Address: 5th Armored Division Drive, Fort Drum, NY 13602
Phone: 3157722455

GUTHRIE AHC (NPI# 1548681240) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1548681240
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name GUTHRIE AHC
Other Organization Name EBH 1ST BCT CLINIC-DRUM
Practice Address 5th Armored Division Drive
Fort Drum
NY 13602
Mailing Address 11050 Mount Belvedere Blvd
C/o Ubo
Fort Drum
NY 13602-5438
Practice Telephone 3157722455
Mailing Telephone 3157724033
Enumeration Date 2013-12-23
Last Update Date 2015-03-26
Authorized Official Telephone 3157721755
Is Organization Subpart Y
Parent Organization Name GUTHRIE AHC


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 261QM1100X Clinic/Center
Specialization: Military/U.S. Coast Guard Outpatient
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
EBH 1st BCT CLINIC-DRUM Doing Business As Name - Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1063902666 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center P19914 M3r Tampa, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2018-05-18
1962823575 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 11050 Mount Beledere Blvd, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2013-12-27
1811192594 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 10720 Mt Belvedere Blvd, Suite A1-102, Fort Drum, NY 13602-5040 2007-06-20
1215091962 Guthrie Ahc Military/U.S. Coast Guard Pharmacy Usa Meddhc 11050 Mt Belvedere Blvd, Ft Drum, NY 13601 2006-12-20
1336248798 Guthrie Ahc Military/U.S. Coast Guard Pharmacy P10506 Second St, Ft Drum, NY 13602 2006-09-22
1881793255 Guthrie Ahc Military/U.S. Coast Guard Pharmacy Munns Corners Rd P2065, Ft Drum, NY 13602 2006-09-22
1366863060 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 4th Armored Division Drive, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2013-12-23
1144565797 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 40 Franklin St, Carthage, NY 13619-1377 2012-12-10
1780950030 Guthrie Ahc Military/U.S. Coast Guard Pharmacy 11050 Mount Belvedere Blvd, Fort Drum, NY 13602-5438 2012-03-30
1740486091 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 10590 Enduring Freedom Drive, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2007-06-25

Office Location

State NY
Zip Code 13602

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1235697590 Joshua Lee Hickman Physician Assistant Bldg P10506 Euphrates River Valley Rd, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2019-03-06
1447721345 Lisa Marie Lewis Social Worker 11044 Mount Belvedere Blvd, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2018-12-17
1720555253 Elizabeth M Hover Social Worker P11050 Mt Belvedere Blvd, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2018-11-02
1376037424 Phillip Dakotah Mitchell Physician Assistant 10020 Euphrates River Valley Road, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2018-06-20
1063902666 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center P19914 M3r Tampa, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2018-05-18
1255846879 Morgan Elizabeth Callari Dental Hygienist 10205 S Riva Ridge Loop, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2017-12-05
1609389097 John Charles Bockmann Physician Assistant Connor Troop Medical Clinic, 10506 Euphrates River Valley Rd, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2017-11-08
1902318207 Nicholas Andrew Jones Military Health Care Provider 10506 S. Riva Ridge, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2017-10-26
1508389198 Richard Scott Christiansen Physical Therapist 10330 S Riva Ridge Loop, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2017-07-25
1811418098 Emer B Bajuelos Dentist Ft Drum W07uaa 10590, Ft Drum, Apo, AP 13602 2017-06-28
Find all providers in zip 13602

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 261QM1100X
Grouping Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Classification Clinic/Center
Specialization Military/U.S. Coast Guard Outpatient

Taxonomy Definition

The Defense Health Program or U.S. Coast Guard funded "fixed" facilities or distinct parts of a facility, providing outpatient medical and dental services, primarily for Uniformed Services beneficiaries. A "fixed" facility is a non-temporary, non-deployed facility. It includes mobile specialty units such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) units that may furnish services at the "fixed" facility. It includes, as examples, the institutional portion of outpatient encounters (except Ambulatory Procedure Visits), supplies issued (e.g., glasses, ostomy supplies, crutches), and radiology and laboratory studies. Does not include items issued directly to a patient from an outpatient pharmacy or patient transport.
Notes: Source: TRICARE Management Activity Uniform Business Office User’s Guide [1/1/2005: title modified, definition added; 7/1/2006 title modified, definition modified]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1063902666 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center P19914 M3r Tampa, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2018-05-18
1962823575 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 11050 Mount Beledere Blvd, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2013-12-27
1811192594 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 10720 Mt Belvedere Blvd, Suite A1-102, Fort Drum, NY 13602-5040 2007-06-20
1366863060 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 4th Armored Division Drive, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2013-12-23
1740486091 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 10590 Enduring Freedom Drive, Fort Drum, NY 13602 2007-06-25
1457556136 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 10205 N Riva Ridge Loop, Suite P10205, Fort Drum, NY 13602-5457 2007-06-20
1093920811 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 10205 N Riva Ridge Loop, Suite P10506, Fort Drum, NY 13602-5457 2007-05-14
1164637112 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 10205 N Riva Ridge Loop, Suite P36, Fort Drum, NY 13602-5457 2007-05-13
1730247156 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 11050 Mount Belvedere Blvd, Ubo, Fort Drum, NY 13602-5438 2006-12-05

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1750578977 Branch Medical Clinic Saratoga Springs Clinic/Center 1 West Ave Ste 2, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-6045 2007-10-02
1235334392 Keller Army Community Hospital Clinic/Center 606 Cullum Road, Building 606, West Point, NY 10996 2007-06-19
1770553752 Uscg Sector New York Clinic/Center 215 Drum Road, Room D-113, Staten Island, NY 10305 2006-01-24
1144565797 Guthrie Ahc Clinic/Center 40 Franklin St, Carthage, NY 13619-1377 2012-12-10
1881899987 Keller Army Community Hospital Clinic/Center 900 Washington Rd, West Point, NY 10996-1109 2007-06-19
1205042017 Keller Army Community Hospital Clinic/Center 900 Washington Rd, Bldg 606, West Point, NY 10996-1109 2007-05-16
1124234935 Keller Army Community Hospital Clinic/Center 900 Washington Rd, Bldg 606, West Point, NY 10996-1109 2007-05-16
1134333883 Keller Army Community Hospital Clinic/Center 114 White Ave, Fort Hamilton, NY 11252-9503 2007-05-10
1285774752 Uscg Sector New York Medical Clinic/Center 215 Drum Rd Rm D113, Staten Island, NY 10305-5001 2007-02-07
1033204391 Uscg Sector Ny Clinic Clinic/Center 215 Drum Rd, Rm D-113, Staten Island, NY 10305-5001 2006-10-04
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Zip Code 13602

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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