Address: 3880 Via Lucero, Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Phone: 8056876651

POWERS PARK HEALTHCARE, INC. (NPI# 1558915256) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1558915256
Entity Type Organization
Practice Address 3880 Via Lucero
Santa Barbara
CA 93110
Mailing Address 3880 Via Lucero
Santa Barbara
CA 93110-1605
Practice Telephone 8056876651
Practice Fax Number 8056870405
Mailing Telephone 8056876651
Mailing Fax Number 8056870405
Enumeration Date 2019-07-31
Last Update Date 2019-10-04
Authorized Official Name SOON BURNAM (TREASURER)
Authorized Official Telephone 9495401249
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 314000000X Skilled Nursing Facility Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Cherrelyn Healthcare Center Doing Business As Name - Organization

Provider Secondary Practice Location

Address Telephone Number Fax Number
5555 S Elati St, Littleton, CO 801201624 3037952626

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
Colorado Business Entities Powers Park Healthcare, Inc. 29222 Rancho Viejo Rd., Suite 127, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

Office Location

Street Address 3880 VIA LUCERO
State CA
Zip Code 93110

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1942399555 La Cumbre Senior Living Concepts Skilled Nursing Facility 3880 Via Lucero, Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1605 2006-10-12
1134400633 Compass Health Inc Skilled Nursing Facility 3880 Via Lucero, Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1605 2011-08-29
1962714287 Caring Team Skilled Nursing Facility 3880 Via Lucero, Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1605 2010-07-02
1174603328 Helping Hands Sanctuary of Idaho, Inc. Skilled Nursing Facility 3880 Via Lucero, Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1605 2006-10-16

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1386287431 Rosanne M. Marquis Technician 4131 Creviente Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 2019-10-22
1467961722 Chris Latham Nutritionist 4760 Amarosa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 2017-09-29
1770030330 Laurence Seguin-brault Social Worker 66 South Anttonio Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 2016-09-01
1891142626 Patricia Hurtado Peer Specialist 66 S San Antonio Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 2016-05-23
1023494945 Santa Barbara County Alcogol, Drug & Mental Health Services Social Worker 66 S. San Antonio Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 2015-08-03
1225382088 Terry Gostow Speech-Language Pathologist 333 Old Mill Road, #314, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 2012-11-01
1184914020 Matt Traube Marriage & Family Therapist 3953 Carol Ave, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 2011-04-12
1679715270 Abundant Care IIi Assisted Living Facility 4589 Anhay Dr, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 2009-03-27
1508052333 Chadler R Burgoyne Orthopaedic Surgery Sansum Orthopedic Clinic, 4151 Foothill Rd - Bldg A, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 2007-09-14
1689878894 Jill Louise Daugherty Counselor Admhs, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 2007-06-12
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 314000000X
Grouping Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities
Classification Skilled Nursing Facility

Taxonomy Definition

(1) A skilled nursing facility is a facility or distinct part of an institution whose primary function is to provide medical, continuous nursing, and other health and social services to patients who are not in an acute phase of illness requiring services in a hospital, but who require primary restorative or skilled nursing services on an inpatient basis above the level of intermediate or custodial care in order to reach a degree of body functioning to permit self care in essential daily living. It meets any licensing or certification standards et forth by the jurisdiction where it is located. A skilled nursing facility may be a freestanding facility or part of a hospital that has been certified by Medicare to admit patients requiring subacute care and rehabilitation; (2) Provides non-acute medical and skilled nursing care services, therapy and social services under the supervision of a licensed registered nurse on a 24-hour basis.
Notes: Source: (1) "Glossary of terms used in managed care" Developed by the Managed Care Assembly (MCA) of Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), MGM Journal, September/October 1995, p. 64; (2) AHA Guide, 1996 Annual Survey.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1205977311 Covenant Care California, LLC Skilled Nursing Facility 160 S Patterson Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93111-2006 2007-02-09
1962588582 Front Porch Communities and Services Skilled Nursing Facility 3775 Modoc Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93105-4474 2006-10-27
1255412763 Humangood Norcal Skilled Nursing Facility 900 Calle De Los Amigos, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 2006-10-18
1942399555 La Cumbre Senior Living Concepts Skilled Nursing Facility 3880 Via Lucero, Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1605 2006-10-12
1467558692 Covenant Living West Skilled Nursing Facility 2566 Treasure Dr, Santa Barbara, CA 93105-4148 2006-09-15
1639182207 California Convalescent Hospital of Santa Barbara Inc Skilled Nursing Facility 2225 De La Vina St, Santa Barbara, CA 93105-3815 2006-08-14
1134474679 Front Porch Communities and Services Skilled Nursing Facility 3775 Modoc Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93105-4474 2012-07-20
1134400633 Compass Health Inc Skilled Nursing Facility 3880 Via Lucero, Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1605 2011-08-29
1962714287 Caring Team Skilled Nursing Facility 3880 Via Lucero, Santa Barbara, CA 93110-1605 2010-07-02
1841351780 Cliffview Terrace Inc Skilled Nursing Facility 623 W Junipero St, Santa Barbara, CA 93105-6299 2006-12-13
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Zip Code 93110

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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