Address: 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230
Phone: 6196851175

THE ARC OF SAN DIEGO (NPI# 1497937221) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1497937221
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name THE ARC OF SAN DIEGO
Other Organization Name WASHINGTON GROUP HOME
Practice Address 3030 Market St
San Diego
CA 92102-3230
Practice Telephone 6196851175
Practice Fax Number 6162343759
Mailing Telephone 6196851175
Mailing Fax Number 6162343759
Enumeration Date 2007-12-04
Last Update Date 2013-11-26
Authorized Official Telephone 6196851175
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 315P00000X Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
Washington Group Home Doing Business As Name - Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1902398589 The Arc of San Diego Day Training, Developmentally Disabled Services 1280 Nolan Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911 2018-05-31
1174705909 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 9575 Aero Dr, San Diego, CA 92123-1803 2007-12-04
1902088735 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 2930 Helix Street, Spring Valley, CA 91977 2007-12-04
1730361569 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 9075 Creekford Drive, Lakeside, CA 92040 2007-12-04
1801012927 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-04-17
1578745303 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04
1043492879 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04
1336321165 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04
1114109949 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04
1922280759 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04

Office Location

Street Address 3030 MARKET ST
State CA
Zip Code 92102-3230

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1801012927 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-04-17
1578745303 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04
1043492879 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04
1336321165 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04
1114109949 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04
1922280759 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04
1801078639 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04
1962684795 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04
1215119045 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-12-04

Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1437766698 Daniela Tablas Behavioral Analyst 303 47th St Spc D-22, San Diego, CA 92102 2020-09-30
1649745712 Juliet Lao Kurek Pharmacist 2121 Imperial Avenue, San Diego, CA 92102 2018-10-04
1851887020 Monique Joseph Counselor 2410 E. Street, San Diego, CA 92102 2018-07-10
1184166316 Elise Blanton-hubbard Counselor 1850 Dale St, San Diego, CA 92102 2016-11-04
1699221416 Kari Judith Medina Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program 1199 34th Street Apt 11, San Diego, CA 92102 2016-08-31
1942674536 Caitlin Hillary Dablow Speech-Language Pathologist 1201 34th Street, San Diego, CA 92102 2015-11-19
1134508179 Jonathan Waters Military Health Care Provider 1233 22nd Street, Unit 8, San Diego, CA 92102 2015-05-22
1871989913 Abraham Greenberg Pediatrics 15 Balfour Street, Jerusalem, ISRAEL 92102 2015-04-15
1023421021 Elmira Aghdam Chiropractor 5030 Bonita Rd Ste#b, Bonita, CA 92102 2014-06-06
1487092540 Sherry Scott Marriage & Family Therapist 995 Gateway Center Drive #300, San Diego, CA 92102 2013-06-11
Find all providers in zip 92102

Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 315P00000X
Grouping Nursing & Custodial Care Facilities
Classification Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded

Taxonomy Definition

(1) A public institution for care of the mentally retarded or people with related conditions. (2) An institution giving active treatment to mentally retarded or developmentally disabled persons or persons with related conditions. The primary purpose of the institution is to provide health or rehabilitative services to such individuals.
Notes: Sources: (1) Lexikon: Dictionary of Health Care Terms, Organizations and Acronyms for the Era of Reform, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, Oakbrook Terrace, IL: 1994, p. 403 (2) Paraphrased from Code of Federal Regulations #42, Public Health, Section 440.150(c).

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1538423140 Glad Home Care Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 8652 Tommy Dr, San Diego, CA 92119-2012 2012-06-28
1063648483 Rscr California, Inc. Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3066 Camino Aleta, San Diego, CA 92154-4633 2009-06-01
1174705909 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 9575 Aero Dr, San Diego, CA 92123-1803 2007-12-04
1801012927 The Arc of San Diego Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3030 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102-3230 2007-04-17
1255669404 Ryan's Way Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3453 Aveley Pl, San Diego, CA 92111-4727 2009-11-30
1164658589 Rscr California, Inc. Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 3080 Minoa Way, San Diego, CA 92139-3722 2009-06-01
1154557577 Rscr California, Inc. Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 1841 Tamarand Way, San Diego, CA 92154-2860 2009-06-01
1881820207 Rscr California, Inc. Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 1130 Lauriston Dr, San Diego, CA 92154-3325 2009-06-01
1699901017 Rscr California, Inc. Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 628 Omeara St, San Diego, CA 92114-6731 2009-06-01
1972739399 Rscr California, Inc. Intermediate Care Facility, Mentally Retarded 1805 Ionian St, San Diego, CA 92154-2821 2009-06-01
Find all providers in SAN DIEGO


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Zip Code 92102

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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