Address: 880 Munson Avenue, Traverse City, MI 49686-3661
Phone: 6088217200

SAGINAW VAMC (NPI# 1538520028) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1538520028
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name SAGINAW VAMC
Other Organization Name TRAVERSE CITY VA CLINIC
Practice Address 880 Munson Avenue
Traverse City
MI 49686-3661
Mailing Address Po Box 5247
WI 53705-0247
Practice Telephone 6088217200
Mailing Telephone 6088217200
Enumeration Date 2016-03-11
Last Update Date 2016-03-11
Authorized Official Name ERIN POTTER (NPI TEAM MEMBER)
Authorized Official Telephone 2023822579
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 261QV0200X Clinic/Center
Specialization: VA
Ambulatory Health Care Facilities

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
TRAVERSE CITY VA CLINIC Other Name - Individual/Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1326329962 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 14540 N Mackinaw Hwy, Mackinaw City, MI 49701-9507 2011-09-08
1194010173 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 1909 North Mitchell St, Cadillac, MI 49601-1139 2011-06-17
1003869843 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 2782 South Otsego Avenue, Gaylord, MI 49735-9998 2006-05-19
1831587716 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 4241 Barnard Rd, Saginaw, MI 48603-1308 2014-12-31
1780931733 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 1680 Hartwick Pines Rd, Grayling, MI 49738-9237 2012-08-09
1588979801 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 1142 S Van Dyke Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413-9800 2010-08-11
1649411265 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 11775 N Isabella Rd, Clare, MI 48617-9186 2009-03-11
1952550931 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 180 N State Ave, Alpena, MI 49707-2847 2008-09-15
1811931918 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 701 Us Highway 31 S, Traverse City, MI 49685-8016 2006-06-16
1265470843 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 5671 N Skeel Ave, Suite 4, Oscoda, MI 48750-1535 2006-06-03

Office Location

Street Address 880 MUNSON AVENUE
State MI
Zip Code 49686-3661

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1245877208 Jessica Marie Glowacki Behavior Technician 935 Hemlock St, Traverse City, MI 49686 2019-12-09
1568011542 Joanne Kressley Technician 1693 Maylane Apt. 104, Traverse City, MI 49686 2019-09-11
1194283846 Pace North PACE Provider Organization 2325 Garfield Road N., Traverse City, MI 49686 2019-03-12
1245749225 Margaret Anne Goss Speech-Language Pathologist 1105 E. Eighth Street, Traverse City, MI 49686 2017-09-22
1467981811 Joan Joyce Shirilla Social Worker 2124 Twin Eagles Dr, Traverse City, MI 49686 2017-06-08
1770028763 Rehab and Mobility Systems, LLC Durable Medical Equipment & Medical Supplies 707 Parsons, Traverse City, MI 49686 2016-12-29
1629511316 Kaitlyn Grangood Social Worker 415 Munson Avenue, Ste 101, Traverse City, MI 49686 2016-11-29
1811441132 Jeffrey D Goodwin Counselor 430 Fair St., Traverse City, MI 49686 2016-08-04
1053779918 Thomas Osborne Counselor 2014 Phelps Rd., Traverse City, MI 49686 2016-02-08
1982079588 Marsha Lynne Dallas Counselor 2240 South Airport Road, Traverse City, MI 49686 2015-12-08
Find all providers in zip 49686

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 261QV0200X
Grouping Ambulatory Health Care Facilities
Classification Clinic/Center
Specialization VA

Taxonomy Definition

Definition to come...

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1811931918 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 701 Us Highway 31 S, Traverse City, MI 49685-8016 2006-06-16

Providers in the same taxonomy and state

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1134693500 Duraid Hadi Clinic/Center 29650 Newberry Ct, Farmington Hills, MI 48331-1643 2019-01-18
1043722325 Ann Arbor Vamc Clinic/Center 2500 Green Rd Ste 200, Ann Arbor, MI 48105-1573 2017-10-26
1497143374 Detroit Vamc Clinic/Center 301 Piquette Street, Detroit, MI 48202-3513 2014-12-31
1114334174 Iron Mountain Vamc Clinic/Center 813 East Lakeshore Drive, Manistique, MI 49854-1683 2014-07-22
1326329962 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 14540 N Mackinaw Hwy, Mackinaw City, MI 49701-9507 2011-09-08
1194010173 Saginaw Vamc Clinic/Center 1909 North Mitchell St, Cadillac, MI 49601-1139 2011-06-17
1720028319 Iron Mountain Vamc Clinic/Center 629 W Cloverland Dr, Suite 1, Ironwood, MI 49938-1006 2006-06-08
1649218058 Battle Creek Vamc Clinic/Center 5000 Hakes Drive, Muskegon, MI 49441-5574 2006-06-04
1588602254 Iron Mountain Vamc Clinic/Center 509 Osborn Blvd Ste 306, Sault Sainte Marie, MI 49783-2071 2006-06-03
1952357865 Battle Creek Vamc Clinic/Center 2025 S Washington Ave, Lansing, MI 48910-0828 2006-05-25
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Zip Code 49686

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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