Address: 500 Adams Ln Apt 16u, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2556
Phone: 9086851444

ALTERNATIVES INC. (NPI# 1518477629) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1518477629
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name ALTERNATIVES INC.
Practice Address 500 Adams Ln Apt 16u
North Brunswick
NJ 08902-2556
Mailing Address 600 1st Ave
NJ 08869-1346
Practice Telephone 9086851444
Practice Fax Number 9086852660
Mailing Telephone 9086851444
Mailing Fax Number 9086852660
Enumeration Date 2017-10-03
Last Update Date 2017-10-03
Authorized Official Name NANCY GOOD (PRESIDENT)
Authorized Official Telephone 9086851444
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 251S00000X Community/Behavioral Health Agencies

Other Provider Identifier

State Issuer Identifier Type Code
NJ 0374636 05

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1023677515 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Amwell Rd, Hillsborough, NJ 08844-3401 2019-06-10
1407330939 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 410 S Randolphville Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4118 2018-09-20
1134639297 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Adams Ln Apt 10m, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2558 2017-10-03
1962912022 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Adams Ln Apt 16j, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2556 2017-10-03
1598275653 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Adams Ln Apt 18j, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2565 2017-10-03
1184134231 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Adams Ln Apt 20f, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2568 2017-10-03
1982114096 Alternatives Inc. Voluntary or Charitable 500 Adams Ln Apt 20g, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2568 2017-10-03
1114468683 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 5103 Schindler Ter, Bridgewater, NJ 08807-3616 2017-03-16
1578004040 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 706 Sunny Slope Rd, Bridgewater, NJ 08807-3651 2017-03-16
1720529415 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 1507 West Blvd, Alpha, NJ 08865-4645 2017-03-14

Other Data Sources

Entity Type Entity Name Entity Address
Washington State Corporations ALTERNATIVES INC 3123 Eastlake Ave E # 100, Seattle, WA 98102-3801
Virginia Business Entities ALTERNATIVES INCORPORATED 359 Fenwick Rd Bldg 236, Fort Monroe, Virginia 23651-1054
System for Award Management (SAM) Entities ALTERNATIVES INCORPORATED OF MADISON COUNTY 1309 Monticello Dr, Anderson, IN 46011-1229
Indiana Business Entities ALTERNATIVES INCORPORATED OF MADISON COUNTY Mary Jo Lee, Po Box 1302, Anderson, IN 46015

Office Location

Street Address 500 ADAMS LN APT 16U
State NJ
Zip Code 08902-2556

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1932749835 Helping Hands Healthcare Inc. Clinic/Center Helpinghands Healthcare Inc., 219 Black-horse Lane, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 2020-01-09
1598304370 Jenna Kong Dietitian, Registered 943b Village Drive West, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 2019-12-27
1811556533 Broadway Respite and Home Care Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 1364 Sioux Rd, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 2019-06-06
1629635495 Sarina Mulleavey LLC Social Worker 547 Havard Place, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 2019-05-28
1679044846 Dental Cosmetic Center of North Brunswick PC Dentist 1648 Route 130 North, Suite #5, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 2018-12-16
1023502127 Dungarvin New Jersey, LLC-albury Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 82 Albury Way, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 2018-06-21
1831617026 Broadway Respite and Home Care, LLC Respite Care 1007 Livingston Ave, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 2017-09-07
1104349232 Community Dental of North Brunswick Dentist 566 Milltown Road, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 2017-07-20
1174059539 Bancroft Neurohealth Community Based Residential Treatment, Mental Retardation and/or Developmental Disabilities 60 Riva Ave, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 2017-05-04
1336671684 Pankti Dhaval Barot Physical Therapist 725 Perry Drive, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 2017-03-28
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 251S00000X
Grouping Agencies
Classification Community/Behavioral Health

Taxonomy Definition

A private or public agency usually under local government jurisdiction, responsible for assuring the delivery of community based mental health, mental retardation, substance abuse and/or behavioral health services to individuals with those disabilities. Services may range from companion care, respite, transportation, community integration, crisis intervention and stabilization, supported employment, day support, prevocational services, residential support, therapeutic and supportive consultation, environmental modifications, intensive in-home therapy and day treatment, in addition to traditional mental health and behavioral treatment.
Notes: Source: National Medicaid EDI HIPAA NPI Sub Work Group [1/1/2007: modified definition]

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1134744485 Apluscare, LLC Community/Behavioral Health 340a Church Ln, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-9609 2020-06-12
1043835390 Apluscare, LLC Community/Behavioral Health 340b Church Ln, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-9609 2020-06-12
1194226803 Apluscare, LLC Community/Behavioral Health 1034 Alex Dr, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-5700 2018-02-27
1134639297 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Adams Ln Apt 10m, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2558 2017-10-03
1962912022 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Adams Ln Apt 16j, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2556 2017-10-03
1598275653 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Adams Ln Apt 18j, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2565 2017-10-03
1184134231 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Adams Ln Apt 20f, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2568 2017-10-03
1952820888 Alternatives, Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Adams Ln Apt 4h, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2570 2017-09-12
1689193500 Alternatives, Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Adams Ln Apt 6j, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2572 2017-09-12
1295276046 Alternatives Inc. Community/Behavioral Health 500 Adams Ln, Apt. 3d, North Brunswick, NJ 08902-2513 2017-03-13
Find all providers in NORTH BRUNSWICK


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Zip Code 08902

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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