Address: 8947 Antares Avenue, Columbus, OH 43240-2012
Phone: 6144375600

POLARIS PEDIATRICS INC (NPI# 1609175819) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1609175819
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name BRUCE MIRVIS, MD
Practice Address 8947 Antares Avenue
OH 43240-2012
Practice Telephone 6144375600
Practice Fax Number 6149851499
Mailing Telephone 6144375600
Mailing Fax Number 6149851499
Enumeration Date 2011-03-28
Last Update Date 2011-07-07
Authorized Official Name BRUCE ROBERT MIRVIS (OWNER)
Authorized Official Telephone 6144375600
Authorized Official Credential M.D.
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 208000000X Pediatrics 35039260 OH Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
OH 0345086 05

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Bruce Mirvis, MD Other Name - Individual/Organization

Office Location

Street Address 8947 ANTARES AVENUE
State OH
Zip Code 43240-2012

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1093376600 Joseph Benne Chiropractor 8922 Lyra Dr, Columbus, OH 43240 2019-06-25
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1568825933 Abigail Garnett Speech-Language Pathologist 8425 Pulsar Place, Suite 160, Columbus, OH 43240 2016-04-01
1629409479 Amy Avery Counselor 8862 Commerce Loop Dr, Columbus, OH 43240 2013-12-04
1306195995 Dr. Eric E. Neader, Inc. Optometrist 1500 Polaris Parkway, Suite # 1234, Columbus, OH 43240 2012-08-29
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1487818720 Irfan Khan Dentist 2023 Polaris Parkway, Columbus, OH 43240 2008-07-16
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 208000000X
Grouping Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
Classification Pediatrics

Taxonomy Definition

A pediatrician is concerned with the physical, emotional and social health of children from birth to young adulthood. Care encompasses a broad spectrum of health services ranging from preventive healthcare to the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases. A pediatrician deals with biological, social and environmental influences on the developing child, and with the impact of disease and dysfunction on development.
Notes: Source: American Board of Medical Specialties, 2007. www.abms.org [7/1/2007: definition added, source added; 7/1/2011: modified source]
- Additional Resources: American Board of Pediatrics, 2007. http://www.abp.org/. American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics, 2007. http://www.osteopathic.org/certificatio
- Board certification for Medical Doctors (MDs) is provided by the American Board of Pediatrics. Board certification for Doctors of Osteopathy (DOs) is provided by the American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1528677085 Mariam Khan Pediatrics 2277 Summit St, Columbus, OH 43202-3131 2020-07-30
1992354344 Rouba Sayegh Pediatrics 315 Frankfort Sq, Columbus, OH 43206-1061 2019-09-09
1649736042 Ece Baris Pediatrics 5900 River Rd # 401, Columbus, GA 31904-4578 2019-02-11
1386150282 Another Beginning Inc Pediatrics 1830 Bethel Rd Ste D, Columbus, OH 43220 2017-12-15
1902257876 George Michael Ziegler Pediatrics 611 E Livingston Ave, Section of Neonatology, Columbus, OH 43205 2016-06-22
1457763096 Darren Klawinski Pediatrics 700 Childrens Dr # Drive5, Columbus, OH 43205-2664 2014-06-02
1689002198 Pediatric Partners of Columbus PC Pediatrics 1336 3rd Avenue, Suite B, Columbus, GA 31901-2114 2013-10-18
1639450877 Mercymed of Columbus Inc Pediatrics 3702 2nd Avenue, Columbus, GA 31904 2011-09-01
1558658997 Shilpa Jeevan Vernekar Pediatrics 1546 10th Ave Ste A, Columbus, GA 31901-3613 2011-07-06
1053605642 W Lloyd Hudson Jr Pediatrics 5652 Veterans Pkwy, Columbus, GA 31904-9002 2011-06-01
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Zip Code 43240

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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