Address: 600 N Cotner Blvd, Suite 116, Lincoln, NE 68505-2343
Phone: 4024666677

FRED MILLER JAMES (NPI# 1558401414) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1558401414
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name FRED MILLER JAMES
Other Organization Name LINCOLN FOOT CLINIC
Practice Address 600 N Cotner Blvd
Suite 116
NE 68505-2343
Practice Telephone 4024666677
Practice Fax Number 4024666724
Mailing Telephone 4024666677
Mailing Fax Number 4024666724
Enumeration Date 2007-02-07
Last Update Date 2012-03-01
Authorized Official Name MS. ALTA L BRODD (OFFICE MANAGER)
Authorized Official Telephone 4024666677
Is Organization Subpart Y
Parent Organization Name FRED MILLER JAMES


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 213ES0103X Podiatrist
Specialization: Foot & Ankle Surgery
260 NE Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
lincoln foot clinic Doing Business As Name - Organization

Office Location

Street Address 600 N COTNER BLVD
State NE
Zip Code 68505-2343

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NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1013990035 Tiffany A Beiermann Physical Therapist 600 N Cotner Blvd, Lincoln, NE 68505-2343 2005-11-23
1679953392 Lincoln Foot Clinic Podiatrist 600 N Cotner Blvd, Suite 116, Lincoln, NE 68505 2015-06-08
1497145981 Lindsay Rae Groff Physician Assistant 600 N Cotner Blvd, Suite 208, Lincoln, NE 68505-2343 2015-02-04
1750641882 Angela Lynn Moser Physician Assistant 600 N Cotner Blvd, Suite #208, Lincoln, NE 68505-2343 2012-05-23
1982923207 Timothy R Parmley Physical Therapist 600 N Cotner Blvd, Suite 110, Lincoln, NE 68505-2343 2010-05-26
1558694414 Debra Kay Knight Counselor 600 N Cotner Blvd, Suite 106b, Lincoln, NE 68505-2343 2009-09-10
1316182785 Gateway Dermatology PC Dermatology 600 N Cotner Blvd, Suite 311, Lincoln, NE 68505-2343 2008-12-12
1497900658 Multicultural Youth and Family Counseling,llc Counselor 600 N Cotner Blvd, Lincoln, NE 68505-2343 2008-12-01
1689854176 Christian Counseling and Guidance, Inc. Counselor 600 N Cotner Blvd, Suite 302, Lincoln, NE 68505-2343 2007-11-13
1508064718 Allison M Schindler Nurse Practitioner 600 N Cotner Blvd, Ste 101, Lincoln, NE 68505-2343 2007-07-10
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1588158968 Sean Thomas Stille Optometrist 6100 O Street, Lincoln, NE 68505 2018-06-19
1841544087 Lance Tyler Otto Chiropractor 8222 Holdrege St., Lincoln, NE 68505 2012-11-08
1750685186 George Randy Jeffrey Physical Therapist 770 N Cotner, # 125, Lincoln, NE 68505 2010-12-28
1194970327 Rebecca G Guittar Dietitian, Registered 1601 N. 84th St., Hy-vee, Inc, Lincoln, NE 68505 2008-12-02
1649470659 Linc Care, A Joint Venture Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies 1601 North 86th Street, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68505 2007-07-19
1235354820 Professional Eyecare Gateway Inc. Optometrist 6100 O St #59, Lincoln, NE 68505 2007-04-17
1548391774 Stanley Leonard Schulte Chiropractor 1777 N. 86th St, Ste 102, Lincoln, NE 68505 2007-03-08
1396871224 Allison Joanne Vyhnalek Licensed Practical Nurse 630 N Cotner, Suite 204, Lincoln, NE 68505 2007-02-26
1053454124 William Jeffrey Geisert Optometrist 6100 O St, Bldg #59, Lincoln, NE 68505 2007-02-15
1093877920 Moms Inc Prosthetic/Orthotic Supplier 415 North 66th St, Suite 8, Lincoln, NE 68505 2006-12-15
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 213ES0103X
Grouping Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers
Classification Podiatrist
Specialization Foot & Ankle Surgery

Taxonomy Definition

Definition to come...

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1598077406 Garrett Marc Sessions Podiatrist 685 Twelve Bridges Dr Ste C, Lincoln, CA 95648-8689 2010-07-08
1194884387 Benjamin Van Pham Podiatrist 685 Twelve Bridges Dr Ste F, Lincoln, CA 95648-8689 2006-12-06
1821091638 Teresa K Burnap Podiatrist 1150 N 83rd St, Lincoln, NE 68505-2080 2005-05-24
1053886184 Penobscot Valley Foot and Ankle Podiatrist 7 Transalpine Rd, Lincoln, ME 04457-4222 2018-10-04
1154786598 Benjamin Van Pham Podiatrist 685 Twelve Bridges Dr Ste F, Lincoln, CA 95648-8689 2015-12-30
1679953392 Lincoln Foot Clinic Podiatrist 600 N Cotner Blvd, Suite 116, Lincoln, NE 68505 2015-06-08
1487069100 Matthew Williamson Podiatrist 1150 N 83rd St, Lincoln, NE 68505-2094 2014-06-23
1538457619 Derek Miller Podiatrist 1150 N 83rd St, Lincoln, NE 68505-2094 2011-07-11
1912211657 Kara L Krejci Reed Podiatrist 4130 Pioneer Woods Dr Ste 1, Lincoln, NE 68506-7552 2010-08-05
1235461294 Joshua Morton Vest Podiatrist 1150 N 83rd St, Lincoln, NE 68505-2094 2010-02-02
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Zip Code 68505

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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