Frank Armbrust Obstetrics & Gynecology 428 Laramada, Yuba City, CA 95993 2012-05-22
Find all providers in zip 95993

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 261QM2500X
Grouping Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Classification Clinic/Center
Specialization Medical Specialty

Taxonomy Definition

An entity, facility, or distinct part of a facility providing diagnostic, treatment, and prescriptive services related to a specific area of medical specialization. Frequently used for Title V related Children's Specialty services or to meet specific public health needs (e.g., infectious diseases or breast and cervical cancer).
Notes: [7/1/2003: new]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1245541291 Dr. Brar, Inc. Clinic/Center 481 Plumas Blvd, 201, Yuba City, CA 95991-5075 2010-06-24
1124265327 Dr. Larry Ozeran Clinic/Center 370 Del Norte Ave, Suite 203, Yuba City, CA 95991-4142 2009-01-11
1508810169 California Heart Center Clinic/Center 481 Plumas Blvd, Suite 201, Yuba City, CA 95991-5075 2006-05-19

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1740807213 Drmsh Corp Clinic/Center 2045 Thayer Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025-5926 2020-07-01
1588286603 Tri Health Medical Institute Management Company LLC Clinic/Center 17777 Ventura Blvd Ste 100, Encino, CA 91316-3738 2020-05-12
1699394460 Bay Area Kidney Care Medical Group Inc. Clinic/Center 39370 Mozart Terrace Unit 106, Fremont, CA 94538 2020-04-13
1669007274 Hough Chiropractic Inc Clinic/Center 11770 Warner Ave Ste 122, Fountain Valley, CA 92708-2660 2020-03-04
1760017412 La Laser Center PC, A Professional Medical Corporation Clinic/Center 2409 Artesia Blvd, Redondo Beach, CA 90278-3207 2020-03-03
1316572068 La Laser Center PC, A Professional Medical Corporation Clinic/Center 1317 Main St Ste B, Delano, CA 93215-1737 2020-03-03
1588299234 La Laser Center PC, A Professional Medical Corporation Clinic/Center 20111 W Valley Blvd, Tehachapi, CA 93561-8747 2020-03-03
1003440884 La Laser Center PC, A Professional Medical Corporation Clinic/Center 300 Old River Rd Ste 120, Bakersfield, CA 93311-9512 2020-03-02
1083247795 La Laser Center PC, A Professional Medical Corporation Clinic/Center 1025 N Demaree St, Visalia, CA 93291-4117 2020-02-20
1780217489 La Laser Center PC, A Professional Medical Corporation Clinic/Center 621 W Line St Ste 105, Bishop, CA 93514-3320 2020-02-20
Find all providers with the same taxonomy


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Zip Code 95993

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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