Address: 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276
Phone: 8043331590

AMERICARE PLUS, LLC (NPI# 1477932549) is a health care provider registered in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).

Provider Overview

Nation Provider ID (NPI) 1477932549
Entity Type Organization
Organization Name AMERICARE PLUS, LLC
Practice Address 42 Mitchell Ave
VA 22572-4276
Mailing Address 19 Pratts Run
VA 22980
Practice Telephone 8043331590
Practice Fax Number 8043331594
Mailing Telephone 5409433298
Mailing Fax Number 5409436785
Enumeration Date 2015-05-22
Last Update Date 2015-05-22
Authorized Official Telephone 8043331590
Is Organization Subpart N


Primary Taxonomy Code Classification License Number License State Taxonomy Group
Y 385H00000X Respite Care HCO-15835 VA Respite Care Facility

Other Provider/Organization Names

Other Name Type Code
AmeriCare Plus - Charlottesville Doing Business As Name - Organization

Other Provider IDs and Locations

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1306244959 Americare Plus, LLC In Home Supportive Care 321 North Madison Road, Orange, VA 22960 2014-12-15
1639577224 Americare Plus, LLC In Home Supportive Care 6689 Fox Centre Pkwy, Gloucester, VA 23061-6134 2014-12-12
1780082388 Americare Plus, LLC In Home Supportive Care 118 South Bridge Street, Bedford, VA 24523 2014-12-12
1508264110 Americare Plus, LLC In Home Supportive Care 203 West Danville Street, South Hill, VA 23970 2014-12-12
1477609857 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 519 E Ridgeway St, Clifton Forge, VA 24422-1328 2007-01-26
1881073948 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1245619303 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1871972935 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1497134555 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1699154757 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22

Office Location

Street Address 42 MITCHELL AVE
State VA
Zip Code 22572-4276

Providers in the same location

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1881073948 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1245619303 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1871972935 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1497134555 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1699154757 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1225417389 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1295114494 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-21
1386023588 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-21
1841679222 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-19
1942689302 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-19
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Providers in the same zip code

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1780059840 The Long Advocacy Group PACE Provider Organization 483 Main Street, Warsaw, VA 22572 2015-12-01
1194022814 Richmond County School Board Local Education Agency (LEA) 460 Main St., Warsaw, VA 22572 2011-02-15
1003053158 Richmond County Board of Supervisors Ambulance 101 Court Circle, Warsaw, VA 22572 2009-01-12
1497945620 Mathieu W Sisk Chiropractor 111 Hamilton Blvd, Warsaw, VA 22572 2007-07-25
1942320247 Clayton E Neal Social Worker 414 Main St., Warsaw, VA 22572 2007-03-30
1700988029 Northern Neck Physical Therapy Limited Partnership Physical Therapist 6128 Richmond Road, Warsaw, VA 22572 2006-09-05
1285671818 Sarah Sherrod Taliaferro Physical Therapist 6128 Richmond Rd, Warsaw, VA 22572 2006-06-01
1689624660 Richmond County Rescue Squad Ambulance 6674 Richmond Rd, Warsaw, VA 22572 2006-05-11
1447208012 Irina P Chandler Dentist 253 Main Street, Warsaw, VA 22572 2006-05-05
1124081963 Dca of Warsaw LLC Clinic/Center 4709 Richmond Road, Warsaw Village Shopping Center, Warsaw, VA 22572 2006-04-11
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Taxonomy Information

Taxonomy Code 385H00000X
Grouping Respite Care Facility
Classification Respite Care

Taxonomy Definition

Definition to come.

Providers in the same taxonomy and city

NPI Name Taxonomy Address Enumeration
1134669633 Smarter Companion Care Respite Care 105 Clark Plz, Warsaw, NC 28398-1800 2017-03-02
1881073948 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1245619303 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1871972935 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1497134555 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1699154757 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1225417389 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-22
1295114494 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-21
1386023588 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-21
1841679222 Americare Plus, LLC Respite Care 42 Mitchell Ave, Warsaw, VA 22572-4276 2015-05-19
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Zip Code 22572

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Dataset Information

Data Provider Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Jurisdiction Medicare & Medicaid

This dataset includes 5.44 million covered health care providers and all health plans and health care clearinghouses, registered with CMA NPPES. Each provider is registered with National Provider Identifier (NPI), full name, status, address, taxonomy, other identifiers, etc.

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