Address: 509a Orange Street Suite A, Newark, NJ 07107
Phone: 9732734023

ORANGE STREET SPEC LLC (NPI# 1568941375) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1568941375
Entity Type Organization
Other Organization Name CHILDSMILES
Practice Address 509a Orange Street Suite A
NJ 07107
Practice Telephone 9732734023
Mailing Telephone 9732734023
Enumeration Date 2018-08-13
Last Update Date 2020-02-25
Authorized Official Telephone 9735788788
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 1223X0400X Dentist
Specialization: Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Dental Providers

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Childsmiles Doing Business As Name - Organization

Office Location

State NJ
Zip Code 07107

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1134747272 Kobie Blair Morgan Counselor Kobie Blair Morgan, Esq., Mba, Ma, Lpc, 76-78 First Street, Suite 3, Newark, NJ 07107 2020-07-06
1811522634 Yasheika Hermitt South Licensed Practical Nurse North 11th Street, Newark, NJ 07107 2020-03-12
1548617103 Jose Andres Morales Case Manager/Care Coordinator 541 Roseville Av., Newark, NJ 07107 2016-05-24
1053743997 Center for Wound Science and Healing General Acute Care Hospital 495 North 13th Street, 2nd Floor, Newark, NJ 07107 2013-08-02
1750620944 Jeevan M Mathew Physical Therapist 500 0range Street, Suite 2, Newark, NJ 07107 2013-02-07
1982967386 D & M Quality of Life Services, LLP In Home Supportive Care 285 Roseville Avenue, Suite 118, Newark, NJ 07107 2012-06-20
1710121496 Paul Hsu Pharmacist 421 Bloomfield Ave, Guardys, Newark, NJ 07107 2009-04-27
1194969774 Prescriptions Etc Inc. Clinic/Center 421 Bloomfield Ave., Guardys, Newark, NJ 07107 2009-04-27
1821269630 Chandra Gupta Pediatrics 156 Roseville Avenue, Newark, NJ 07107 2008-03-19
1548327893 Jeffrey Hirshberg Dentist 253 Roseville Ave, Newark, NJ 07107 2007-01-03
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 1223X0400X
Grouping Dental Providers
Classification Dentist
Specialization Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Taxonomy Definition

That area of dentistry concerned with the supervision, guidance and correction of the growing or mature dentofacial structures, including those conditions that require movement of teeth or correction of malrelationships and malformations of their related structures and the adjustment of relationships between and among teeth and facial bones by the application of forces and/or the stimulation and redirection of functional forces within the craniofacial complex. Major responsibilities of orthodontic practice include the diagnosis, prevention, interception and treatment of all forms of malocclusion of the teeth and associated alterations in their surrounding structures; the design, application and control of functional and corrective appliances; and the guidance of the dentition and its supporting structures to attain and maintain optimum occlusal relations in physiologic and esthetic harmony among facial and cranial structures.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1679139448 Delaware Braces, LLC Dentist 2444 Pulaski Hwy Ste 200, Newark, DE 19702-3906 2019-05-16
1144606310 Rayanne Lee Dentist 110 Bergen Street, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Department of Orthodontics - Room C781, Newark, NJ 07103 2015-08-10
1508099938 Andrew C Wong Dentist 3900 Newpark Mall Road, Suite 204, Newark, CA 94560-5241 2009-09-02
1366576373 Thomas Wilson Beattie Dentist 589 Moull St, Newark, OH 43055-2909 2007-03-14
1932250735 William D. Plikerd Dentist 974 N 21st St, Suite 1a, Newark, OH 43055-2990 2007-01-16
1205991668 David S Briss Dentist 110 Bergen St Rm D884, Newark, NJ 07103-2495 2006-12-26
1366413528 Brian E Crock Dentist 175 Mcmillen Dr, Newark, OH 43055-1810 2006-01-27
1841275609 Robert E. Binder Dentist 110 Bergen Street, New Jersey Dental School, Department of Orthodontics, Newark, NJ 07101-1709 2005-12-14
1871064709 Ezra Jared Brown Dentist 509 Orange St, Newark, NJ 07107-2128 2018-12-17
1629431960 Nicholas Kelley Dentist 201 Lyons Ave, Newark, NJ 07112-2027 2016-04-04
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Zip Code 07107

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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