Address: 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009
Phone: 5033976900

DIANA LYNN TUCK (NPI# 1548739279) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1548739279
Entity Type Individual
Credential QMHA
Practice Address 105 S 3rd St
Saint Helens
OR 97051-2009
Mailing Address Po Box 1234
Saint Helens
OR 97051-8234
Practice Telephone 5033976900
Practice Fax Number 5033976818
Mailing Telephone 5034382229
Enumeration Date 2018-11-26
Last Update Date 2018-11-26
Gender Code F
Is Sole Proprietor N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 171M00000X Case Manager/Care Coordinator Other Service Providers

Office Location

Street Address 105 S 3RD ST
State OR
Zip Code 97051-2009

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1780223594 Casey Andrew Zweigart Counselor 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009 2019-12-26
1083252084 Heide Rebekah Tift Case Manager/Care Coordinator 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009 2019-12-20
1366915589 Cari Ellen Kistner Counselor 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009 2019-01-10
1013482017 Jessica Michelle Bowles Case Manager/Care Coordinator 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009 2018-10-05
1649717026 Brandon Guerra Case Manager/Care Coordinator 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009 2017-01-24
1073061404 Lois Olivas Counselor 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009 2016-09-14
1740631712 Amanda Wagner Case Manager/Care Coordinator 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009 2016-06-30
1801256953 Candy Applebee Counselor 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009 2016-03-02
1902291677 Melinda Tyler Behavioral Analyst 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009 2015-03-31
1154745800 Mark Gundersen Case Manager/Care Coordinator 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009 2014-02-14
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1497387468 Jason Lee Morris Physical Therapist 21 Cowlitz Street, St. Helens, OR 97051 2020-02-07
1336644871 Genoa Healthcare, LLC Pharmacy 58646 Mcnulty Way Ste 116, Saint Helens, OR 97051 2018-03-27
1356713952 Maykel Hashemieh Shirazi Pharmacist 2292 Gable Rd, Saint Helens, OR 97051 2015-10-22
1730565995 Jeremy Scott Jones Counselor 105 S Thierd, Saint Helens, OR 97051 2015-08-10
1548652621 Ashley Marie Prietto Counselor 58464 Mcnulty Way, Saint Helens, OR 97051 2015-02-25
1376898619 Amy Beth Terry Counselor 58646 Mcnutty Way, St. Helens, OR 97051 2012-07-23
1639430762 Scott David Swanson Pharmacist 795 Columbia River Hwy, St. Helens, OR 97051 2012-06-05
1871850586 Christina Nadean Lane Massage Therapist 52515 Columbia River Highway, Scappoose, OR 97051 2012-04-19
1235432550 Alysha Barbour Acupuncturist 1561 Columbia Blvd., Saint Helens, OR 97051 2010-12-08
1649572207 Pure Serenity Massage LLC Massage Therapist 440 Columbia Blvd., St. Helens, OR 97051 2010-12-02
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 171M00000X
Grouping Other Service Providers
Classification Case Manager/Care Coordinator

Taxonomy Definition

A person who provides case management services and assists an individual in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and/or other services. The person has the ability to provide an assessment and review of completed plan of care on a periodic basis. This person is also able to take collaborative action to coordinate the services with other providers and monitor the enrollee’s progress toward the cost-effective achievement of objectives specified in the plan of care. Credentials may vary from an experience in the fields of psychology, social work, rehabilitation, nursing or a closely related human service field, to a related Assoc of Arts Degree or to nursing credentials. Some states may require certification in case management.
Notes: Source: CMS State Medicaid Manual Section 4442.3 [7/1/2006: new]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1205333184 Juliann Renee Davis Case Manager/Care Coordinator 125 N 17th St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-1708 2018-04-09
1841480068 Susan Margaret Asbell Case Manager/Care Coordinator 124 Forest Park Dr, Saint Helens, OR 97051-1040 2007-07-25
1083252084 Heide Rebekah Tift Case Manager/Care Coordinator 105 S 3rd St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-2009 2019-12-20
1679111298 Kendell Tyree Nelson Case Manager/Care Coordinator 58646 Mcnulty Way, Saint Helens, OR 97051-6210 2019-12-13
1841833944 Tamila M Chamorro Jacobs Case Manager/Care Coordinator 58646 Mcnulty Way, Saint Helens, OR 97051-6210 2019-10-21
1003457003 Maricar Paulo Arceo Case Manager/Care Coordinator 58646 Mcnulty Way, Saint Helens, OR 97051-6210 2019-10-01
1265073324 Shannon Dee Wagner Case Manager/Care Coordinator 185 N 4th St, Saint Helens, OR 97051-1535 2019-09-30
1811548175 Rebecca A Izbicki Case Manager/Care Coordinator 58646 Mcnulty Way, Saint Helens, OR 97051-6210 2019-09-26
1124676960 Linda Natalie Santos-martinez Case Manager/Care Coordinator 58646 Mcnulty Way, Saint Helens, OR 97051-6210 2019-08-26
1447807425 Lisa Ann Meere Case Manager/Care Coordinator 58646 Mcnulty Way, Saint Helens, OR 97051-6210 2019-08-23
Find all providers in SAINT HELENS


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Zip Code 97051

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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